Yet Another Story Idea

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Ok so I had another story idea that I thought might be interesting to write. Here's the first basic summary, it introduces the three main characters a bit and gives an idea of what the story will relatively be about.

People disappear sometimes, it's a fact of life, and has been for centuries. Sometimes bodies are found and family members and friends get closure about their lost people, others are never seen or heard from again and so remain mysteries.

Sixteen-year-old Shaun McKenna, the oldest of five kids and the man of the house since his dad left, has never gotten closure about his sister Madison going missing. His mother blames him for losing her "favorite child". His other siblings feel bad for Shaun but are glad it's him getting all of mom's anger instead of them. His friends try to help him search for her, but only so they can hang out with him, not because they think the girl will be found.

Nineteen-year-old Carina Garza, the spoiled girl from the rich family that owns almost the entire town has never worried a day of her life. Then both her best friend and her boyfriend disappeared on the same night. Now she worries every day that she might be the next victim of this mystery. She tries to solve the riddle of the disappearances, because God knows she's got nothing better to do now that she's graduated from high school and has no plans of further school or work.

Twelve-year-old Elias Jones never knew his parents, or at least doesn't remember ever knowing them. He's lived by himself in the woods for as long as he can remember. He started out eating insects and small critters he was able to catch with his hands, and eventually started hunting with a bow and quiver of arrows that he stole from an abandoned camp site he stumbled upon one day. He sees people every now and then, but after he sees someone he never sees them again, they're just gone... like they disappeared into thin air.

Any thoughts about it would be greatly appreciated. I love y'all!

I'll have updates posted for stuff soon, I just was extremely inspired this story idea because I had a really weird fucking dream 😂

Anyway, like I said, any thoughts would be appreciated.

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