Tag 40? I Think... Might be Wrong... Oh Well

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I was tagged by BentleyMahaxay so here we go.

1.I've never really had a nickname tbh. I mean unless you count the fact that my legal 1st name is Michael and I go by my middle name Jacob 🤷🏻‍♂️

2. Very very blue

3. Very very brown

4. I now work a full time job which is a blessing and a curse. I have a source of income, which is great... but I have to work 40 hours a week which is literal hell

5. Literally any color that isn't yellow

6. At home... in my bedroom... laying in bed 😂

7. I don't really have a favorite celebrity tbh

8. Dogs. Definitely dogs. I love dogs so much. They're the best

9. That's a hard one... I watched the live action Aladdin yesterday and it was hella good, so I'm gonna go with Speechless from Aladdin, it's damn good

10. That's literally impossible for me to answer 😂 I have way too many favorite books

I do not currently have the time to tag 20 people, hence why I scratched that out and wrote ha nope.

If you're reading this and want to do the tag, then consider yourself tagged.

I hope to update some stuff soon as well as get caught up on like all the stories I'm hella behind on. 

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