Three : Pidge

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"Stressors... my brother is a fucking bitch." Pidge stated. Reaching up and taking her sunglasses off. Exposing her face for all to see.

"That didn't take long." Keith remarked.

"Shut your fuck."

Keith chuckled. His lips forming a smirk, arms still shaking from anxiety. "Tell that to Lance."

Lance leaned foreword. Elbows resting on his knees, eyes resting on Hunk. The Cuban did a dramatic gasp, "I am offended!" He screeched, hands rushing to his chest.

Coran groaned, smiling nevertheless. "Now group, no cursing. Pidge, what about successes?" Pidge swallowed the saliva layered thickly in her mouth. She set her glasses on her lap. "Well, now that I'm blind I don't need glasses to see anymore. Just sunglasses to hide myself like an emo." Lance snorted, turning to Keith.

"As Keith is an emo and rightly identifies as so, he is offended."

"Shut up, Lance!"

Coran snapped his fingers. Drawing attention to himself from everyone but Lance. Hunk quickly got Lance to stare at Coran. Lance unaffected by the 'slightly strange if he wasn't deaf and a bit oblivious' treatment from his best friend.

"Pidge, that was a great first try. You did great! How about. . . Shiro!" Coran exclaimed gleefully. Shiro was in the corner of the room, his hair a vivid white. His shirt was tight, revealing the outline of a prosthetic for his left arm.

His dark grey eyes met Keith, giving Coran a small shrug.

"I'm Shiro." His smooth voice answered, Pidge turning her head to his direction. "I can't tell what's real. And there seems to be something hissing at us... I-in the walls." His voice grew quieter as his eyes grazed across the room. Stopping at the wall to his left, eyes widening as his grip on his prosthetic tightened. Coran got up, Lance closing his eyes and Hunk turning away slightly. Keith put his hands on his wheels, getting ready to turn. Shiro tensed up, not moving has a thin layer of sweat covered his forehead. His breath being held until Coran came to touch his flesh shoulder.

A large breath was released and Shiro crouched over. "Sorry." He dismissed his moment of fear. Keith wheeled over to him, concern etched in the depths of his eyes. Keith laid his hand over Shiro's thigh, squeezing it gently.

"I have schizophrenia, as you've probably guessed." Hunk poked Lance's face to tell him it was safe to open his eyes. Pidge hesitantly listened to Shiro again, feeling the atmosphere lighten up slightly.

"Stressors... Adam left me. I told him I wanted to go back to working abroad. He got pissed at me. I slept on the couch." Shiro paused. He gulped before continuing. Tears starting to gather in his eyes.

"He left. No note, no nothing. Everything he owns is out of the apartment. It feels... empty."

Keith threw his arms up in fury.

"That son of a bitch!" He shouted.

"Keith!" Coran protested. "Keep your anger in check." His voice lowered to a gentle reminder. Pidge snorted, she could almost imagine how Keith looked. Red faced, long bangs, probably in black or red.

What did red look like again?

A problem for another day.

"I'm okay, I guess. So, successors now. Three months clean and going strong! I honestly didn't think I'd make it that far. I'm proud. Which is weird." Shiro shrugged bashfully.

"Well we're proud of you too, space dad." Lance said, grinning. Hunk nodded enthusiastically. Pidge did a small nod, having only known Shiro for a few minutes.

"Anyone care to go next?" Coran spoke after a few moments of silence. The group looked sideways at Keith. He finally got the cue.

"Stressors. Let's see, my mom who abandoned me decided to join my work force so now she's my fucking partner. Gotta say, she's pretty chill. But she is bringing back abandonment issues that were heightened when my dad died." His hands fiddled in his lap. Thick fingerless gloves hiding his palms. His hair fell into his face, he didn't bother pushing it away.

"Today was the 13th anniversary of my dad's death. So I'm all kinds of shitty. But, like Coran says during lunch every time they serve us tuna. We gotta appreciate the crappy tuna cause some poor folks love tuna and would become president if promised tuna." Keith bit his lip. Continuing after a few beats.

"Successors are pretty tame. Got a dog, turned 19 a few weeks ago, and I finally got the money for physical therapy. The doc says I have a slim chance of walking again, but Lance told me if I didn't take that chance he'd steal my dog." Keith finished with a thumbs up from Lance.

"I love his dog!" He shouted, pointing finger guns to Pidge. Pidge didn't reply, not noticing the Cuban had done anything toward them.

"I'm Lance. My stressors are that my sister Veronica is turning into an alcoholic since her break up. Or at least I think she is. She buys a new thing of wine everyday and always crashes in my bed? It's a bit strange but mama isn't beating her ass yet so I guess it's not that bad. Other than my sister's drinking problem, I told my papi I was gay and a demiboy. He took it well? Well, well enough as a homophobic person does." Lance shrugged in the middle of talking. His volume was varying with each word. He continued, Pidge was unamused.

"But that's all fine and dandy. I got to go to Keith's shack! It was shit, like seriously dude, it's breaking several health codes!"

"Leave my house out of it, you ass!"

"Boys!" Coran scolded.

"Anywho, Keith's dog is a super doggo. We stan Cosmo."

Keith groaned.

"Not his name." He argued.

Lance paid no mind to Hunk's ASL translation.

"But successor time! I got accepted into Garrison. I start next June. They don't even care if my hearing is gone. It's pretty cool. I'll be like, a space ninja." Pidge laughed at this.

"Mama is insisting on trying hearing aids so I can hear something. I don't know what I feel about it yet. Especially with Veronica's tuition. But enough about me, your turn Hunk," Lance finished in one breath. Hunk nodded and started to sign. Coran acted as a translator.

"Stressors, my moms still want me to talk, but I don't think I want to talk. It's weird. Whenever I try, I clam up and my throat feels like it's swelling. I got a new, one-on-one therapist, her name is Ms. Lioness. She insists I call her yellow." Coran nodded as Lance clapped Hunk on the back.

"Successes, I'm officially fluent in ASL. That's it." Coran translated with a grin.

"Good sharing, group! Lunch in four minutes." He concluded, getting up from his seat and opening the door.

Pidge let out a sigh.

This is interesting, she concluded.

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