•Dhamaaka• دھماکہ• Bang•

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As it would her father had come to call her downstairs as the Razdan family had arrived. The guest apparently had already started the party in full swing. The guests were mingling everywhere and her sisters were standing with the Razdan family, smiling politely at every passing them by. 

Arisha had been taken down by her father, which seemed a dream in itself. 

As she approached the hall she peeked a little to get a proper look at Zoraiz. Who was standing behind Zayaan and was interacting with someone? 

She was sure it was a day of surprises all around because it was as if he felt her eyes on him and turned to look at her descending the stairs, with her father. 

She had not known Zoraiz long either would she say she could tell of his moods very well or read his expression very well, but the surprise of watching her in his mother's clothes was prevalent on his face.

Arisha was not sure what to make of this man. One moment he was calm, cool, collected and an intelligent individual. The next moment he could turn into a hot-tempered, ruthless,  cunning, and highly political individual. 

Currently, he was a cool, calm and collected version of himself. Arisha will not be associating 

intelligent with him for some time. 

Walking and looking around she saw so many gathered around some she recognised some she had no idea about. Many just here for the pomp and show. Allah how she hated pomp and show. But she was the daughter of a leader and leaders can only lead with examples, hence the pomp and show were needed aspect of her life. 

Now more than ever though cause from today onwards every aspect of her life was going to be in public display for all to see. 

Walking with her father by her side was strange for Arisha which probably was reflecting on her face since Zoraiz came forward and took her hand from her father, both the men whispered something to each other, Allah knows what!

Zoraiz then walked her towards the stage setup. 

"I am sorry I could not find the dupatta, but I really did want you to wear it," Zoraiz said in a low voice meant only for her ears with a smile on his face. They arrived at the stage and Zoraiz put forth his hand for her to hold while he helped her up. 

Arisha looked at him a smiled for good measure and kept her hand in his. On the stage, they greeted the families and everyone complimented Arisha on how pretty she looked. Zayaan's mum especially happy to see her in the clothes, possibly because they were her elder sisters after all. 

She was greeted enthusiastically by her soon to be brother-in-law. Zayaan as always was a happy lucky go and a smiling personality. 

"Looking hot haan bhabhi," he complimented Arisha and received a light smack from his brother on the head, to which he replied, " Bhabhi to bola na." This made Arisha really smile for the first time that evening.

"You are talking everybody else," Zoraiz commented to her when the greetings were out of the way. 

"Astute observation," Arisha replied with a smile on her face. 

"Are you angry?" Zoraiz asked as if a child was hesitant to ask something from their parents. If she wasn't still miffed at him she would have laughed at his child-like question and expression. 

"Very good, Zoraiz, you how to make obvious facts known," Arisha replied. 

Zoraiz went silent after that. In deep wonder inside his mind, Zoraiz had a mask of indifference on his face, but Arisha could see slight worry lines on his forehead. could see how his beautiful eyes were contemplating some deep truth. 

He looked handsome in a light pink kurta with an olive green vest, not that he did not look handsome on a daily basis. He had worn colours matching hers!

"I don't know, what to do," He spoke suddenly breaking Arisha's creepy starting spell. 

"What to do..... about what? " Arisha asked completely out of his side of the conversation which she was sure he had in his head. 

"About you being angry with me, usually its the other way around, I do not know how to handle someone else be angry at me, other than my Abba, and Zayaan's Ammi," Zotaiz replied lowly, careful not to let anyone else in on the conversation. 

Arisha was absolutely blown away, "You have never had anyone angry at you, like ever?" she asked trying to keep the wonder away from her voice even though it managed to escape. 

"Once, but that was a lifetime ago, and since then, not even Abba gets angry like this anymore," Zoraiz was totally out of his wits here. Arisha could not help but smile at him, at which he frowned. 

"Well, don't worry Mr Razdan I will give you plenty of opportunities henceforth to practice your apologising skills, for now, you can start with a simple Sorry and I will allow it, but as the years of your togetherness grow I will expect long paragraphs of sorries, essays, even dissertations if you will, I mean the final goal will be a thesis of course," Arisha replied with a completely straight face and as she spoke Zoraiz'z lips twitched with she considered a smile with so many people watching. 

"I did my thesis long ago," Zoraiz replied the smile not showing on his face, clear in his voice. 

"Well good, then you have the experience, right now though a simple Sorry, Five letters, one word," Arisha knew she was practically demanding a sorry from the most ruthless politician of the country. 

Zoraiz was conscious, most likely because so many people were there, not that anyone was hearing but still conscious.

"How about after the engagement ceremony, " Arisha suggested and Zoraiz almost looked relieved and just nodded. 

Arisha had to hide a smile at their conversations. Extremes of goods, bads, and sweets all in a span of 5 or six days, Allak knows how her the rest of her life would be like, extremes one after another. 

It will be an interesting adventure that is for sure. 

The evening went on and soon it was time for the ring exchange. Arisha held her hand out first as Zoraiz slipped on the beautiful delicate ring which she had selected that day, the one which no one had even looked at twice, she looked at the ring and then at Zoraiz who was pleased to see her surprised expression. 

Arisha was handed the ring by her sister and she slipped on to Zoraiz ring finger. and like that it was official, Zoraiz and Arisha would get married to one another, but for now, they were a [art of each other lives in a way which was the undeniable hard truth. 

A truth that Arisha did not mind any more. 

The ceremony was done with Zoraiz parents and her father all exchanging 'Mubarak baats' and there were sweets being passed around. 

The evening turned to night and the moon shined high in the sky bearing witness to the events happening. The moon saw as the guest started to dwindle and he saw as only two families remained. The moon was also about to bear witness to the devastating event which will be the start of all the hardship the newly engaged couple will have to go through. 

As the guest left and the families were left to tea and coffee in the parlour, Arisha was actually feeling happy. Even if the start o the day had been not that good. 

Zoraiz was sitting next to her and suddenly when he saw that everyone is busy with their own stuff and thought this was his only chance to apologise to her. He saw that Arisha seemed different right now. 

"I am sorry, for that day. It was inappropriate of me,  to speak like that. It wasn't intentional but it was wrong. I can be insensitive at times, because I am like that. I can not effort to be soft or caring if I want to survive in this world of politics. And I am sure there will be many more incidents like this one, all I ask is patience. Again, I am sorry," Zoraiz said all this without really looking at her but Arisha heard every word. 

She knew what politicians were like she knew that very well actually, and she knew that every word Zoariaz spoke was the truth, but she also knew that he was going to hurt her intentionally one day. Because in politics the good of the country comes before the good of your own family. 

"It's alright," she replied with this fact in mind, and gave him a small smile as good measure, and went back to wondering about the strange day she had today, that the strange dream. 

"What are you thinking," came Zoraiz's question interrupting her thoughts. 

"Just about the day, It started with a very strange nightmare you know, and it still turned out to be quite well," Arisha replied thinking about the wonderful day. 

"What nightmare?" Zoraiz asked, clearly interested in her nightmare. 

"Well was surrounded by faceless people, and I could hear my family calling out to me, I was shoot in my stomach. And you were there, I was going to say something to you, you looked so sad, but then a hand came in my sight and it shoot me again. I felt nothing or maybe death but then I woke up," Arisha replied watching the seven happen again clear as the sun in her mind. 

For a few moments zoraiz remained quite, probably contemplating the dream as she was. But then his hand came to rest on hers which made her look back at him. 

He looked distraught, but with a steely determination in his eyes, as if nothing could waver his solemnly made vow, " Nothing will happen to you. You are my responsibility from now on, it does not matter if at times I shout at you or we have fights, but I will keep you safe. Nothing will ever happen like that. I promise,"

Arisha knew this, she could see that in his eyes, he would not let anything happen to her, he was good man. He might be a bad boy but he was good man. 

But she also knew the world they lived in, and she also knew that everything was never in their control. It is was power above who controlled everything, and he willed, then nothing could stop his will. 

" You can not promise that, you should not. If it is Allah's will then it will happen," Arisha said softly holding onto her fiancé hand. 

"Well then I will try my damn best," Zoraiz said with the more fiery conviction. 

"I know you will," Arisha replied totally believing this truth. 

but somewhere she knew that something will go wrong as if it was warning. A warning for what though she had no idea. 

"Lets open the presents, " Inaya said and suddenly there was a flutter of activity with everyone agreeing and gifts being brought in. 

Arisha looked around, her family both her families, happy and sound. 


She sent a quick prayer to Allah, and prayers that this peace may always prevail upon their family. 

She noticed one more box which she had noticed once in the day, but she was too busy in her own mind to even think of it. She excused herself and went towards it thinking it might be gift which was missed by the workers and placed separately. 

Ianaya said she could go, but Arisha refused, may it was for the best. 

As Arisha walked towards the box , Zoraiz watched her smiling at something Inaya had said about Arisha. 

Arisha had barely reached the box might have been only 5 feet away when it blew up with a loud boom, throwing Arisha a few feet back. 

Arisha heard the sound, but didn't. She felt the heat emmiting from the blast and felt a few sparks on her skin, but where exactly she had no idea. She felt herself being thrown by such a great force of heat, almost like a wave trying to drown her. but not quite like it. she felt herself slipping before she even fell, but somehow she felt the impact of landing on the floor and heard the several screams. 

And then nothing.

Because of the ending I did not think that this chapter warranted a Sher or Nazm. 

Also, I am back lovelies, finally, my exams are over, and they went well, Inshahallah the results will be well. So, leave your thoughts, and I am truly sorry for the cliffhanger. 

Lots of love and if all goes well I have surprise for all of you by the next update. 

Afaf xoxo

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