Update (I didn't really know what to title this... lol)

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Ok everyone, I know it's been forever since I updated anything. I'm really sorry but I've been super busy and haven't really had the chance to write anything for a while, I've been reading stuff on here but I haven't updated any of my fanfics.

Also, to be honest, I got distracted because for like the past few weeks I've been watching The Walking Dead I finished watching through season 6 and I'm pissed because I can't watch any of season 7 yet because it's not on Netflix.

I'm curious about who has watched it, mainly because I don't have anyone to rant to about it and I really, really need to rant to someone. I'm the only one in my family that watches it because I'm the only one that isn't bothered by the gore (which now that I wrote that I realize that I sound kind of like a psychopath... whatever) my mom and dad watched one episode with me and still give me hell about how I could stand watching it because it was so grotesque. I've pretty much given up on trying to convince them that it's not that bad (once again I sound like a psychopath) so I can't rant to my family.

If you want to rant with me about it then comment or private message me, whatever you want. I really hope there's at least someone on here that has watched it so I can get my ranting out.

Anyway, thanks for reading this kinda pointless part.


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