I wanted You

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Ezra ran through the door before he heard the twins scream after him.


"Luke!" The door closed before he could reach him. "Leia! No!"

The spoke in his comlink as he tried to contact the fleet.

"The door is locked Sabine, can you open it?"

(No reply)

"Sabine? Tristan? Hera! Can anyone hear me? Sabine is your mother still in possession of the bridge? Sabine!"

"She can't hear you." Said a male voice. "Nobody can. No one but me."

Ezra's eyes widden.

That voice. It couldn't be.

The young Jedi turned away from the door as he was greeted with a double-red lightsaber cutting in half the silhouette of the masked man.

The two stood there in silence. The alarm of the Star Destroyer that were on, seemed to be fading away.

Ezra let his cloak fall to his feet as he enlightened his green lightsaber. The shadow took a few steps closer.

"I was disappointed not to see you on Endor."

"More than one Sith would have died that day if I had been." Replied Ezra.

"Or another Jedi. Vader's betrayal was inevitable."

"You seem to know a lot about betrayal." Replied Ezra.

The Sith laughed.

"And where were you?" Ezra looked down. "Did your precious Hera truly believe Palpatine did not know about her son? That he would be that foolish of a boy born nine months after the death of the Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus?"

"My Master was more powerful than you will ever be."

The Sith did not seem to care about Ezra's ridiculous comment.

"How many times do you hear her crying at night? I'm surprised Syndulla is still fighting... in fact I am not. She's always been the cold one of the Ghost Crew."

He paused.

"And you?" He asked Ezra.
"Do you celebrate the annual celebration on Lothal; the day your Master died? Or the day the Second DeathStar was destroyed? It is glorious day for the Republic and yet a sad one for your crew: it is the day I sliced Jacen Syndulla in half. Separating head from body. And where was Hera? WHERE WERE YOU?!"


Ezra jumped on the Sith! Shattering his blade violently against his! Their lightsabers being the only light guiding them in the corridor. The Sith Force pushed Ezra on the floor.

"Your rage had unbalanced you! That is not the Jedi way... now, is it?"

Ezra rushed to strike again but every one of his attacks failed. The Sith knew all his moves before he even made them. But Ezra did not stop fighting against the monster that had killed his Master's son.

The Sith was slow but stronger just like Darth Vader. His attacks were no match for the Jedi's speed and Ezra used that to his advantage as he bounced from wall to wall, landing behind the assassin that sensed his attack and blocked it.

The lightsabers screamed as Ezra pressed as hard as he could against his opponent. The light sparkled the tears running down Ezra's cheeks.

"Your friends has abandoned you! Surrender to the dark side: like you were always meant to be! It is your nature! Your destiny!"

"Unlike you, it's not my choice!"

Ezra screamed as he pushed him away before unleashing a powerful Force wave that send the Sith flying across the corridor.

The Sith lifted his head and saw Ezra kneel on the ground murmuring words.

"Mom... dad... hope... Sabine... Zeb-"

The Sith scream as he jump and lower his lightsaber two centimetres near Ezra's neck.

Ezra had his eyes closed and was smiling.

He saw himself fighting with Zeb after the Meiloorun chase.
He saw himself being pushed off a chair and see Sabine's exquisite almond eyes and rainbow hair for the first time.
He saw himself talk with Hera after the Jedi Temple was destroyed.
He saw his parent's faces.

And then he saw it:

He saw the day they went to rescue Luminara and it turned out to be a trap. The moment he and Kanan were sitting on the Ghost.

"I don't want the best Master; I want you!"


Ezra Bridger opened his eyes.

Blocked the Sith's blade and thrust Kanan Jarrus' lightsaber through his chest.

This lightsaber was meant to be Jacen's.

The Sith froze. Ezra froze. He crumbled on the floor as Ezra threw his weapons away.

The Jedi cried as Ezra rested his head under his chin. His legs folded against his chest. Like a child. The tears rolled down his nose and onto the Sith's armour.
The Sith's hand came strocking Ezra's short black hair.
In a breath the assassin said.

"You bested the tie..."

Ezra was still crying when he chuckled and said. Not letting him go even after his last breath came.

"I know Kanan... I know..."

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