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"Where are we going?" the general asked the heiress as they walked across several courtyards on the island.

"My room," Asami answered as they arrived at the familiar exterior of her housing unit.

"Who even lives here, besides you?" he asked, eyeing the building as they got closer to its entrance.

"Korra's room is next to mine, and besides her, it's teens and young adults who study with Tenzin at the air temple." They arrived at the front door of the building and Asami turned to Iroh, pressing her finger to her lips to let him know to be quiet. He followed her up the stairs, through a hallway, and into her room. As soon as he slid the door closed, all space between the two vanished as they put their hands all over each other and passionately locked lips. The firebender picked his partner up and threw her onto the bed, jumping on top of her as he pinned her hands to the bed and kissed her again. He moved his lips to her neck, enjoying her soft, porcelain skin. He gave some attention to her sweet spot and heard a loud moan.

"Eager tonight, aren't we?" He spoke into her neck, lips brushing against her skin.

"That wasn't me," Asami commented. Iroh took his lips off her neck, released her hands and sat back up.

"What?" he asked, confused. She pointed to her and Korra's shared wall as the previous offender moaned loudly again. Iroh and Asami laughed softly at this together.

"I feel like I'm back in boarding school," the General mused as Korra's voice floated into Asami's room again.

"Oh, shit, Mako!" the Avatar hollered. They heard Mako's soft voice next.

"Shh, Korra, people will hear," he said, trying to keep his voice at a low decibel level.

"I don't give a fuck about people right now! Just don't stop!" the Avatar yelled, prompting Iroh and Asami to burst into laughter.

"Maybe we should relocate," Asami said, standing up and heading to the door of her room. Iroh followed his mistress again, waiting until they had exited the building to pose his next question.

"Where should we go now?" he asked.

"I have a dirty idea," Asami started, her lips curving upwards into a seductive smile. Iroh raised an eyebrow. "What about your office?"

His first instinct was to say 'no.' He could get into a lot of trouble.

"What if someone on my crew heard us?"

"All the soldiers are staying on the island tonight because the acolytes wanted them to have a soft bed to sleep on before they had to go back to their bunks on the ship," the young lady explained, walking her fingers up his chest and to his shoulder.

"I don't know, Asami... I would be under a lot of heat if anyone found out," Iroh argued. He loved the idea, really. He was just a rational guy who didn't want to lose his hard-earned military ranking.

Asami pulled herself up to Iroh's face with her hand on his shoulder and kissed him. She ran her tongue over his top lip and nibbled his bottom lip gently as her other hand ventured down to the bulge in his pants. She stroked his member through his clothing as they kissed. She then began on his neck, still giving his crotch attention from her hand. Her kisses worked their way up to his ear. She began licking and sucking on his earlobe. She laid soft kisses further up his ear before tracing her tongue all the way around the edge of his cartilage.

"You know you want to," she whispered into his ear, her warm breath hitting the wet line of saliva she had just left on his ear. This was a brilliant argument, it occurred to the general. He nodded wordlessly and offered her his arm, walking her to the motorboat he had taken to the island from his ship. He picked her up as if she were a damsel in distress and gently set her down in one of the seats on the boat. He started the engine and cranked it to full speed as he steered it to their destination, sitting behind the wheel.

Asami decided she didn't like this distance from the firebender, and she stood up and walked over to the general, in the driver's seat. She sat down in his lap and pulled his chin up to angle his face toward hers, eliciting yet another kiss between the two. He broke the kiss to watch where he was steering, but put his free arm around her waist, resting his hand on her thigh. He lightly stroked her leg with his thumb. Asami leaned over and kissed the general's neck, running her fingers through his hair. His hand slid back to rest on her firm, supple backside, getting a nice feel for what he realized could be the last time. She giggled into his neck before sitting back up and placing a hand on his chest as she draped her other arm across the back of his shoulders. When they arrived at the general's ship, he kissed her lips hungrily as he picked her up, carrying her up the stairs to his office. She ran her hands all over his chest and shoulders as she showered his neck with attention. When they got to the door of his office, the general set the heiress down and opened the door, allowing her to enter first. She sauntered into the room and stopped in the middle, waiting for him to follow.

Iroh walked up to Asami and lifted her from the waist, pulling her into a kiss. She wrapped her legs and arms around him as he carried her over to his desk. He violently swept all his paperwork to the ground and set her down on her back on the desktop. The prince of the Fire Nation then climbed onto the desk and gave his lover's neck the attention his had just been receiving. He kissed down her neck to where it met her shoulder, and hovered there for a moment, kissing and sucking it lightly. His lips moved to her shoulder, slowly and sensually kissing the soft, bare skin of his goddess. His primal urges started to kick in; he wanted his prize now. He grabbed the strap of her dress with his teeth and tugged it over her shoulder and down her arm, exposing half of Asami's bra-covered chest. He bit and pulled the other strap off her shoulder before heading to her chest, covering it with kisses. He slid his hands between the desk and her upper back, pulling her up. The firebender ran his hands over her bra, and in a flash of heat, turned it into a powdery mess of carbon that he brushed off her before caressing and kissing her breasts.

The heiress guided his lips back to hers. She unbuttoned his shirt and slid it and his jacket off his shoulders. She then reached further down and unbuckled and removed Iroh's pants. He shook them off his legs as he pressed her back down onto the surface of the desk. She worked her lips over to his chest, which she affectionately kissed as she ran her nails over the general's back. He slid his hands down under her dress and pulled her panties off, gently sliding his fingertips back up the insides of her legs until he reached her core. He slid his finger inside, unknowingly starting a blazing fire in his partner's body. Asami groaned into the general's neck before using her teeth, aggressively biting his neck and shoulders as her lips peppered them with kisses. She dug her fingernails into his skin and raked them up and down his back.

Iroh's could feel his length responding to his partner's rough touch. He pressed it against the inside of her leg, prompting another groan from the heiress.

"Fuck me, Iroh," she grunted into his neck, between forceful love bites. Iroh hesitated before his lover removed both of her hands from his back, grabbed his member, and brought it to her entrance.

"Fuck me. Now," she demanded, returning her hands to his back. The general wasted no time responding to his orders this time. He pressed into her, eliciting a delighted squeal from the dark-haired maiden. She nipped at his shoulder above his scar as he found the angle at which to stroke the sweet spot he had discovered during their bathtub escapade. She started nibbling at his shoulder harder with each thrust. He pulled a hand up to his mouth, and licked two of his fingers. He heated them as he lowered his hand down to his partner's clitoris. Asami growled as she bit down hard on Iroh's shoulder in reaction to being stroked at both her internal and external sweet spots. The sensation of pain only stimulated the general further. He thrust faster, grunting into his partner's scalp. After a few thrusts, she brushed his hand off her sex button and grabbed his hips, slowing their motions down

"Wait, wait," she called in a softer voice than she had been using with the general during their 'workout.' The general stopped himself immediately.

"What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" He asked, concerned for the sex goddess he had grown fond of.

"No, this is amazing," She sighed. "Too amazing, in fact. I don't want to be done yet." Iroh smiled at Asami's comment and lowered his head to kiss her forehead. She pulled his chin down so that their lips matched into a series of slow, soft kisses. Iroh didn't mind this at all. Whenever his lips touched hers, he felt like he was being charged with the electricity of a thousand lightning bolts. Everything about this woman just felt amazing.

"We've had a lot of fun in the last few weeks," He stated as he ran his fingers through her hair gently.

"We have, my dear general," She agreed, and pulled his lips back onto hers. After five more minutes of this intermission, Asami brought her hands down to his length and started stroking it again.

"Ready again so soon?" he teased. She nodded eagerly and he touched her folds. She moaned softly. The moisture on his fingertips revealed just how ready his heiress was. He pressed his extension back into her core inch by inch, reveling in the sensation of being surrounded by her flesh. After he resumed thrusting, his goddess sat upright and pulled herself up onto the general with her arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. He instinctively grabbed onto her hips to support her body weight.

"Help me turn around?" She asked, looking into her partner's eyes as their noses touched. He didn't quite understand what she was talking about until she leaned back and placed her hands on the desk. He watched as she rotated her shoulders and replaced her hands on the desk so that the back of her neck was closer the ceiling of the room than its front. Iroh rotated her hips in the same direction that she had twisted herself. He shuddered as he felt every inch of Asami's core. She placed her feet on the ground in front of the general before lifting her hips slightly off the desk, cueing her lover to start going again. He held onto her hips as he thrust into her, increasing his pace and force. The young woman on his desk moaned loudly as he penetrated her. He was almost there, and could feel that she was almost there as well. He reached out to tug at her hair with each thrust. After a few minutes of this, Asami couldn't take any more as she finished, her core muscles rippling around Iroh's length. This unexpected change in sensation pushed the general over the edge, and he finished into his partner with a loud grunt. He sat down on his chair, his head rushing from what he had just done with Hiroshi Sato's daughter.

The heiress turned herself around and sat up on his desk, still breathing heavily from their escapade.

"I'm going to miss our encounters, Iroh," she said, fixing her hair. Iroh stood up and walked over to the desk, kissing Asami on the cheek.

"Me too," He said, placing his hand atop one of her legs. "You are a lady unlike any other."

"That's funny, because usually ladies deal with matters of the bedroom in an actual bed," she pointed out. "I don't think we've ever used a bed before." After some thought, Iroh realized the young woman was correct. They sat in silence for a few minutes. Iroh grabbed his partner and pulled her closer, covering her shoulder with light, feathery kisses. She lightly massaged his scalp. Iroh cupped Asami's face in his hands and placed a delicate kiss on her ruby lips.

"You deserve to be treated like a lady one last time," he said, standing up and gathering his clothes. After the pair had gotten street-ready, Iroh put his arm around his lady's shoulders and guided her down to the dock. They strolled onto the city streets before Iroh hailed a cab.

"Take us to 23rd and Lien-Hua Street, please," the general told the driver after the two had climbed in the back seat.

"You got it, sir," the driver responded and started moving the cab further into the Republic City streets.

"Where are we headed now?" Asami asked the firebender, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Somewhere very special to me, Miss Asami," he answered vaguely. Once the cab arrived, Iroh stepped out of the vehicle and held the door open, extending his hand to his date to assist her out. He paid the driver and led Asami into the lobby of a tall building that held various businesses. He led her into the elevator and frowned at the complicated system of levers.

"Normally I'd take the stairs, but we're headed to the top floor," He explained, fingers nervously hovering over all the switches and buttons.

"Step aside, general," Asami said calmy and pulled a lever, resulting in the slow ascent of the elevator. "I helped my dad repair an elevator in a hotel a few years ago, as a favor to the owner. It was really interesting to understand how elevators actually work. Learning how to operate one without a serviceman was a nice perk too."

"Is there anything you can't do?" Iroh asked, putting his arm around her waist with a grin on his face.

"Well, bending, but besides that, I don't think so," the young woman laughed and stood on her tiptoes to peck the general on the cheek. He held her chin up with his free hand as he turned to meet her lips. They shared a long kiss before Asami fell back onto her heels and slowed the elevator to a stop as they reached the top floor. They stepped out into the entryway of a tea shop. The sign hanging over the shop read "Red Dragon Tea Shop."

"Uh, it's closed," the heiress noted aloud.

"Well then it's a good thing I have the key, isn't it?" Iroh said with a smile as he reached his hand into the interior of his coat and pulled a key out from a mystery pocket. He placed the key in the locked door and rotated it to open the entrance to the shop. After his date had entered, he closed and locked the door behind them.

"Why do you have the key to a tea shop in Republic City?"

"When I was a boy, my grandfather traveled around the world for various peace conferences," Iroh said as he led Asami into the kitchen and grabbed two teacups, handing them to the young lady. "As the Fire Lord after Ozai, he felt obligated to show up to as many conferences for peace as possible. Sometimes, if I begged him hard enough, he would let me come with him." Iroh filled a pitcher with water from a faucet and grabbed three jars of tea leaves and exited the kitchen, motioning for his date to follow him through the still unlit tea shop. "The second time he ever let me come with him on a trip, I was nine years old. We came here, to Republic City. I couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw the city. There were ostrich-horse-drawn carriages everywhere, street vendors yelling at you to buy the food off of their carts, so many different kinds of people all in the same place! It was so exciting to finally see the big city I had heard so much about in school." The firebender stopped at a rounded booth, whose seats faced out towards a window. He gestured for Asami to sit down after he set the jars of tea leaves and the pitcher of water down on the table. He grabbed the candle sitting in the center of the table and lit it between his fingertips. Then he sat down next to his date. "The first thing we did in the city was come to this tea shop. The owner and my grandfather were, and still are, good friends, and he brought us out two cups of the best-selling tea in his shop. He sat down at the table and talked with us for about two hours." The Fire Nation prince set the teacups in front of him and filled them with cold water from the pitcher. He held each one up to his nose and exhaled, heating the water with his firebending so that steam rose from the cups. "During our conversation, the owner asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I told him that I wanted to travel around the world, keeping peace, just like my grandfather. In response to this, he leaned down closer to me and said, 'You are more like your grandfather than you know. You, too, shall accomplish great things at a young age.'" He laid out the jars and took a small scoop of leaves out from each one, putting the leaves in the cups full of steaming water. He slid one to Asami. "Every time I've come to Republic City since then, I've always made sure to stop by the shop and say hello to the owner. We have become very good friends. For my twenty-third birthday, he gave me an extra key to the tea shop and told me to come any time I want, so long as I leave a note each time I do." Asami smiled at Iroh's story, taking a sip from the cup the general had passed her.

"It seems the owner was right," she commented. "You are the General of the United Nations Forces at twenty-five." Iroh smirked.

"I suppose he was. But enough about me. Let's let the city do the talking for us," he stated, gesturing towards the window the pair faced as he put his arm around her shoulder. The city streets glistened in the dark of the night. They drank the rest of their tea in silence as they enjoyed the view.

After finishing her tea, Asami laid a gentle kiss on the general's lips. He set his tea down and wrapped his arms around her as the kiss became more charged and passionate. Eventually, the heiress broke the kiss.

"Would you like to accompany me to the Sato estate?" she suggested, setting her hand on his.

"I'd love to, Miss Asami," Iroh replied, and finished the last of his tea.

The two lovers finally exited the tea shop after Iroh had cleaned up and left his friend a note on the cash register. Iroh hailed another cab and told the driver to take them to the Sato Mansion. After receiving puzzled looks from the driver, he put the cab into gear and took them to their requested destination.

The pair exited the cab after paying their fare and headed up the steps to the mansion, ducking under the police tape barrier. As soon as they made it through the front entrance, Asami turned around and pushed Iroh into the now closed door, standing up taller to kiss him. The general's hands traveled down the heiress' back to her derriere. She broke the kiss and grabbed his hand, leading him to the master bedroom where they had been once before.

Iroh sat down on the edge of the four-post bed and watched his goddess walk towards him. She leaned over and kissed him, stepping forward to straddle his lap, resting her weight on her knees, which lay on either side of him on the bed. His hands eagerly explored every curve of her body as she pushed his shoulders down onto the plush bed. She unbuttoned his shirt and ran her hands all over his chest as their lips, teeth, and tongues crashed together in a wave of passion. The general pushed her up from his chest and sat up to remove his shirt and jacket. He grabbed Asami's dress from the bottom and slowly lifted it off up her body and off her shoulders, enjoying the view of his goddess's body. She then stepped off him to take his pants and boxer-briefs off before ridding herself of her panties for the second time of the evening. She climbed back onto the general and lowered herself onto him.

Iroh was not expecting this. Every other time the two had made love there was a significant amount of foreplay beforehand, but her wet core enclosing around his length informed him that she didn't need the usual pre-coital attention. He moaned in enjoyment as Asami began taking his length in and out of her sex. Continuing her gyrations, she leaned over and kissed the general. He rested his hands on her hips to guide her up and down his shaft. Asami broke the kiss to sit back onto Iroh's member, resting her hands on her ankles as she arched her back. They moaned together in response to this pleasant change in the angle of penetration. The firebender reached one hand up the heiress' chest and gently touched her breasts and nipples. She threw her head back and let out a groan to the ceiling. Her long hair tickled his legs as it swayed from the force of his thrusts.

The pair maintained a slow, steady rhythm, which was different from their usual, aggressive style, but Iroh found himself enjoying this encounter more than any of their previous experiences together. He looked up at the goddess on top of him: her cheeks were flushed, hair fell in front of her face, her breasts bouncing with each thrust. He sat up, still continuing their rhythm, and kissed her chest, moving his lips up to her collarbone, then up her neck, and up to her jaw line, before joining his lips with hers. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pressed their bodies even closer together, intensifying the kiss. The general then flipped his mistress over into the missionary position. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he continued to thrust into her. They shared a moment of heated eye contact before Asami lifted her head up and started kissing the general's neck. The new position allowed Iroh to penetrate her more deeply than he could before. As his member ventured further and further into his partner, she hummed lightly in pleasure onto his neck. He felt the goosebumps form on his skin. She trailed her fingers lightly over his back as they rocked the four post bed.

He shifted his weight onto his elbow as he hovered over the heiress, sliding his left hand down to her rear. He pulled her hips up higher into the air as he found the perfect angle from which to hit her sweet spot.

"You don't disappoint, general," She whimpered into his ear before letting her head fall back to the bed. She reached to a different point on the bed to grab a pillow and placed it underneath her hips. Iroh took his hand back from underneath Asami's backside and trailed it up to her clitoris, lightly stroking it with his thumb. She moaned and tightened her grip on his hips with her legs, moving their pelvises another centimeter closer.

"You feel amazing," The firebender complimented his partner before diving his lips down to hers, laying a friction-filled kiss upon them. The heiress wrapped her arms around his back and gripped onto his shoulders. Her moans began to get louder. He increased the tempo of his thrusts slightly. Her grip on his shoulders tightened.

"Oh, Iroh," she cried out. He started making each thrust more forceful, generating more noise from the young woman. She started losing her ability to put real words into her utterances. Iroh applied slightly more pressure to her clitoris. She tightened all her core muscles around him.

"Ooh, Asami," he said breathily into the heiress' neck. He continued thrusting deeply into his partner. Her grip on his shoulders tightened even more. He could feel her fingernails making imprints on his skin as she groaned. He withdrew and re-entered one last time as they both called out together, their orgasms blending together as they slowed their motions down before stopping all together.

Iroh rested his head on Asami's chest for a few moments before the lightheadedness passed. He scooted up next to his lover on the bed and laid a soft, gentle kiss on her lips. She sat up and moved up to the head of the bed, grabbing the covers and pulling them down so that she could get in. She pat the bed next to her as an invitation for him to join her. He mustered up the last of his strength and crawled under the covers before lying down next to the heiress. She turned into him and laid her head on top of his chest, lightly dragging her hands over his shoulders and chest. He kissed the top of her head as he idly played with her hair.

"So," Asami said, breaking the blissful silence, "this is it."

"I suppose it is," Iroh found himself saying as he twirled a lock of her hair around his finger.

"Tomorrow, at 6 AM, you'll be gone," she went on, a hint of sadness in her voice. He stopped the motion with his hand.

"Don't rub it in," He teased. "I have to go back to a ship filled with men. Sweaty, messy men, who I would never want to lay in a bed with as I catch the sweet aroma of their hair in my nostrils." Asami chuckled softly into his chest. "You get to stay in Republic City with the Avatar and rebuild a company."

"Well I might have the avatar, but I'll still be lonely after you leave," the melancholy tone returned to his goddess's voice.

"I'll be lonely too, Miss Asami." She lifted her head from his chest and stared into his eyes. She leaned forward and kissed the general once more before laying her head back down on his chest. "But I'll write whenever I think of you," he said, wrapping his arm around her back.

"You better," she mumbled into his neck, closing her eyes. He sighed. They were both mature enough to realize that they couldn't take their relationship with them to their separate locations. It would get too complicated too fast and destroy what they had created in the past two weeks. He rubbed her back softly before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

The general opened his eyes to wake at the same time he awoke every morning: 5:15. The one thing he hadn't awoken to every morning of his life: a beautiful woman, sleeping naked in his arms. He kissed the back of her shoulder gently, lightly brushing his fingertips up and down her arm. Asami stirred and turned to the face of the firebender. She kissed his lips with sleepy eyes.

"You're leaving now, aren't you?" She asked with eyes closed. He swept her hair from off of her face to behind her ear. He kissed her cheek.

"Yes, I am," he replied softly. She opened her eyes once more and looked at the man she had spent so much of the last two weeks together. He sat up in the bed and stretched before venturing out from under the covers to gather his clothes. Asami sat up in the bed and observed as her prince charming clothed himself and finished lacing his shoes. He sat back down on the bed and kissed her one last time. Their lips and tongues moved together in harmony for a few moments as the two lovers said to each other what their words couldn't. Iroh finally broke the kiss. Their foreheads touched as he remained seated next to his goddess.

"Farewell, Miss Asami," he said, pecking her on the lips one last time before standing up to exit the room.

"Goodbye, Iroh," she returned, watching the general exit the room and head down the stairs.

General Iroh sat at his desk, reorganizing the paperwork he forgot he had strewn across his floor during the previous night. He heard two loud knocks at his door.

"Permission to enter, sir," a member of his crew requested.

"Permission granted," he returned.

"Good morning, General Iroh," the crew member greeted his general as he walked into the room.

"Good morning, Lee," Iroh reciprocated. "Is everything ready for our departure?"

"Yes, sir," Lee answered.

"Perfect. We will leave in five minutes to be exactly on time," The general commented, turning his eyes back to his papers. "Did you have a good time at the party last night?"

"Yes, sir. Commander Bumi sure knows how to mix a drink," Lee laughed. "Did you enjoy yourself? I didn't see very much of you."

"Maybe that should tell you whether I enjoyed myself or not," Iroh said, trying to suppress a smile. "Please alert the rest of the crew of our on-time departure."

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