13: Mysteries

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Jen's POV

I woke up the next morning before Pat, like usual. Getting up quietly, I made my side of the bed before walking outside. I saw Matt and Mark heading off into the woods. Curious, I followed them. I moved through the trees behind them. Mark was rambling on about something to Matt. After a while, Matt stopped him, then began talking in a hushed voice. I climbed the tree I was hiding behind to get a better view. Matt and Mark were talking in hushed voices before I heard Matt tell Mark to head back to the village. Confused, I stayed to watch over Matt, who took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He was standing, still and silent.

It was almost scary how still he was, as if he wasn't breathing. I continued watching him in silence. Time itself seemed to stop, as if the forest was frozen. I was almost scared to move, watching Matt intently. I suddenly saw him tense up, as if he was angry. His body became tenser and tenser, then he fell to the ground, limp. It's as if he passed out. I almost went to get him, but he woke up and started to run. He didn't get far before he fell to the ground again. His actions were starting to scare me. It's as if someone was turning him on and off remotely. I waited, debating if I should go get Pat or not. After a moment, I decided I couldn't leave Matt there. He seemed to be barely breathing! I climbed down from the tree and cautiously approached Matt. He was still laying on the ground, untouched. I kneeled next to him, reaching out my hand to feel his heartbeat. As I reached out, I heard something. It seemed like someone was whispering in my ear, but I couldn't tell what they were saying. I hesitated, pulling my hand away slightly. The voices in my ear stopped. I decided Matt was worth it, reaching out and touching his chest.

I was thrown backwards, into oblivion. I felt myself hit something hard. Suddenly, my hands were tied to the arms of a chair. I tried to struggle to get free, fearful of what may come next. I saw a figure approach me. "Hello, Jennifer..." He said. I couldn't tell who it was. The only people who knew me by Jennifer were Pat and my parents. This voice didn't sound familiar, but sounded like pure evil. I felt something touch my shoulder. It seemed to be a hand, but it was cold. I didn't know what was happening. It was almost pitch-black darkness and all I could see was the figure in front of me. The cold hand squeezed my shoulder slightly. I tensed up, unsure of what was happening. The figure moved closer to me. I felt it. It's as if I could feel everything that was going on around me. I tried to move away, but I was bound too tightly. He whispered, "We're going to have a lot of fun together..."

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