Chapter 22 Thank You Amy

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Alex's pov

So today i was looking at Andy and Sandra and the rest of the band perform their song for the video its called Knives and Pens as you know and its going pretty well after all this time ive met Sandra i never realized how good she plays the drums and Andy can sing really good its more than good its amazing and his screams its even more awesome.

"you guys did amazing!." i said hugging Andy as Sandra also came drinking water.

"thanks Alex your the best girlfriend" he said caressing my cheek as he kissed me as Sandra made puking noises as we ignored her we pulled away and saw Sandra talking a picture too .

"dont look at me you guys are adorable and disgusting" she smirked trying not to laugh they were awesome they were all dressed in white it suits them also i also met the kid who represents Andy in the video and hes cool to talk to.

Its been about two days and my crazy mom has been trying to contact me of course im not stupid in answering her after all shes done to me and all of these days ive been sleeping over at Andy's house i feel safer with Amy and Chris around me.

After they finished a couple of scenes we made our way to Andy's house "i cant wait to see you parents." he smiled at me.

"i cant tell." he said as he pulled over and we exited the car Andy opened the door and there was Amy preparing dinner "Alexandria welcome back!." she gave me a smile and came over and hugged me as i returned the hug of course. After that i helped her with the food and we all ate as Andy was talking with his dad "Alexandria i wanna talk with you dear follow me." Amy said as she grabbed my hand helping me stand up i followed her into her room.

the both of us entered her room as she began digging around into her jewelry box and pulled out a green emerald necklace "Alex this necklace belonged to my mother and she gave it to me and now i want you to have it." she spoke which left me with no words.

"no no Amy i cant have something like that" i said backing away she smiled at me.

"but i trust you Alex i want you to have it your a part of the family to me since you and Andy have been dating almost more than a year and hes moving away tomorrow."

she sniffed and held the necklace and stood up and walked over to me as she placed the necklace around my neck.

i stared at it and back at her as i hugged her "thank you mom." i smiled "i want you to take care of this and please stay with Andy i tell him that everyday and take care of him also."

i nodded tomorrow Andy was moving out of here with a friend he met months ago i think he told me that his name is Chance and that they have recorded videos together so i would go and visit him ive never been so lucky i have Amy and Chris helping me out every possible thing.

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