This Is What TWD Has Done To Me

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So, yesterday we visited the Tower of London.

Here are some pictures of it.

If you've seen Braveheart, that movie with Mel Gibson in it about the Scottish rebellion against England, this is actually the place where William Wallace (Mel Gibson) was executed in the end of the movie.

Anyway, it's a really cool Fort thing that actually has a lot of pretty interesting history tied to it, but I'm not gonna go into that, not here and now at least, if you want to hear some of it just comment here and ask, and I'll be happy to tell you some cool stuff.

What I want to talk about is something I was thinking about the entire time I was there, while also listening to the tour guide and looking around at stuff.

Thanks to TWD, I was imagining how I could make the Tower of London a really good place to last in a zombie apocalypse for a large group, and I actually came up with some pretty good ideas (in my opinion at least).

But it also got me thinking about something else, we don't have anything about what is happening in Europe during TWD, other then that France was the last group that Dr. Jenner (that scientist guy from the CDC in season 1) knew of were working on finding out what caused the virus thing to start was the French.

Would you guys read a story set in the TWD universe, only it happening in Europe?

Let me know what you think, and maybe, if enough people say they would read it, I might just see what I can do about that. Honestly though, I'm just generally curious if people would read it.

Now to tag people that I know like TWD (games, comics, and/or show)


Well, there's a few people, I probably have some more I could tag but I don't feel like it right now, it'd be cool if you guys could ask other people you know like TWD to come check this part of my random book out, because I want to find out how many people like this idea.


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