Merry Christmas! - 12/24/16

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I know that it isn't Christmas yet, it's tomorrow, but I won't be able to update anything because I'll be spending time with my family, as I think that most all of you will be doing as well. I'm not sure. Anyway, why not have a Christmas-ish chat with the characters I've made? I just want to talk with them. I know that I've made some with the same names, so I'll just use their last names.

Nova (from Galaxy Heart and Eclipse Soul, and the two books after): When are you going to up date The truth, Or Not? author?

Spectre (Second Chance to Start Anew, and others later): And also, you've got characters with the SAME NAMES!!!!!

I know what you mean, The Dragon of the Leaf and Night of a New Dawn. So what?

Poseidra (Night of a New Dawn): Just refer to one of us with our first name and the other with our last.

Fyre (The Dragon of the Leaf): She already did.

Yep. Anyway, why are you here Fyre? I didn't think that the Naruto Universe celebrated Christmas.

Fyre: It doesn't. I'm just here cause I'm bored.

When is anyone not bored?

Spectre: When you've got something to do?

Exactly! I'm basically constantly bored because my things don't keep me occupied for long.

Nova: What type of things?

My laptop, fanfics, manga

Nova: What are those?

I forgot, you and Fyre are in universes that don't have laptops or fanfics. But I think, never mind.

Tia (Sky): Did I hear manga?

You did. I forgot that all of you have some aspect of me in you.

Tia: No you didn't. You always think that OCs have a little bit of their creators personality in them, even the ones that are most like the creator don't have their exact personality.

-_- Why are you so mature?

Tia: *shrugs shoulders* You made me a hit-woman, you tell me.

............................................ I hate you

Nova: No, you love us all.


Tia: What's wrong?

Rika (Shadows of the Night): What's going on?

Nova: Author is being a pain.

Rika: Before that?

Poseidra: We were talking about Christmas.

Rika: Why?

Fyre: Look at the top.

You all are being pains

Fyre: How so?

I've realized that most of my OCs are girls.

Tia: *face-palm* You just now realized that?

No. I've known that most of my OCs are girls, I just never made a deal about it until now. Reminds me of the water bottle.

Poseidra: What do you mean?

Well, in my choir room, there is a water bottle that is in a position that seems to be impossible to reach. I always looked at it, but never actually paid it any mind until one of my classmates pointed it out. Funny how I gloss over things.

Tia: This has gone seriously off topic.

Yeah. I guess that I can't really talk about Christmas with my characters.

Nova: But you can talk about something else right? I bet the readers might get a laugh or something out of it.

Yeah. Which reminds me of something that people keep saying in the Galra Keith theory.

Tia: And that is?

I haven't gotten to the point they talk about in the theory, but I find it odd.

Poseidra: Continue....

It's when Pidge confesses to being a girl. They say that it would be a good time for Keith to confess he is a Galra, part or full doesn't really mater to me, but it raises a question in me about that.

Tia: And that would be?

If the Galra is Team Voltron's enemy, why would Keith tell them that he is Galra. I mean, the pics of Galra Keith are cute and all, but still. Telling your team, who have strong bonds with, that your the enemy, who wouldn't be afraid of their reactions.

Poseidra: Of course. If you told your friends your secret that may comprise your friendship, I'd be afraid to tell them as well.

Which reminds me, YOU have a secret that you're keeping from the knights, aren't you? *smirk*

Poseidra: DON'T GIVE THEM SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry. :P I'm bored.

Tia: Still, that's no excuse to go and tell them spoilers. You want to keep them in suspense, don't you?

Which reminds me, how long until Reborn finds out your secret? How long until tuna fish's famiglia finds out your secret?

Fyre: Ok. The spoiling has gone on for long enough

Zip it Dragon.

Dragona (The Dragon of the Leaf): You do NOT talk to my host like that!

Fyre: Knock it off Wyvern

hehe. I'm not spoiling anything right now.

Nova: Alright. We should all calm down now.

?: Why? let them cause Chaos. It's entertaining.

Aquamarine! You're not supposed to be here!

Aquamarine: Why should I? Alli isn't even in the pic.

*face-palm* I've been.................... distracted. I'll write your guys' stories later

Aquamarine: When Author? WHEN?!?!?!?!

WHEN I ACTUALLY HAVE SOME TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aquamarine: So, over your winter break?

I barely have enough time over winter break as is.

Nova: Why?

I only have one week for winter break because we had a week for Thanksgiving break. I'm used to having two weeks off for winter.

Aquamarine: if only I were real

Don't you DARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I don't know why that got so out of hand. I'll go and leave now so that I can try and do something productive, like think of how to continue my fanfics, come up with some plot for my YGO and YJ crossover, figure out my self inserted story, and watch some anime and cartoons. So, until I put something in here later, Ja ne and FELIZ NAVIDAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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