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It was freezing as Amelia paced near the Hogsehead , nervously fiddling with her fingers. After being rescued by harry from the black lake as a part of the task , she was still sick. Her eyes were bloodshot red and she could feel her throat burn in a weird way.

 From the corner of her eye, she spotted the golden trio approaching her way which startled her and she ended up tripping, feeling the cold snow in her face.

She coughed and pushed herself back on her feet, dusting the snow away. She secured the ravenclaw scarf around her neck which slept slipping down.


Shit, Amelia cursed mentally as she faced Harry , Hermione and Ron waiting for him around the corner.

"Hi , Harry!" Amelia beamed, laughing nervously since Harry had strictly told her not to leave her bed until she felt better.

"I told you to stay in bed!" He frowned, placing his hand on her forehead to check her body temperature, comparing it with his own,"Look, you're burning up! I told you to stay in bed. You refused to go to Madam Pomfrey-"

"Harry, I'm fine." Amelia sniffed, smiling brightly, hoping he would let her go. She knew he was just worried for her but the feelings she had been bottling up inside her heart didn't let her sleep the whole night. She needed to get that off her chest and confess to the boy she had started liking.

Harry sighed, lightly patting her shoulders,"Please take care. And if you feel sick, head back or just find me or someone okay? I'll be at Gladrag's wizardwear."

"Ah yes!" The redhead nodded, slightly pushing Harry to leave,"I'll take care of myself! See you harry!"

She waved at his disappearing-figure and sighed in relief. Her heart didn't stop beating like a maniac though. She was afraid it would spring out of her chest. 

"Hey." Amelia spun around on her heels and came to face the boy she was eagerly waiting for ; Theodore Nott.

The corner of her lips soared up as she smiled at him. She didn't actually believe that he would show up. Not after she had sent him a letter out of nowhere to meet her.

His eyebrows were creased together in confusion and concern. Surely, he had noticed the way the redhead had been acting since past few days but he didn't expect her to approach him. A potter with a slytherin? No. That was abnormal.

"Hi." Amelia whispered, her voice hoarse from all the coughing since past few days. She regretted sending him the letter and wanted to leave at that very moment but it was too late.

"Are you going to speak?" Theodore asked , frustrated since the redhead kept smiling at him sheepishly and he resisted the urge to laugh at her posture. She looked like a shy dog waiting to be petted by the owner.

"Uh yeah." Amelia nodded, meeting his eyes,"Actually.  ."

"Do you fancy me?" 


Theodore narrowed his eyes at her. All this smiling and blushing must mean something right? Had he guessed it right? He felt strange after receiving the letter from the last person he could ever think of but curiousity got the best of him and so he agreed to meet her in person. Past few days, he had been observing her from afar, smiling and laughing with her friends, secretly glancing in his direction and immediately looking away. He was baffled and confused by her mysterious actions and he ought to find out.

"How do you know?" Amelia frowned, her face feeling hotter not due to the fever but because of the embarassment she felt,"Was it that obvious?"

"So it's true?" Theodore smirked, stepping closer to her which made her stumble back. He was enjoying the effect he had on her, which was a bit surprising as he was teasing no one ordinary but the Amelia Potter, the sister to the boy who lived. It was a big deal.



Amelia frowned at his behaviour. He was clearly enjoying teasing her.

"Yes, I kinda like you." She shrugged, daring to meet his eyes again but it only shot her heartbeat up.

"Kinda?" Theodore chuckled,"Potter, I've caught you staring at me multiple times."

"No! You didn't!" Amelia defended herself but it was no use since he was right,"That was just -" 



"Are you cold?" Theodore asked, worry evident in his tone which made Amelia feel weak in her knees. She was whipped.

"Oh- No ! I'm fine." Amelia forced a smile, rubbing her temples.

"Do you want to grab something?" He asked, concerned since her face looked pale and she could hardly stand up right.

"Uh-" Amelia paused. Did Theodore have a twin cause she could swear she saw two of them in front of her? She laughed making the slytherin frown at the way she was acting.

"Are you-"

Theodore didn't get to finish his sentence as Amelia stumbled ahead before collapsing on the snow covered floor.

When Amelia opened her eyes, she found herself in the hospital wing and a worried Harry sat next to her, his hand clasped with her's. She rubbed her eyes with the back of her palms and tried getting up.

"Lia!" Harry exclaimed, helping her to get up and placed a pillow behind her back for support. 

"Harry." She acknowledged, hating the way her brother looked so pissed as well as stressed. 

"I told you to stay in bed." He sighed, making Amelia look down. She lifted her eyes again and that's when she noticed Theodore standing next towards the entrance, looking straight at her .

"What is he doing here?" Amelia whispered, gesturing towards the slytherin with a head tilt. 

Harry knew who she was talking about. " He brought you here. What were you doing with him?"

Amelia chuckled nervously,"Harry I don't remember anything." She couldn't even imagine his reaction if she told her brother that she was meeting him there.

"Just go to sleep. You look tired." He smiled, helping her to lay down. Amelia closed her eyes, hearing Harry's footsteps fading away but it suddenly stopped. She opened one eye and saw Harry facing Theodore, probably telling him to leave.

Hearing the door close, she closed her eye but she heard a sound again. Footsteps.

"I expect a thank you, you know." 

Her eyes snapped open as she stared at Theodore, her heart beating rapidly.

He brought you here. Harry's voice rang in her head and she suddenly felt embarrassed. Did he carry her all the way to the hospital wing?

"Uh, thank you." Amelia smiled, struggling to get up until Theodore placed his hand on her back, helping to get up. She froze completely.

"You can't be blushing right now." Theodore exclaimed, scoffing in surprise.

"I'm not." Amelia argued, wrapping herself with the blanket and snuggled her head in her hands. 

"Do you want me that bad?"

The redhead nearly choked on her saliva as she raised her head up and gave him a look of pure surprise and disgust. "You make it sound so bad!" She exclaimed, her cheeks burning with embarassed, her nostrils flaring,"Fine! I like you! But I'm not that desperate! Do you understand?"

"So you wanna go out with me?" Theodore smiled, stuffing his hand in the pocket of his trousers and a cocky grin replacing the smile.

"You're unbelievable." Amelia chuckled as if had just cracked a joke,"But if you're asking nicely, then fine , I'll come."

A chuckle left Theodore's lips as he leaned down closer to her face, making her eyes go wide in horror.

"See you tomorrow then? I'll send you a letter. Is it fine? Amelia?"

"Huh yeah! Okay!" Amelia breathed out, letting herself fall down on the hospital bed.

"Take care." Theodore chuckled, waving at her before making his way out of the hospital wing.

 After he left, Amelia relaxed a bit but the thought of going out with him the next day terrified her a bit. If anyone finds out that the two of them are out together, it won't take long for the word to spread. Harry will probably be mad and upset. She shook the thought away and hoped that she would be okay by tomorrow so that she could leave the hospital wing and have fun on her date?

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