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Tsuna walked into the dinning room to find the dead corpse of Reborn, actually that's a dead corpse on top of a sleeping Reborn in his chair of all places.

*snore* A snot bubble the size of a toddler blew in and out. Tsuna just looks incredulously at this phenomenon and leaves the room deciding that he should get started on his blasted paperwork and forget this ever happened.

A few minutes later

Mukuro walks in and finds Reborn and his corpse blanket. A smirk forms on his face as he decides to relocate him.

An aura of death permeates the entire west wing the moment Kyoya finds a present on his bed. He then relocates the bodies and went off to bite the perpetrator to death.

A few snores later

An irritated Lambo came out of his room to find the source of the snores that woke him up. He soon giggled at the sight of Reborn and his corpse blanket on the couch outside his room. With an evil grin his horns lit with lightning and shocked the two bodies.

*SNORE* Was Reborn's only response to getting shocked. Grumbling in annoyance Lambo decided to relocate Reborn once again.

After some weird noises come from the oven.

"Reborn what are you doing in there?" Kyoko questioned as she pulled him out of the oven with Chrome's help. A loud snore soon answered her.

"...." Chrome and Kyoko look at each other. They smirk and Reborn was once again relocated.

Hayato woke up to giggling and Reborn drooling on him.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" He screamed and tried in vain to get Reborn off of him. 'Why is he so heavy?' He thought as he struggled to get Reborn's face away from his. More giggles were heard and Reborn was suddenly gone. Hayato looked around in confusion before his eyes lied on another intruder in his bed.

"Hahah hi Goku-chan!" The intruder greeted with a smile.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY BED BASEBALL FREAK!!!!" Hayato's shout was heard throughout the entire mansion and giggles were his only response.

A while later

Tsuna followed the sound of giggling to find the girls in a room dressing Reborn in different outfits and posing him for the camera. He kept a straight face and quickly walked away.

Later he finds Lussuria joining them with more outfits.

Sometime later

Lal finds Reborn laying over Iemitsu in a precarious position. She looks over to the girls behind a cloud of mist and demanded a camera.

A few shenanigans later

The girls had finally left Reborn's body alone after traumatizing 50% of the mafia including the entire Varia (except Lussuria), CEDEF, Millifore (except Byakuran) and Arcobaleno (except Fon). Currently Reborn was in Fon's neverending grip.

When the girls put Reborn on Fon expecting a reaction he proceeded to aggressively cuddle Reborn like the old days and not let go. The girls cut their losses after a few pictures.

Today was the day he finally decided to wake up with the question. "What year is it?" He didn't even bother trying to escape Fon's embrace.

"A few months after you fell asleep, the girls did a wonderful job traumatizing everyone in your place." Fon replied and Reborn smirked knowing exactly which girls he was talking about.

"I should see those pictures." With a flash of sun flames he was out of Fon's crushing embrace.

"You learned that just to get away from me..." Fon pouted. Reborn didn't respond instead deciding to get as far away as possible from Fon knowing he awoke the beast.


"Welcome to the world of living Reborn." Tsuna greeted as he continued his trice be damned paperwork.

"The girls are in the kitchen." The embodiment of chaos went to greet his minions. A minute after he left Tsuna spotted Fon strolling serenely after him.

"Not my problem..." Tsuna continued trying to kill his neverending enemy.

AN: I'm a just leave this here.

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