Harry Potter + The Doctor

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I just had an awesome idea, what if they make a movie based around a crossover of Doctor Who and Harry Potter? Imagine what would happen, vashta narada and dementors, Voldemort and Davros, the silence and werewolves. Harry and the Doctor, along with Hermoine, Ron, Rose, River, Martha, Jack, Amy and Rory have to separate their dimensions and save their worlds. The Doctor's timeline would be crossed and the 11th and 10th help. Along with Rose coming back from the parral universe, and a crazy amount of monsters and people from the Doctor's and Harry's past, oh and a huge amount of running involved

Basic plot. Name of movie: Potter Meets The Doctor

The 10th Doctor and Martha are going through the time vortex and is shoved off into space by an unknown object, the TARDIS and the object collide once again creating massive waves of time energy that echos into the galaxy, within the TARDIS the Doctor is rushing about looking at the screens frantically flicking switching and moving levers until the TARDIS shakes violently and stops moving. "Where are we Doctor?" Martha asks. "No idea," he replies.

Martha rushes to the door opening it before the Doctor can stop her, she steps into the sunshine of the scottish contrey side and a huge castle in the distance and gasps because there are two blue boxes standing side by side and out of the other box steps the 11th Doctor with Amy and Rory. The tenth Doctor follows Martha and looks in confusion at the blue boxes standing side by side. "What? What?!" The Doctor says. "How are there two TARDIS'?" Asks Amy looking to the tenth to the eleventh.

I'll let your own minds fill in what happens next, if this was a movie it would happen a bit differently but the concept stands the same, potterheads whovians you with me on this?!

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