Hmm - 4/26/17

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Crystal: She needs help

Sora: No duh

Silva: Is there anything we can do to help? *points to herself and all the other OCs*

Crystal: Who knows. She's never been like this before. When on of  her pets died, she cried or at least felt sad

Sora: This time is different because she isn't crying or feeling any emotion

I'm right here, ya know! 💢

Crystal: Well, you weren't saying anything

That's because I don't know what to feel at the moment

Nanalie: Then explain. Maybe that might help

Alright. *takes a breath* My mom just told me that my bunny had died last night, and didn't tell me earlier

Horatia: That's sad

Ryuto: Suck it up and move on

Cloud: Says the guy who isn't over his parents death

Ryuto: Buzz off, short stack!


*everyone hears Cloud and Ryuto bickering in the distance as they readied their decks*

Cloud and Ryuto: *glaring daggers at each other as sparks fly between them* Stand up! Vanguard!

Seriously wasn't expecting this to be a convo *sweat-dropping while looking at the match*

Horatia: That's what happens when they're in the same room together

Silva: How would you know that?

Horatia: I'm technically not from your time

Nanalie: Oh

Anyway, can someone get Adrien and Ace?

Ace: We're here.

Adrien: What did the little Shrub do this time?

Silva: He annoyed Ryuto. Look at the previous things above

Ace & Adrien: *looks*

Anyway, I'll see how to deal with my lack of grief later. Apparently, there is a show about Cosplayers competing in a competition like Face Wars and Fashion Runway. Anyway, see ya~

Horatia: Bye little readers!

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