Chapter 2: Saving the Beautiful Maidens and Surprise Raid

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-05:38:07 P.M.-

While Red Hood patrolling around Tokyo.

"What a peaceful day, Alfred." Red Hood said.

[A.L.F.R.E.D.: Yes, Akai-sama.]

"I wish so. But I have to do what is right to save people."

[A.L.F.R.E.D.: Akai-sama I have been detected, there are 5 girls kidnapped in the park at three o'clock.]

And Red Hood followed what he said and look at the park. He widened his eyes as he saw the 5 girls who are gagged in their mouth and tied up struggled up to let go, those boys dragged those girls in the van in force and drive away. He got furious and annoyed.

"Assholes! Do you think you fucking boys can get away with those girls you kidnapped?! Not on my fucking watch!" Red Hood started and he revs up his motor and passed through the park off-road following him at high speed.

In the van. The boys cheered at their victorious kidnapping acts while the others struggling, A blonde-haired man named Kouhei Ebinuma, let out
a sadistic grin and he pick the phone and calling someone.

"Boss, we finally made it. We managed to kidnap those girls. Okay, we're on it." He said, "Takeshi-kun we have finally a prize."

"I'm sure that we give rewards to us if we rape these girls." And Takeshi Urushiba turned to the kidnapped girls with a vicious smile. The girls were enveloped with fear.

"Umm boss, I think we have a company here." One of the thugs said and he pointed the Masked figure riding on the motorcycle.

When the girls look at the masked vigilante they open wide and having hope.

"It's Red Hood!" One of the thugs exclaimed and feared that the famous vigilante chased them.

"Tch! Why now!" Takeshi didn't deserve this.

"We have to distract him. Guys, you know the drill." Kouhei feeling dissatisfied and tell the thugs and carry an AK-47 and they cock it, which the girls are terrified of, then open the rear door press the pedal, speeding up.

'So you want a gunfight huh! Well, Let's dance!' Red Hood speeding up as he draws the one 50AE gun.

Somewhere on the sidewalk, 13 female idol group members and the producer of 765PRO, and the staff named Kotori Otonashi. The names of the idols are Haruka Amami, Chihaya Kisaragi, Miki Hoshii, Yukiho Hagiwara, Yayoi Takatsuki, Makoto Kikuchi, Iori Minase, Takane Shinjou, Ritsuko Akizuki, Azusa Miura, Twin sisters Ami and Mami Futami, and Hibiki Ganaha.

"Hey, Producer that was a nice performance back in there," Haruka replied with a joyful tone.

"Yeah. We have a party at my house. What did you say?" The producer said to them.

"Yes. I love parties! Ne, Onee-chan?" Mami exclaimed.

"Yes, I would love to. Right Miki-Miki." Her twin sister said to her.

"Yes," Miki answered.

"Sounds like fun to me," Azusa said.

"Me too," Chihaya said.

"Come on, what are we waiting for le-" Iori began.

Interrupt with multiple gunshots echoing around the city.

"KYAAAAAA!!!" The women screaming in fear including the members of 765PRO idols then they run for their lives. Even the car managed to drive safely. The others took cover in the alley.

"What was that?!" Yukiho asked as she shivered in fear.

"Gunshots in the street," Hibiki said as the idols hide in the alley.

"Look." Yayoi points to the masked vigilante riding his motorcycle and having fun with the kidnappers.

"Oh my God, it's Red Hood!" Takane cupped her cheeks with her hands formed an admiration smile with blushed and hearty eyes.

"It's him my idol!" Even Makoto too.

"Red Hood? You mean the infamous gun-toting vigilante who fought the crimes and protector of the innocent?" Producer asked.

"Yes, that's him," Kotori confirmed.

"It said the original Red Hood came from Gotham City in America, he used a lethal force to kill those criminals. But he's now japan's new hero. I thought Red Hood killed the targets in the past. But the police trusted him now and he has a title known as The Mysterious Red Knight Vigilante.'

"Sugoi!" The rest of the idols were amazed and they are started to admired and love him as a fan.

Back to the Red Hood.

Red Hood managed to avoid the bullets, he decided to not use his machine gun that was intact on his motorcycle, because he didn't want to hurt the girls.

Then it's Red Hood's turn, he shoots the 2 boys on the shoulder to drop the rifle, fell on the ground, then the other reloading the rifle then, he fires on their legs. But one of the thugs tripped backward on the driver's seat.

"Whoa!" Kouhei is surprised and the van starting to lose control of the vehicle until it collided into the other alley, not to the idols.

Most of the thugs fell to the van, while the two have been less injured. Kouhei's head has been wounded and bleeding while Takeshi is unconscious and his head bleeding. And the crowd returned to the scene.

While the girls had no injured. And they wake up as Red Hood slice the rope tied by the girls both their wrists and feet with his tactical knife and remove the clothes that gagged on their mouth and they free from their restraint and they get out from the van.

"Aah, finally." The brown-haired girl felt relief and she turned to the masked vigilante, "Thank you for saving us, Red Hood."

"No problem, young lady, and also I saw you girls kidnapped with those boys and dragged you in the van. But you girls are safe now." Red Hood said.

"Thank you so much, Red Hood. It isn't because of you, we're raped by those boys now." The blonde twin-tailed-haired girl said to her.

"No problem girls." Red Hood replied.

Red Hood check the pulse of the thugs and gladly they had a pulse.

"What are you doing?" A black short-haired girl asking.

"Checking the pulse, gladly they are alive but knocked out." Red Hood replied as he turned to the blonde pink-haired girl and said, "You young lady."

"Me?" She points herself.

"Yes, call the police now." Red Hood said to her.

"H-Hai!" Then she took her phone and call the police.

They stop as they heard a groan nearby in the van.

"Girls, stay back." Red Hood said and pull the other 50AE and run to the van.

"Stay away." and the violet-haired girl wearing a maid outfit told the girls to get a distance.

Until he saw Kouhei and Takeshi regained their consciousness and they open their eyes groaning. Their eyes are clear to see, Red Hood aimed the pistols at the two. And the two started to shiver in fear.

"Do you think you two fuckers can get away with this you bullshit?!" Red Hood said with an angered tone closes the guns on their heads.

"Wa-Wa-Wait! Please! Don't hurt us, If you want to tell me about our mastermind. Here Takeshi knows it?"

"Are you sure?!" Red Hood asked Takeshi strictly.

"Yes. I will tell you, I was commanded by...Tadashi...Demura-san." Takeshi confessed.

The schoolgirls were shocked as they heard about that name.

"Demura-sensei! How could he do such a thing?" The pink blonde-haired girl said with an upset tone.

"That bastard!" The black-haired girl clenching her fist.

"Is that it? Do you have forgotten something?" Red Hood asked.

"By the way, the girls that we attempt to kidnap are the student council members from XXXXXXXXX High School to experiment with them to pick their targets. That's what Demura-san told us." Kouhei added.

"I see, so you kidnap these girls to do some experiments which are for sexual acts by force. Where is he now?" Red Hood asked.

"He's on the abandoned building that's a little far from here. Also, there are many guards in there." Takeshi added.

[A.L.F.R.E.D.: Red Hood you have an incoming call, it's from Inspector Megure, are you answer it?]

"Yes, Alfred." Red Hood said to his A.I. and the call answered.

"Akai-kun, I heard what he said. We're on our way to that building, we need your assistance, we are expected that we have expected that they are many of them. The police are coming to arrest those kidnappers. Red Hood, you have to do a silent approach to them. Once the gunshots occur then we are on action, got it." Megure said.

"Okay. Thank you, Inspector." And he hung up.

Until they heard the siren of police cars which is the police arrived at the scene and they arrest the criminals including Takeshi and Kouhei and the police confiscated the guns, but they are going to the hospital to treating their wounds first.

Then the crowd cheered and applauded. Meanwhile in 765PRO idols are impressed.

"Wow! He's a pretty cool hero!" Haruka commented.

"Yeah, you're right." Producer said.

"He's awesome!" Azusa applauded.

"Thank you for arresting those culprits, Red Hood." One of the police officers said.

"No problem. Sir, by the way, Inspector Megure is on their way." He said to the vigilante.

"I see. So I have to go now, if the parents of one of the girls, you must tell them." Red Hood, then he went to the motorcycle and he left.

At the 765PRO idols.

"Mou! I can't have a chance to meet him." Takane said sadly and she pouted.

"Dang it." Makoto pouted.

"Don't worry, we will meet him again soon." The producer said before he chuckled, "Let's go."

And the idols leave on this place. And Red Hood follows what the boys said to him and the girls reunite with their parents and their parents glad that their daughters are safe thanks to Red Hood.

-Timeskip 5:40:00 P.M.-

Red Hood arrives at the abandoned building. Also, it has a gate, and also two thugs are guarding it, he smirks under his helmet. Then he parked it behind the wall.

"Yosh, it's time." Then Red Hood pull the Grappling Gun and shoot it past above the wall and it hit on the wall of the building and it reeled and dragged him upward while he holding it, finally he managed to get inside the building.

Next, he crouches to avoid being detected.

"Alfred, how many thugs are there?" Red Hood said in a silent tone.

[A.L.F.R.E.D.: They are 25 of them including on your left.]

and he saw a thug on his left side then decided to stealth approach him.
While he's getting closer, Red Hood tapped his shoulder.

"What?" The thug turned around and Red Hood knocked him cold in one punch and then Red Hood dragged him and he opens a trash box. He threw the body and he closes it and proceeded into the door and open it silently.

Upon he enters the door stealthily, he saw two thugs watching in the window and have a nice chat with each other.

"I hope we can have fun with those girls." One of the thugs said.

"Yeah. I hope we look forward to it." The other said as Red Hood approach them like what he did and grab their head and smash it like a cymbal, knock them cold.

"No more fun for you, motherfuckers!" Red Hood cursed them and he proceeds upstairs. Red Hood made it on the second floor and he walked to the hallway.

[A.L.F.R.E.D.: Akai-sama incoming. It's Demura-san and his two thugs.]

Then he hides behind a wall in the abandoned room.

"Where are those fucking boys?" Demura wondered about Takeshi and Kouhei, but he didn't know that they are apprehended.

"I don't know. It is about three minutes." Demura's protector replied.

"I know that he will be here, in a short time, to use those girls as test subjects." The other protector said.

"You're right. For Edwin Black, we are sure that we are victorious." And they are now going downstairs.

When Red Hood heard that Demura had a conspiracy to Edwin Black. He felt his going to burst into anger as he gets the tactical knife, but they stop interrupted by a phone call that came from the science teacher's phone.


Red Hood just smirk. Then he decided to sneak them and they grab their heads and do it what he did to those boys earlier. And quickly he grabs the collar on his coat and dragged him and pinned him on the wall as he pulled his 50 Action Express and pushed it on his head. He's now

"Re-Red Hood? What are you doing here?" Demura asked in fear.

"Do you think you use the students in your sexual experiment, huh?!" Red Hood stated, "Dumbass, did Edwin Black told you to capture those girls?"

"Huh! What?!" Demura pretended.

Red Hood throws a hook in his face with brute strength, leaving a bruise on his cheek.

"I'M NOT FOOLING YOU, DEMURA-SAN! Do you think you can get the hell away from this shit? Not on my watch." Then Red Hood delivers another hook on his face.

At the outside of the gate.

Multiple sirens echoing the whole place, the two thugs looking around shocked as the police arrive and also with the little help of the Special Assault Team. As they came out,

"Police! Don't move!"

After the warning of the police, the two thugs have surrendered, then the police burst through the gate. Also, there are many thugs are fleeing but it's too late. The remaining forces search around the buildings, they saw a knocked persons and they check their pulse, gladly they are alive so the police seize them, Red Hood came out to the building and yet he had Demura in his hands.

"Sir take Demura on with you." Then Red Hood takes Demura to the police then he is arrested and they thank him.

He returned where the motorcycle and he continue patrolling around Tokyo.

Until he arrived at Yomihara, somewhere in Japan.

-Akai's Pov-

I can't believe it, since the people who live here because it is now a dangerous place here. This is the first time I've ever visited this place.

Then I park the motorcycle in the parking area of the Under Eden.

[A.L.F.R.E.D.: Akai-sama, I have detected a girl who has been a hostage and uses her as a sex slave to the demons. She's a Taimanin.]

"Taimanin, you mean the female ninjas or anti-demon ninjas. Okay, where is she?" I asked.

[A.L.F.R.E.D.: In this building at the basement.]

"On it." Then I decided to enter the building and search for the one of the Taimanin held somewhere.

-To be continued-

And here it is, the cameo appearance of 765PRO idols. If you like it, please vote and comment.

I forgot to edit some of my mistakes here. I'm sorry about that.

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