Tag #7 aka A seriously twisted tag

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These tags are getting out of hand now! But I love doing 'em! So this time it's Ravi's girl TheCeepergirl thanks for the tag!💕

Also, it's HyuKen for this tag!❤️❤️❤️

1.What's your favourite type/kind of music?
I don't have one exactly. Whatever catches my attention. Mostly upbeat, sometimes ballads. Depends on my mood I guess!

2.What's your favourite song?
Apart from Kpop, "There's nothing holding me back" by Shawn Mendes and "No promises" by Cheat codes and Demi Lovato are my recent jams. I listen to them on repeat and then on repeat again!

3. Do you like reading fanfics of your bias?
I like reading any fanfic really. Since I don't have a VIXX bias. For example, a couple of days ago I read a Mingyu (from seventeen) fanfic and I completely fell in love with the guy and I'm not even a hardcore Carat!

4. If you can pick one, what is your bias group?
Well if you still haven't noticed after my previous tag, and my profile pic and my username......it's VIXX!!!

5.If you get to meet your bias group, what do you think you'll do?
I would ask for a hug from all of them. And I don't know what I'll say. I'll think of it at that time! ;)

6.What do you dream of when you grow up?
I want to be a chef or a business woman. Either way, I want to be independent. I know, I sound old and boring already!

7.If you lost your love life to someone else, what would you do? And why?
Ok, this could go only one way for me even if it happens like either 1 from 2 ways.
1) I lose my love life after he cheats on me
2) We end on good terms and we go our seperate ways
I have a huge pride and that's the reason that I try to do everything right. Yeah, it's kind of a bad thing to have that much pride, but I'm working on it! So if I lose my love life to any of those 2 reasons, I would just move on. I wouldn't go through a depression phase or try to take him back. But if that idiot cheats on me, I will first make sure that the new girl knows what kind of an a**h***(sorry!) he is. Yup, I'm a bit insensitive. But maybe it will change when it happens for real?

8. Do you believe in ghosts?
Yup, but not extremely like they show in those witness stories!

9. What's you're opinion on sasaeng fans?
I don't think it's an opinion, because I'm pretty sure no one justify anyone being a creepy stalker. I find them a bit scary actually. I mean,how can you get the nerve the nerve to invade someone else's privacy or scare them? Bottom line, they're scary and I hope that they realise that what they're doing is wrong.

10. Are you a gamer?
Nope. But I don't have anything against it. I just never got into it!

11. What do you call beauty?
A trait that even a blind person will be able to see

12. If you're into Kpop, how did u get into Kpop?
I did this in the previous tag, and it's a long story so scroll up!

13. If your best friend, or ultimate bias disappeared, who would you go looking for? Why or why not?
I would find my best friend first! Because we are mentally in sync, I know that she might leave a trail or something for me to find her. Then after that, we both put our masterminds together and go find my ultimate bias! (Is this answer even valid? :))

SO HERE ARE MY 13 QUESTIONS! (Some of them are lame btw!)
1. If you could go anywhere, where would you go?

2. What do you look for in your significant other?

3. Did you used to hate all things korean before you got into Kpop or KDrama or both? (Cuz that's what happened to me)

4.Do you believe in love at first sight?

5. What usually cheers you up when you're sad?

6. What kind of personality do you have, Kpop idol wise?

7. Do you like coffee or tea?

8. What's your opinion on the production of idols from entertainment companies?

9. Which English tv sitcoms are your favourite?

10. Name 3 of you're favourite Korean dramas, actors and actresses.

10.(If your not into Kdramas) Name 3 of your favourite singers. (Non Kpop)

11. Are you double personality-ied? (One personality at home, another outside home)

12. What is you're favourite colour?

13. What would you like as a gift from your significant other on a special day?

OK! There ya go! Tag backs are allowed btw. But ONLY for this challenge! Now I'm gonna tag 13 people! Sorry if it annoys anyone! Have fun answering my questions!
See you in the next one! Bye!

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