A new tag thing? - 6/4/17

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Heya people! Finals are this week and I'll probably fail my LA one

Sora: And why's that?

That's of no consequence now. Anyway, I've just been tagged by JayDreams4268 to do this thing called the "Love Me Challenge"   Honestly, I have no idea what it is, but I'll just follow the rules

1. Why am I doing the "Love Me Challenge"?
Because JayDreams4268 tagged me. No idea why, though

2. What is a positive word that describes you?
Hmm, that's tough because I'm not very positive about myself. I guess I'll go with nice, seeing as that's as good and positive as I'll get

3. Write a note to your past self
Don't be a damn procrastinator and pay attention in class, especially LA

4. Write a note to future you

5. What is an objective of yours that you love
I love to read and write my own stories, I just make an excessive amount of characters *looks at growing list for a certain story*

Wait, *looks at Jay's part* that's supposed to be object, I think? Well then, an object I love would have to be my bed and electronics. Bed because I have a word of darkness to myself, that doesn't seem very nice now that I think about it, and electronics because writing everything out is a pain in the wrist

6. What is your quote about beauty?
... I had a good one before WattPad decided to be a butt and didn't save it
Anyway, "Outside beauty is superficial, what matters is the inside. Then again, the prettiest person outside could be the rottenness person inside. Or their outer beauty matches their inner beauty."

7. What is a fear you've overcome?
I'm done with beating afraid of the dark, but my trip to Costa Rica last year made me afraid of what HIDES in the dark

8. What is something you like about yourself?
...I honestly have no idea

9. What is something that makes you beautiful?
Sora: Warning, there will be cussing up ahead. You have been warned
How the flipping fuck would I know?! I'm not a fucking narcissist for fucks sake!!!!!!

10. What is something you like to wear?
Pjs, tank tops, baggy t-shirts and sweatshirts, sweat pants, jeans, tennis shoes, flip flops; essentially clothes I consider comfortable

11. What makes you unique?
... how the fuck should I know?

12. What makes you happy?
Getting money that I'm saving towards something, writing stories, reading, watching anime I like, being on my electronics, making OCs

13. What makes you feel beautiful?
I'm changing this for myself: What makes you feel like a girl? Wearing fancy dresses because flowing casual ones make me feel like me, whereas wearing fancy dresses make me feel like my fucking gender!

14. Tag 15 people
Fuck yeah!
Failingatnames (been a while, Fai)

I'm done. Goodnight

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