Something Strange When I Read Love Live Random

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I don't know why, but whenever I read something about NicoMaki just insult each other like the newest chapter on nicodumbass2207's "Love Live Random Story", I feel so triggered. 

Lots of the stories are usually Maki insulting Nico. And to be honest, I just want to give Maki a big slap at that point and shout "HOW THE F**K CAN YOU DO THAT TO HER?!?!?" although Maki is my favorite. I just don't know about this anymore. Probably because....

I find in Nico Yazawa my shadow in it. My family and her family are poor with only one person goes to work for the whole family, we have siblings - she has 2 younger sisters and a little brother, I have a younger brother - and we have went through the pain of losing our relatives. She lost her dad when she was small, I lost my mother when I was 9. And also, we are both ignored at school. Nico is ignored because she want to show her cuteness, I was ignored because I had some speech scandals against my class. We are both bullied at school. Nico often being Washi Washi by Nozomi, insulted by Maki and lots of other stuffs. I am called "trash", being pranked and I even fight my classmates.

So because of that, I feel like Nico should have more respect from her classmates. And probably that explained how I feel bad for Nico when she was insulted by Maki, when actually, Maki should be the one who consoling her. 

For example, I read a story like this:

Nico: I had a nightmare last night.
Maki: What was it?
Nico: I was died because of a car accident. I was walking along the street when a truck hit me.
Maki: Don't worry, I died as well.
Nico: ...Really?
Maki: I died laughing.

Is that funny to you? I just find this offensive as fuck. Later, Asunasen - the creator of the story had to delete it and apologize me. She said that she "didn't think straight" that time. 

Maybe I made this too seriously. But who knows? I wanted to share my feelings and how I feel triggered because of insults. 

I'm not a joking person, after all.

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