Chapter Thirteen, Dress And Distress,

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(There are some adult themes and I'm going to curse a bit in this one, so be prepared!)

Phoenix's POV

I was in Sirena's room, and before you get any idea's, we were just talking! Well, I was dancing, she was talking. I was dancing to the music of a musical I was in, while Sirena watched me. Her face was bright red, but grinning, and was looking at me with googly eyes. I wanted to kiss her some more, but she insisted I show her this one dance for the musical I'm in. I'm in the musical Hairspray, as the lead of course. I had no idea I would get cast, it just happened. Honestly, I thought I was auditioning for a Hairspray commercial!

"You still look a goddess after all these years..." Sirena says wistfully, sprawled out on her oversized bed.

I blush and stumble forward because of the compliment, which I never normally get. I get right back into the music, but with Sirena's starry-eyed grin, I couldn't focus. I fell forward while trying to do a grand leap and landed on my arm. Sirena rushes over to help me up quickly, asking me if I'm hurt and whatnot. I tell her it's only a bruise, and since I didn't land on my wrist I'm fine.

I hear the creak of the door opening, "What are you two doing in here? I heard a loud noise!"

Our faces red, we stand next to each other and say in unison, "Nothing!"

Rey grins, "As long as you aren't having sex in here, I'm fine!"

Then she closes the door on us, leaving us as red-faced as ripe tomatoes.

~Two Hours Later~

We sit on the lawn, spread out on a soft blanket. Twenty-one pilots play softly in the distance. Sirena told me she knew the perfect place to relax, and she really does. It's a hill that gradually goes up, and on top of it, you can see the entire camp. We dangle our feet of the edge, smiling goofy smiles, and relaxing. The world below us is filled with rainbow colors, each one illuminated by a child wearing a rainbow glowstick, or someone who has a rainbow flashlight. It's all so beautiful, and so worth the half an hour hike to get here.

Sirena sits next to me, wearing a black dress with rainbow butterflies on it. One shoulder of the dress has three straps to hold it up in a design pattern, while the other side just has a sleeve. It's a wonderful dress, I wonder where she got it from, but I don't ask. I don't want to ruin the moment we are having. Her hair is a short fishtail braid, making her look like a mermaid. She sighs contently, looking at the camp below us.

After a while, she turns to me and says, "Ever since I met you, I knew we had a connection. I finally know what it means now!"

I giggle softly, "I'm so glad I found you today..."

"I have never dated anyone...I was always too afraid they would leave me like you did. But with you back and us like this," She gestures vaguely to us, "I'm glad I'm with you..."

I kiss her softly on the forehead, "I will try my best to not leave you, but with school and work, it's kind of hard to balance a relationship..."

She sighs, discontent this time, "I understand..."

I slip my arm around her waist, "Don't think for one second that I don't want to be with you. My college is an hour away from here, and so is my job. I can't lose that opportunity because it's once in a lifetime. You, I know you'll always be here for me to come back too,"

"Where do you work?" She asks me as I rest my head on top of her's.

"I'm actually becoming pretty famous, in the art world at least, and was offered a job at the Pennsylvania School Of Performing Arts, so I do competitions with them and am doing Hairspray at a local theatre near there," I say, trying my best to sound sincere.

She pulls her knee's up to her chest, trying to look strong. She was trying to be the big person in all this, she was trying to be strong. But we both know she isn't. She barries her head in her legs, which I know from experience means she's going to cry. I caress her back like she did to me in these very same woods six years ago.

"You look so wonderful in your dress, I love your hair like that. The way it falls down the side of your neck, down your shoulders in back," I sing softly into her ear, "We are surrounded by all these lies and people who talk too much. You've got this kind of look in your eye as if no one knows anything but us."

"Are you singing because the song fits the situation or because you want to cheer me up?" Sirena grumbles.

"Should this be the last thing I see, I want you to know it's enough for me. Cause' all that you are is all that I'll ever be. So in in in in love. You look so beautiful in this light, silhouette over me. The way it brings out the blue in your eyes, it the Tenerife sea," I sing.

"My eyes aren't blue," She whispers, her voice pained.

I giggle to try to reassure her that everything will be alright, "It's just the lyrics, I know your eyes are hazel, like trees with leaves as the backdrop, or chocolate with green M & M's in them."

She shivers slightly, "Long distance relationships never work..."

"We'll make it work," I whisper, "Somehow, you and me, we can do this,"

"No..." Sirena gasps, trying to hold in her sobbing, "It won't work, you're too far away, and too busy! You'll have no time for me....."

I hug her tightly, "Don't talk like that, I love your Sirena. I've loved you since the day I met you. I will make time for you! I promise..."

Sirena takes my arms and gingerly pushes me away from her, she stands up dramatically, like someone would in a musical. She takes a step away from me, looking at the grass and flowers below us. I stand up, making sure I am right by her side. I touch her arm gently and she snatches it away.

"I'm sorry Phoenix," She whispers, "But I just, I just can't..."

And then she starts to run down the path which runs down the hill. I run after her, knowing that she won't want me too. But I do it anyway because I love her, I love her so much.

Sirena's POV

I couldn't bring myself to tell her the real reason she can't be with me. It would hurt her too much, and I don't want to to be in any more pain. You're probably wondering what that reason is, right? It's because of her fame. She's all famous in the arts, teaching at a dance school, being in musicals, and I'm just me. Phoenix can dance, can sing, can enchant, but all I can do is tell you all the presidents in alphabetical order. She's a literal goddess of music and I'm just a peasant. Peasant and goddesses don't go together. They just don't.

So that's why I ran. I ran all the way into the house, past couples holding hands and kissing tenderly. It made me ill to seem them like that. I wanted to be like that with Phoenix, but it'll never happen. It won't happen. The sooner she realizes this the better. I run. Not because I want too, but because society wants me too.

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