Chapter 24 Birthday Girl

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The night before Saturday, Michelle found herself second-guessing her decision. On one hand, she wanted to go to the club for the first time on her birthday and party with the crew. On the other hand, with the guilt-inducing looks she'd been getting from Payton for the last few days, she felt her anger bubble up every time she thought of going out. Payton made her feel like she was putting herself in danger by going to the club. And that she didn't care about what he had said that day. He hadn't even spoken to her and had given her the cold shoulder since then.

She was sitting on the couch writing some music when she felt like she was being watched. She looked up. Yep, there he was. Payton was standing by the dining table, watching her with an 'are you seriously not gonna listen to me' expression on his face. She scowled at him and turned back to her writing.

"What did that piece of paper ever do to you?" Brook asked, joining her on the couch.

"Huh?" Michelle looked at him blankly.

"You were glaring daggers at that paper. What's wrong? Can't get a tune to stick?" she heard Payton put down a glass noisily on the table and walk away.

"No, it's not that," she said, trying to ignore Payton. Brook pulled the book away from her lap and put it on the table. He took her hand and massaged circles below her thumb.

"You've been stressed these last few days. Want to talk about it?" He asked. She gazed into his mesmerizing blue eyes and saw something that made her forget what she was annoyed about.

"Shouldn't I be the one to ask you that?" She asked, leaning into him. She listened to the steady rhythm of his breathing and felt more relaxed.

"Don't you worry about me, Michelle. And about our mission that day – I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean to scare you." Michelle remembered what he said about wanting to go after Jackson.

"It's okay. I understand. I suppose, in your place, I'd want the same."

"But you wouldn't leave me, would you Michelle?" Brook asked. His tone made her look up.

"No," she replied softly. He nuzzled into her hair.

"Sometimes I wish I could forget everything and just be a normal guy crazy in love with his girlfriend," he said.

"You are a normal guy to me. Wild car stunts aside." Michelle said with a giggle. She heard him grin into her hair.

"And I'm sorry I scared the living daylights out of you with that bike ride." Michelle laughed.

"It was scary, I'll admit. But it was also the funnest adventure of my life. Escaping with you always is – and it's something I'd relive again." Brook pulled away to look at her in surprise.

"You want to jump off a building on a bike again?" he asked.

"Well no, but if it's with you... I'd jump off a dozen buildings or cliffs on a bike. Or in a car." He blinked at her.

"You never cease to amaze me." He said. Michelle trailed her finger up and down his chest.

"And you like that about me, right?" she asked huskily.

"Definitely." He replied, drawing her close. He inclined his head to the side so he could reach her neck and planted soft kisses.

"Hmm... Brook, I should remind you that we're not in the privacy of your room." Michelle said, taking hold of his face and gently pushing him back. He looked a little put-off.

"What does a guy have to do to get you alone?" she laughed.

"We could go to your car..." she whispered. He had already hoisted her off the couch and carried her to the garage. The lights were off but Brook walked without faltering towards a car at the end of the garage. He put Michelle down, opened the driver's door, and got in.

"Room in there for two?" Michelle asked, standing outside the door. Brook grabbed her hand and pulled her in after him seating her on his lap. He shut the door and started the car to turn on the air conditioner.

"Do you want the lights?" he asked. Michelle wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned close so that their faces were only an inch apart.

"I don't think we need lights for this." She whispered. She heard him give a quiet moan and saw him swallow, his Adam's apple bobbing.

"You're testing my willpower, Michelle. That's dangerous." He said hoarsely.

"For you or for me?" she asked, throwing off all caution. She let her fingers run up his hair and down his face, sliding down to his chest. There she let her hand rest over his heart.

"You really want me to answer that?" he asked, wrapping his hands around her waist. She felt him weave slow patterns on her back with his fingers.

"No. because I already know you. And I trust you, Brook." She said. All the doubt, the tension from everything that happened melted away and all Michelle cared about at that moment was being in his arms. She saw a fire burn in his eyes despite the darkness. It was a fire that ignited her blood and made her heart race. And she welcomed the feeling.

"Michelle..." he said, his eyes piercing hers. She smiled and leaned forward to kiss him. He responded with fervor, his arms tightening around her hips. His hand slowly slid up to her neck, tilting her head so he could deepen the kiss. Michelle brought her other hand up to his neck imitating him and drawing his head closer. Their lips moved as one, the heat growing between them.

"Wait..." Michelle said against his lips. She shifted her legs so that she was straddling him, facing him directly in front. His hand slid down her waist to her legs adjusting them as he helped her get comfortable.

"Better?" he asked softly.

"Much." She crashed her lips back on him, this time pressing herself against him without restraint. She gently bit his lower lip before sliding her tongue over it. She heard him groan in pleasure from his throat.

"You're breaking me, Michelle." He whispered against her lips.

"Then it's your turn." She said pulling back to watch him. He stared at her for a second before pulling her close and recapturing her neck in a heat of passion.

"I am so glad you decided to go sleeveless today." He said against her skin, his lips trailing down to her collarbone. She shivered a little but didn't let him go. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of his lips on her skin. He slowly made his way to her shoulder and lingered there. He rested his forehead on the area between her neck and shoulder. his fingers stroked the side of her body, making her gasp.

"It tickles." She said breathlessly.

"Do you want me to stop?" he asked.

"Never." She replied, bringing his hand over her heart. He let it slide down to her stomach and back up before cupping her neck. He pulled back so he could gaze into her face.

"Michelle... I've never been like this with anyone before." He said softly. She smiled.

"Neither have I. but I don't want it to stop."

"Me neither." She rested her head on his shoulder.

"I love you, Brook. And I'm glad it's you. There's no one else I would share this with besides you." She heard him sigh in satisfaction.

"Good. Because the more I'm with you, the more possessive I get." He trailed his fingers down the side of her thigh to her knee. She was wearing shorts and his fingers felt like fire against her skin. She sucked in a breath, trying not to lose her mind at the sensation.

"I'm all yours." She whispered. He kissed her hair.

"So am I," he said. They sat there together tangled in a heated passion of kisses, nothing but the sound of each other's heartbeat between them, an endless moment of bliss.

Daylight streamed through the blue-colored curtains in Brook's room. Michelle had yet to open her eyes to see it though. She was still dreaming about the night before when she and Brook were alone in his car, his lips all over her body, her hands running through his hair...

"Michelle! Wake up!" a loud hammer came on Brook's bedroom door followed by Paige's impatient yelling. "Get your butt out here if you want to celebrate your birthday sometime today! You cannot seriously waste all morning sleeping! Come on, let's go!" Michelle sighed. Paige's wake-up call she could ignore. She turned over expecting to see Brook but he wasn't there. She wondered when he had woken up – she hadn't heard him leave.

She remembered then that it was her birthday – she was finally twenty-one. The official legal age of adulthood. She threw back the covers as a wave of excitement washed through her. Twenty-one or not, she was still stoked about her birthday as she had been when she was ten.

"There she is, twenty-one and looking fine!" Jett calls out with a huge grin as Michelle comes down.

"Get in here already. Leslie won't let the rest of us eat without you," Reece said. Paige nudged his ribs hard.

"It's her birthday Reece, you can at least act like you have some manners." Michelle giggled. The family-friendly banter was always amusing to watch. Leslie came and hugged her.

"Happy Birthday kiddo. I know this might not be what you are used to but –"

"Oh no, I'm really happy to be here with you guys," Michelle said, hugging her back.

"Aww, share the love, girl!" Jett said, coming and hugging her. Paige stepped back to avoid getting dragged into the hug.

"Cool off Jett, let the girl breathe. She needs some food in her if she wants to survive today." She said.

"Survive? That's pretty drastic Paige. I can handle my first night at a club." Michelle said.

"That's not what I was talking about. I'm taking you out after this so eat up. You'll need the energy to keep up with me."

"Where are we going?"

"Uh-uh, it's a surprise. You won't get anything out of me." Paige said with a wink.

"I guess I'll have to wait and be surprised. Hey, has anyone seen Brook?" Michelle asked.

"I believe he went out early this morning. He should be back soon." Leslie said, exchanging a look with Paige. Paige smiled mischievously.

"Yeah, he'll be back. He's definitely not gonna miss your birthday." She said. Michelle sat down at the table feeling a tad disappointed. She had hoped to see Brook first.

"Between Jett and Leslie, you have two options for breakfast. Jett got the dragon chili and cornbread combo. Don't eat it if you don't like spice. Leslie made pancakes. If you do eat the chili, you'll want the pancakes afterward." Paige said.

"With vanilla ice cream on top," Leslie said, placing the plates of food on the table.

"Try the chili first," Jett said. Michelle obligingly put a spoonful in her mouth. Three seconds was enough to tell her the reason why it was called dragon chili. She started pulling in cold air in her mouth and fanning her face as her eyes watered. Jett and Reece laughed and Michelle tried to hold out but she couldn't and let out a gasp. Leslie pushed a glass of water toward her.

"I knew you'd need this." She said. Michelle drank the water and pulled the plate of pancakes close. She scooped the ice cream and hurriedly put it in her mouth.

"So? Do you like it?" Jett asked. Michelle smiled weakly.

"Uh-huh, it's very – spicy. But tasty." Jett grinned.

"I knew you'd like it!" he said. Michelle ate more of the pancakes than the chili after that. Reece helped himself to some of the chilli.

"Dude, she must be immune to spice if she can say she likes this! It's a killer!" he said.

"She has been through worse. A little chili doesn't bother her." Paige said. Payton came into the room just then and saw Michelle at the table.

"Hey," he said. "Happy Birthday." Michelle looked surprised that he was talking to her again but smiled.

"Thanks, Payton." He pushed a small box on the table in front of her.

"Don't wear it out." He said and walked away. Reece guffawed.

"You've turned his head, Michelle! That guy has never given anyone a birthday present before."

"Open it up, see what it is," Paige said. Michelle opened the box and saw an elaborately designed silver musical note brooch.

"Wow, this is really pretty," Michelle said with a smile on her face.

"You can wear it tonight when you go out," Leslie said.

"I have to thank him," Michelle said getting up and running after him. She found him in the garage getting in the Dodge Viper.

"Payton, wait!" she said before he could start the car.

"What?" he asked through the window.

"I just wanted to thank you... for your gift. Thanks."

"Forget it. You don't have to."

"I want to." She said. He studied her face for a moment.

"Are you gonna let go of my car?" he asked. Michelle let go of his door.

"You are coming tonight, right?" she asked. He didn't speak for a moment.

"Are you asking me to?" he said with a sly smile. She grinned.

"Maybe. Come on Payton. It won't be the same without you."

"I'll be there. Someone's gotta keep you out of trouble." He said with a faint smile that assured her that he wasn't angry anymore. He started his car and drove out. Michelle felt lighter than she had in a few days.

Brook was standing at the door when she returned inside. He pulled her into a twirl before catching her in his arms.

"Hey, beautiful. I believe I owe you a birthday wish." He said in a way that made Michelle's heart flutter.

"Brook! I was wondering where you were." She said, sliding her hands over his shoulders.

"I had to pick something up. Want to see it?" he asked, lowering his voice as he leaned closer. Michelle bit her lip to keep her anticipation.

"Is it a present for me?" she asked, fully aware that it might well be.

"What else could it be?" He looked mildly surprised. He breathed heavily on her lips making her clutch the fabric of his shirt tight. A clearing of a throat alerted her to the fact that everyone was watching them.

"Ahem, if you two are done making out, can we go? We have a schedule to keep." Paige said. Michelle groaned and pulled away.

"Not so fast Paige. Michelle has something she needs to see." Brook said. He took Michelle's hand and took her outside, everyone following in tow.

"I picked this out thinking about you. I have a feeling it might just be your style." Brook said, taking both her hands and walking backward.

"Brook, whatever it is, I'll love it," Michelle said, walking with him. She stopped when she saw a sleek yellow sports car with black detailing.

"Michelle, meet the McLaren F1." Michelle gawked at the car, her mouth open.

"That – that's –" she stuttered.

"That's yours, Michelle," Brook said, pulling her close. He took and laid her hand on the car.

"She'll do a two hundred and has that expensive-car feel that you like. And she's street legal." He said smoothly. Reece and Jett whistled in awe and Paige whooped.

"Go Michelle, you're gonna kill it in that car!" Paige shouted. Michelle turned to look at Brook.

"Is this for real?" she asked. "Is it really mine?"

"It is. Since you lost your car, I figured this should make up for it. And you don't have to worry – it hasn't been stolen. It's completely legit." Michelle laughed.

"Oh Brook, it's amazing!" she said. She jumped into his arms and hugged him. He spun her around in a circle.

"Thank you so much! I absolutely love it!" she said with ecstasy.

"Hold up Michelle, you haven't even driven it yet." He said laughing at her enthusiasm.

"I can't believe you got me a car like this! This is like – mind-blowing!" she said as he put her down.

"Get in, see how it feels." Brook encouraged her. He opened the door for her which slid upwards like a butterfly wing. Michelle got in the driver's seat, admiring the tan interior.

"Oh wow. It feels incredible. I am never getting into a regular car again." She said. Brook laughed.

"Want to take her for a spin?" he asked, leaning through the window. Paige walked up to the car.

"She will, but we have places to go. So if you want to drive this thing, I'm coming with." She said.

"Okay, then what are we waiting for?" Michelle asked. Paige got in the passenger's seat.

"Don't let her do anything I would do," Brook said to Paige through the window. Paige winked.

"No promises. This girl's got her own style." She said turning to Michelle.

"Don't worry Brook; I'll make it back in one piece. See you later!" She blew a kiss at him as she started the car and rolled out onto the road.

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