Chapter 5 Double Trouble

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Alex's pov

"where in the name of god were you?!" my mom yelled as i groaned "i was in school" i said as i stepped inside the house "at almost 10?" dad asked "yeah i had a project to finish" i hope they believe me "you dont have a boyfriend do you?" mom asked next

"no you know im young for that sort of stuff" i said as i walked to my room i sat on my bed as i turned on my radio as y parents came inside

"your telling the truth right?" they asked i rolled my eyes "of course I am dont you believe me or what!" "of course we do" dad said as mom punch his shoulder

"your grounded and you have to be home at 3,got it?" mom snapped "why you guys are always coming late anyways and what am i supposed to do here by myself?"

"maybe make some friends" dad suggested at least dad is by my side no matter what.

"know what im done" mom said as she walked out of my room "Alex just remember what ive told you before i want you to be careful i know that you have friends already just remember have your friends close to you" he said as i smiled

"okay dad,hey i get a piercing and go with you to work tomorrow" i asked as he smiled at me

"sure anything for you" "okay dad,night" he walked out of the room i locked the door and decided to call Andy to tell him how it went and that i wont be here tomorrow.

I talked to Andy for about half and hour he told me that he was also grounded and that he was going to be on his room for the entire day for getting his parents worried so i said my goodbyes again and went to sleep.

I woke up to my dad knocking the door i groaned as i almost fell off the bed "what do you want!" i yelled he looked scared for a bit "breakfasts ready" he walked away my parents already know that im always grumpy on mornings i walked down the stairs and sat on the table my dad was reading the newspaper while my mom ate and i did the same neither of us talked next i went to take a shower and got changed into a long sleeve dress my dad called me down and i was ready for work.

My dad drove down the streets as i laid my head on my hand looking out "so dad does mom know that you work there?" i asked him "yes but she doesn't approves of me working at a funeral home you know how your mom can be"

i nodded i cant believe dad married my mom i mean i like her but she looks sort of like my step mom we don't even look alike i remember when i found some picture when they were young my dad was an emo which surprised me and my mom one of those girly girls i honestly dont know what dad saw in her but he said that he changed her and my mom is trying to do the same with me cause she says that i once looked liked a boy when i had really short hair and i act like a boy at times but dad said that he was okay with me being a tomboy.

"Alex were here" dad interrupted me i stepped put of the car and saw the funeral home it was small and covered in dead branches and ot was all black and it was beside the cemetery

"this is awesome" i mumbled "lets go Alex" he said as he placed his arm on my shoulder we walked inside and there were like two guys working here they seem like their on their 20's "hey guys this my daughter Alexandria" i waved my hands "hello" "hey my names Luke and hes Kevin"

said the first guy with dark brown hair and piercings the other had purple hair "pleasure meeting you" said kevin i nodded "are you twins?" i asked "yeah we are"they said smiling.Dad showed me around the small place and we saw a bunch of coffins i saw a black one i touched it "so pretty"

my dad sat behind a desk talking with the twins i walked out and it was windy so i decided to take a small walk through the cemetery i walked won and there were graves all over the place the ground covered with orange leaves i decided to sit down by a tree did you know that people say that cemetery is a better place to sleep than the church cause they say that the church has more spirits and demons and that the cemetery are people is filled with innocent people who of course rests in peace now.

I walked and then decided to sit down by the sidewalk of the road and saw a pretty girl with light brown hair she smiled at me as she walked by i returned the smile

"hmm she looks a bit familiar" i muttered looking where she left i got up and decided to follow her making sire she didnt notice me i walked behind her and there were a bunch of people and eventually i lost her "fuck no!"

i was angry now people stared at me good so they know that it was their fault i placed my hand on my hoodie pocket and kicked a rock on my way back.

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