The Waking Abyss WILL Continue!

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First things first. I know I said I probably wouldn't be on here much for a while, but I still want to write, and I will still write and reply to comments and stuff, just not as fast or soon as I have been.

I finished The Waking Abyss about 4 months ago, and I said that I would probably write some short stories and one shots to continue the story. But I also said that if I could think of an idea for a sequel, that I would write that.

About a month ago I had an absolutely amazing idea (in my opinion at least) for a sequel.

So, at first I was thinking that I would do the short stories and one shots and then do the sequel. But when I started trying to think of ideas for short stories and one shots I couldn't really think of more than 3 or 4, which in my opinion isn't enough. Then, while I was trying to think of more ideas, literally out of nowhere, I had the idea for the sequel.

I'm really excited to begin working on it, but I thought I would ask you all something first.

Would you still want a short story and one shot book?

If so, I would want you to get involved, and give me recommendations or make requests for certain stories for that book.

There will be a few new characters in the sequel (don't worry, all the characters from The Waking Abyss will still be the main characters) so I figured that I would do like I did for The Waking Abyss and give my readers the opportunity to get involved in the story by creating characters that they would want me to add in. Obviously I'll make some of my own, but like I said when I first started this for The Waking Abyss I like having my readers get involved in the story, because I feel like it makes it more interesting and entertaining.

You can choose to base the character off of yourself, completely make one up, base it off a friend or family member, or pretty much anything you want.

Here is a sort of guideline for the kinds of thing I would like you to give me if you want a character added:

1. Name (preferably first and last, and if you want to do a middle name that's fine)
2. Personality
3. Appearance
4. Age
5. Godly parent (you can use literally any god or goddess from Greek or Roman mythology, including primordial gods like Tartarus or Gaea) (you can also choose for your character to be mortal)
6. Abilities you want them to have
7. Any extra stuff you would like to add that I haven't listed

Ok, wow. That ended up being a much longer part than o thought it would be, oh well.


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