Run Wild

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"Jarrus. A word please?"

Kanan's eyes widdened.

A word? A word with Cham Syndulla? The Jedi could barely keep his cool when he first met Hera's father, and now he was having 'a word'. Not to say that he was terrified.

"Father, why are you-"

Hera was cut by her father who gently said, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"Do not worry daughter. We are simply going to talk. Nothing urgent."

Ezra and Zeb both smirk as they saw Kanan heat up.

Ezra had never seen so much fear in Kanan's eyes since... well, since they found Cham Syndulla was coming. Or maybe that was shock, followed by excitement, followed by fear, followed by stress.

That's it: stress!

Ezra rolled his eyes as he realized he's been mixing fear and stress! Which are almost the same thing... almost. Exept if you take the fact that Kanan Jarrus is ALWAYS stressed.

"Kill me, kill me right now!"

Kanan watch Cham leave. He could not move, he was screwed to the ground. Wishing he could just disappear. Or die. Or teleport: basically do anything but THE TALK.

He had not been train for this! If there is one thing the Jedi Order didn't teach him for sure; is how to handle an overprotective-loving-carrying-extremist-antihuman freedom fighter who thinks your his daughter's boyfriend.
Because he did. It had been mentioned earlier today before they attacked the carrier.

Kanan was pushed violently forward and almost fell. He heard Chopper laugh in his diabolical way obliging Kanan to walk to not seem even more of a fool.

Cham Syndulla led Kanan to an empty meeting room of the Imperial ship. It was a large room with one long table and dozens of chairs. But Cham did not sit and instead turned around, arms crossed.

"That's it." Thought Kanan. "I'm dead."

"So." Started Cham. "You like my daughter, Jedi?"

"Well hmm." Kanan scratch the back of his avoiding as maximum eye contact with Cham as he could. "Hera is an extroardinary woman... but you're mistaken... we're... we're aren't a couple."

"That wasn't my question, Jedi!"

Kanan swallowed.

"Y-... Yeah... yes?.... Yes, I like her."

"You do? Why?"

"Why?" Repeated Kanan.

"Yes, why! It's not so complicated is it?"

What to say? Words came in Kanan's mind but not through his mouth.

She is beautiful.
She's brave.
She's an incredible fighter and leader. The best pilot in the galaxy.
She's bossy.
She drives him NUTS!
She has a terrible tasts in droids!
The word 'patience' lacks in her vocabulary.
But she has the compassion, understanding and carrying heart of a real mother... and she knows him better than the back of her hand.

"Has she ripped out your tongue?" Asked Cham.

Like father like daughter in the lack of patience.

All Kanan could muster was.

"She's... she's... w-well she's amazing. She's everything for everyone."

"Right." Said dad, tapping his finger against his arm. "I didn't ask about everyone. I asked about you. You aren't all attracted to her for another reason?"

"Another reason?" Repeated Kanan. "What other reason?"

Cham took a step closer.

"Her Twi'lek appearance, perhaps?"

Kanan understood what the freedom fighter meant by that.

"No!" He screamed

"So you don't find her beautiful?" Asked Cham.

"I do but-"

"You do find my little girl pretty enough for you?" Cut Cham.

"What? Of course she's beautiful but-"

"So you do find her beautiful?"


"Is that all?"

"No! Hera is-"

"You don't find her beautiful?"

"But I just-" Kanan stopped as he said in a calmer ton. "Are you messing with me?"

"You're the one wanting my daughter. Be careful who you're messing with, kid."

Kanan had not been called 'kid' in years! He felt so disrespect.

"It's Kanan Jarrus to you!"

"Bold." Said Cham.

"Not yet no!"

"Have you even kissed my daughter?"

Kanan froze as he looked down and drop in a large sigh.


"Oh." Said Cham. "Good. That changes things for the better: Keep it that way if you want to live."

He than walked passed Kanan and tapped his arm before walking out.

"That will be all Kanan Jarrus."

Kanan looked paralized.

"What just happen?"


After her father returned without Kanan, Hera got worried and seaked out for him.

She found him in an empty corridor of the carrier looking out a window. He seemed to be looking at the lines hyperspace did like it was a wall.

Kanan chuckled at her staring and curiousity as he said.

"I don't understand your father..."

"What did he do?" Asked Hera concerned

"He asked me questions." Replied honestly Kanan. "About you. And me."

"He still thinks we're together?"

"Well... not anymore." Answered Kanan.

Hera looked out the window.

She took a quick glance at the Jedi next to her. He was looking down, trying to hid his troubled face from her.

She was no Jedi, but she knew him better than anyone when it meant something was on his mind and he refused to tell her.

"What is it?"

"It's just... something."

"You know you can tell me." Hera softly said.

Kanan looked away again. Hera waited. And waited. She knew he would break. One way or another he will end up telling her.

Kanan murmurled something in his breath.


Kanan repeated louder.

"I... I wish we were... together, I mean."

Kanan closed his eyes as he sensed surprise in the Twi'lek.

"It was stupid..." Kanan told himself.

But right at that moment Hera's hand came pulling his head down and press her lips and against his.

Kanan felt his arms had stop resisting as he pulled her closer against him. Hera malaxed his long brown hair as she removed his ponytail. Letting her fingers go down every string and lock on his scul.

When the two finally parted, Hera was slightly laughing, running her finger down his chin.

"How do you feel of cutting this little gottee? You'll take off five years."

"Hun hun." Replied the Jedi taking her hand. "Leave my gottee out of this."

"Than how about letting it grow? It might give you a style."

"Will you leave my face out of this!"

"There is one part of your face I'm thinking of, right now."

Kanan smirked as he kissed again. Not knowing the two were being watched.


Sabine was painting the walls of the carrier. New ship, meant new space. New space, meant more work. The Mandalorian was painting the memory of this glorious day while it was still fresh in her-


It sounded like it came from the deepest corners of the Outer Rime! Sabine adbruptly stoop up as she heard two another voices.


"I'd rather keep running if you don't mind!"

"Father! Father stop!"

Sabine recongnized the voices.

"Hera? Kanan?"

Kannan suddenly appeared at the beginning of the corridor almost missing the turn as his feet lifted off the floor. He started running towards, said in a quick voice before bouncing off on the wall to avoid slipping on her painting.

"Hey Sabine! Nice work!"

"Kanan, what's going on?"


Sabine turned and saw Cham Syndulla run like a mad man after Kanan. He was so out of his mind he didn't even notice the artist's paint on the floor. He tried to stop when he was in the middle of frame but Kanan use the Force to push him into it.

Sabine dropped her paint bombs.

"My artwork!"

Cham looked down at the thick layers of acrylic dripping  from his arms not even imagining what he had on the rest of his body.

"It's WAR!" Cried Cham as he chassed Kanan who was long gone. "Come back here! You're gonna see what I do to Imperial prisoners FIRST HAND!"


Ezra watched Sabine join the crazy wild chase.

He could see everything from where he was sitting. He took a hand filled of popcorn in a red stripped bag. His legs flying above the floor as he amusingly was betting who was going to kill who first in a few hours. Chewing on it as he heard the robotic laugh of Chopper and the droid stopped next to him.

Ezra Bridger asked, his mouth still full.

"What do you mean this is your greatest recording? What did you record?"

Chopper laughed as he turned away. Laughing even louder.

I'm... I'm so sorry!! 😂😂😂
I just laughed so much writing this and it's only 2 am in the morning!
There is no part in Canon about Cham's point of view on Kanan: I'd give anything just to see it!
I'm still laughing... make me stop!😂😂

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