Chapter 4: Dating a Rich Girl and First Night

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(Akai's House, 9:30:20 P.M)

-Third Person Pov-

In his secret base, Akai returns home. And the ramp began to close and park his motorcycle.

He removed his outfit and changed into home clothes but he brings the leather jacket to patch the worn clothes to Miyuri. In the living room, Miyuri was patching his leather jacket. Akai was watching the news...

[News Anchor: A group of five girls attempted kidnapped by a group of kidnappers in the XXXXXX park six hours ago. According to the authorities, the suspects are trying to kidnap the four girls from XXXXXXXXXX High school, but Red Hood was here when he witnessed the kidnapped of victims and Red Hood saved them. Their targets are the members of the student council from the said school for the experiments, the mastermind of these atrocities is the science teacher, Demura Tadashi had been arrested along with the suspects for the charges of attempted kidnapping and attempt rape. Thanks to our friendly vigilante Red Hood, he saves the day once again.]

"Mou! Why did torn your clothes up there?" Miyuri said.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that because my enemy did." Akai just scratched his hair.

"But you saved the day, didn't you?" Miyuri asked him.

"Yeah. I remember back when Jason-sensei save you back when you are almost assaulted by your late brother-in-law's friend, a molester, and his minions." Akai said and Miyuri remembered her past.


(3 years ago, somewhere in the forest in the village)

Miyuri was lied on the tree, tied up and gagged on her mouth, her clothes were almost torn and her breast was and her panty was exposed in front of a group of the five rapists and its leader, Takeo Yoshizawa.

Miyuri was feared of getting raped and Takeo let out a sinister grin.

"Hey, Miyuri-chan do you think you can get away from us. No, you don't, because we have fun with you. Boys, let's get our party started with her!" Takeo said and his men hummed in agreement.

Then Miyuri was shocked that they want to rape her. She wants to move but it's useless and she can't speak because she was gagged. All she can do is close her eyes and her tears flowing down to her face.

'Akito-kun, anata please save me!' Miyuri was no hope to save her and accept this fate.

Until a rumbling motorcycle engine was heard around the forest as they stop.

"What is that noise?" One of his men wondered.

"A motorcycle?" Until two beams of light burst into the forest and they turned around as they saw a masked vigilante, riding on a motorcycle which is Red Hood, actually it's Jason Todd, not Akai Ishikawa. And he pulls on a front brake lever towards the grip, and it skids and the rear body lifts and it stops on her legs in a distance, avoids not to hurt her, and spins it to hit Takeo's head and he throws out on the tree, knocks out cold.

And land the rear body beside her, and finally, her savior has come as he turns off the engine and he hops off the vehicle and faces that rapist.

"Who the hell are you?!" One of the thugs asked in an angry tone.

"Do you think you can rape this young beautiful woman? How stupid you bitches now it's time for you to pay for this." Red Hood stated.

"Kisama! How dare to ruin our fun time?!" One of the thugs tries to attack the masked vigilante but Red Hood throws a strong punch as a result of losing a tooth and throwing it on the ground and dead.

"Onore!" Then the second and the third rapists pull their pocket knives and attempt to slash him but Red Hood performs a spin kick and they knocked them off then he rushes to the fourth rapist then he kicks on the stomach and he clutches his stomach in pain.

But the last rapist shivered in fear and he stuttered to fight and he ran away in fear. All of a sudden a beams of light burst into the forest as the police are there. The rapist cried out, raising his hands to cover his eyes.

"This is the police! Put your hands up!"

The rapist raised his hands in the air. Then Takeo gained consciousness and he was arrested along with his men. The rapist grunted in pain. As the Red Hood came to Miyuri and cut the tape on his wrist and legs, and the policewoman bringing along a quilt and cover her body and stand up.

"Thanks for saving me, Red Hood. Now I go to my brother-in-law and my husband." Miyuri said and Jason looks down and lets out a sad expression behind his mask.

"You mean Akito and Kazuto Natsuki?" Red Hood said in a sad tone.

"Yeah, why? Is there something wrong?" Miyuki asked with a concerned tone.

"Your brother-in-law and your husband are dead 15 minutes ago." Red Hood remarked in a sad tone of voice.

When she heard the news of his beloved ones, she can't believe that the two are dead.

"No way! Please Red Hood that's not true!" Miyuri started to tear up and her and streaming on her face.

"I'm sorry. There, the leader put an EMP bomb under their car, while they are driving somewhere, the bomb was activated as a result of skidding and it crashes to the wall, as result of their deaths." Red Hood said until Miyuri starts crying out loud in guilt, losing her loved ones, and Jason Todd comforts her.

-Flashback end-

"Yes, I have a great debt in your mentor after I moved to Kageyama city, Tokyo." Miyuri smiled.

"Yeah, I'm delighted about it. Anyway, where is Aki-san?" Akai began to looking for Aki.

"She's at her new room watching the taboo movies." Miyuri said, "I almost forgot that you have a date with a rich girl classmate tomorrow. You are so lucky after all." Miyuri said.

"Yeah, but I must be a gentleman on a date. This is the first time I've ever date a girl." Akai scratched his head.

"Do your best, Akai-kun. For your deceased best friend, here I finished patching your leather jacket." Miyuki finished patching it and give it to Akai.

"Thanks, I'm going asleep now." Then Akai went to his room and get asleep.

-Next-Day, 9:00:20 A.M.-

Akai was ready now on his first date with Yurika even her boyfriend was gone now. Akai wears a blue checkered short-sleeved polo shirt, black pants, and a pair of red sneakers. Akai was fixing himself, brushing his teeth, comb his hair while facing himself in the mirror.

"Okay, I'm ready to go." Then Akai was ready and he came out on the bed and went downstairs, Aki was sitting on the couch and Miyuri is in the backyard watering the vegetables.

"Ittekimasu!" Akai said to them.

"Itterasshai!" Miyuki and Aki said to him.

And Akai went out on his house. And he was surprised when he saw Yurika wearing a yellow V-neck shirt and blue a-line skirt, and bringing a handbag, black pantyhose, and white shoes.

"What a surprise! I didn't know that you are here now." Akai said as he went to the gate and he closes it.

"Yeah, I know your house since my father told me about your house and I found it here," Yurika said before she giggled slightly.

"Shall we?" Akai said as he offers her a hand. Then Yurika didn't hesitate to accept and they are now holding each other's hand and walking to the amusement park in Kageyama city.

They go to the left, but in unexpected, saw the four familiar girls. The girls who saved him under his alter ego yesterday.

'Wait a sec! Those are four of the five schoolgirls that I saved yesterday.'

Until the black short-haired girl notice us and she recognized Yurika and she was surprised and said.

"Wait a minute, you must be Ichijou Yurika, right?!"

"Yui-chan, are you talking about the daughter of the former CEO of the famous company that had shut down a few weeks ago." The long browned-haired girl.

"It's me so you recognized from the T.V.," Yurika said.

"Yes, Red Hood saved you and your father right? Us too, we saved by Red Hood yesterday from that bastard Demura-sensei's goons." The pink-haired girl cursed her science teacher.

"By the way, my name is Ishikawa Akai. May I have your names?" Akai introduced.

"I'm Yunoki Mio, it's nice to meet you, Akai-kun, Yurika-san." Mio introduced to the couple.

"Ikoma Yui, it's nice to meet you."

"Me too, I'm Arakawa Rinka"

"Asahina Konomi, it's a pleasure to meet you too." Konomi introduced with a smile.

"And that maid of yours..." Akai wondering about that maid.

"That's Toya Shiori, he is a maid to my family for many years. Are you two dating?" Mio asked when Akai and Yurika realized that they are holding hands.

"Friendship date for short," Akai said while blushing a bit.

"Okay, well see you next time and it is nice to meet you." Then the girls left and the couple watch as they enter the house next to him.

"Wow, I can't believe we were neighbors. Come on Yurika." Akai said.

"Yeah." Then the two began to walk to the amusement park.

-30 minutes later-

And they are here now in an amusement park and going inside. Akai wears his black-rimmed transparent sunglasses, which is a program by A.L.F.R.E.D.

They try on the different rides, and then they go into the stalls and win a stuffed toy like a teddy bear to Yurika which is they enjoy it.

After 4 hours they decided to take a rest on a bench. Drinking a bottle of mineral water and eating choco buns.

"Yurika-san, I'm enjoying our friendship date. Thanks for the experience." Akai said before he swallows his chewed choco buns.

"Yeah, I experienced since my first date with Yusuke-san." Yurika said, "Anoo, Akai-kun..."


"I...I...I feel something thrilling in my heart, it is...I don't know what to say, even I have Yusuke-kun. But my heart can't stop beating." Yurika began.

"Take your time, I will listen," Akai said before he drinks a bottle of mineral water. She is thinking for a while, until 30 seconds.

"Akai-kun you are a very kind and helpful person, Yusuke-kun was very happy to confess his feelings to me because of you, we were so blessed." Until Yurika clench her skirt and she was angry, "But that bastard, he took everything from me even my boyfriend's life all I want is to cry. But you saved us from that shitbag, I feel was saved. I want to confess my feelings for you from the start."

With that words, Akai was blushed madly, and he realized what she said to him.

"Wait you mean..."

"Akai-kun, I like you since we met in the school our first year," Yurika said as he holds both of his hands, blushing and smiling at him. But Akai was not sure about her confession.

"Yurika I love you...but I have feelings for the other girls including you. I don't want to hurt and toy their feelings and what about Yusuke, he was so sad in the afterlife." Akai said. Yurika was slightly gasped as she realizes that many girls liked him and she gave.

"Akai-kun. It's okay I dreamed about Yusuke and he said, 'Yurika, I'm sorry that I didn't know that you are in the situation, Yurika pleased don't be alone, Akai-kun will be there for you and he's now your new lover. Please tell me to Akai-kun that I will leave you into his hands.' And that's what he said to me. Akai-kun, if you want a harem, join me, okay." Yurika said as he cupped his cheek.

'Yusuke-kun, even you are dead now, I will take care of Yurika-san, for you.'

And finally, Akai respond.

"Yes. For him."

"Thank you, Akai-kun," Yurika said as they smile at each other.

-Timeskip 2:39:27 A.M.-

It was fun for those couples and now they went to the mall. And Yurika bought a new shirt for her. And they bought a mango shake and they stop at the park and sit on the bench and they drink it.

"Well, I think this is my first date with a beautiful rich girl and my classmate, while you are on a date six times," Akai said.

"Yeah, and also I thank you for this experience. That I date another boy like Yusuke-kun. And this teddy bear I'm happy to get a collectible in my room." Yurika said and she hugged it.

"Yurika I have something to tell you, just come with me into my house," Akai said as he stood up and she smiled. And not for long, they reached Akai house and we encountered Mio in her house.

"How was your date you two?" Mio asked.

"Yeah. Anyway, where did Yui-san, Rinka-san, and Konomi-san go?" Akai asked.

"They are still on my house," Mio replied.

"I see then we gotta go now. See ya." Then the two went inside his house.

"Tadaimasu." He cried and he gets two slippers in a shoe rack.

"Okaeri, Akai-kun." Miyuri greeted while sweeping the floor, "You must be Ichijou Yurika, right?"

"Yes, that's me." She nodded.

"I am Natsuki Miyuri, a widow, and I am taking care of Akai since then." Miyuki bowed. Until he spotted Aki downstairs.

"She is Aoi Aki, she is living in my house since she moved from his house yesterday." Akai introduced and Aki approach to them.

"So you are the daughter of former CEO of the famous company. It is nice to meet you, My name is Aoi Aki. How was your father?"

"He's okay now. He had to take care of his mental health because of the shutdown, I hope my father had a new start of his life now." Yurika looking down on the floor as she remembers her father had depression and anxiety due to his company shut down.

"Anoo, Akai-kun. I have to talk with my father, Akai-kun can you follow me to your room?"

"Okay." Then the two proceed upstairs.

"Wait." But Miyuri wants to say something to them as they stop and turn to Miyuri, "Don't forget to use some birth control?"

Akai sweatdropped and Yurika blushed deeply and they just turned around and enter his room and Yurika shut it.

"Yurika-san, why did you lock it?" Akai asked with curiosity.

"Just a little secret." And Yurika just winked, "Is there a bathroom here?"

"There, the door beside my bed that leads to my bathroom." Then Yurika went to the bathroom and close it for a bit.

Akai-kun closes all the windows and curtains and sits on the bed.

"Alfred put this room into soundproof mode and please don't disturb us if it is not important," Akai said to his A.I.

[A.L.F.R.E.D.:Yes, Akai-sama.]

And the room filled with white energy and it turned into silent mode. As the noise from the outside was gone.

"Good, it's a perfect peace," Akai said.

And not for long, Yurika came out in the bathroom with a smile.

"Akai-kun, otou-san allowed me to stay in your house tonight." Yurika announced, "So that means, we have a good time for us."

Upon that words, Akai was blushed.

"I think I'm ready now and I will take as a yes Yurika-san. For Yusuke-san." Then Akai approached her.

"Yurika. You can call me Yurika now." Yurika then wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Yeah, Yurika, shall we?" Akai smiled and blushed madly and she nodded.

-Warning! Lemon Scene Started-

They start with a simple kiss and their simple kiss turned into a sloppy and lustful kiss. And they fall into the bed as Akai was on top of her and straddling her, their bodies clinging and humping to each other.

Akai enters his tongue into her mouth and she accepts it. Their tongues wrapping around and battle for dominance, Akai wins it but Yurika doesn't want to lose then she inserts her tongue into his mouth, the two moan as they two battled to their dominance.

Akai starts sipping her tongue for her essence for half a seconds and Yurika takes her turn after 30 seconds. Then two separate the kiss as the string of saliva was broken and the catching some air.

"Wow! You are a good kisser Akai-kun." Yurika whispered.

"Yeah, and this is the first time I've ever felt that kiss," Akai whispered back.

"Did you know that Yusuke and I had sex together for the first time?" Yurika asked.

"No, I was in the patrol." Akai shook his head.

"I see. So you have sex with your first boyfriend. Can I do the first move?" Akai asked.

"Sure, anything for my new boyfriend." Yurika let out a smile until she felt something hard poking in her thighs, that she looks down there and open wide with a gasp that there is a bulge formed on his pants.

"Oh my! Looks like you got hard now." She teased.

"Yeah, I was...Now, it is time." Akai is starting to undress her pantyhose, shirt, and skirt. Revealing her matching green bra and panties, next he unbuttons his polo shirt and removes his pants revealing his slash and gunshot scars. Now their clothes are on the floor.

"Oh no! You have so many scars." Yurika traces each of his scars with an unhappy expression.

"And you are so beautiful." Akai then pokes his thing to his panty causing Yurika to gasp at his action.

"Whoa, you are good for humping, huh? In that case..." then Yurika wrapped her legs around his waist in a leg lock, "Let's hump together okay."

Then Akai start presses his thing harder in her panty cause her to moan softly and he starts kissing her neck to add more pleasure, he won't forget to massage her breast.

"Oh! Oh! Akai please more!" Yurika moan, she felt the presence of Yusuke inside his body and she was surprised and whispered, "Yusuke-kun ah! Please watch us while we are having sex, this is for you."

In few seconds, Akai pulls her bra down revealing E-cup size breasts. Akai was surprised about the size of her chest.

'So this is what Yusuke said after they had sex.' Akai thought back to when Yusuke shares his experience with Akai of having sex with his girlfriend before he died.

And he gives a subtle lick of the left breast. Yurika arched her back as she received both pain and pleasure and continue licking while he gropes the other breast harder but gentle while humping.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Like that! This is the first time that I experience someone sucking my breast, it feels so good! More! More! Please! Use my body for your desire!" Yurika unconscious moaned loudly at his room, but she realized something.

"Oh no! I yelled out loud!" Yurika covered her mouth in a feared. And they stop for a moment.

"Don't worry Yurika, Alfred set this room into silent mode," Akai assured.

"Thank you Akai-kun," Yurika said, then they continue humping each other. Akai sucks her breast gently, which Yurika moans loudly and her body shudders for the pleasure. His saliva was warm and blissful. Then he moves to his neck and suckled it. And Yurika let out moans ecstatically as he found her weakness.

"Yes! There! Kiss that spot! Hiyaaaah!" Akai then stops humping and he throws his leg on the side and pinches her nipple hardly.

"You are voice is so cute when you are moaning." He teased.

"Stop teasing's embarrassing."

He chuckled a little then his lips trace her cleavage and she shudders more and moans softly then next, the valley between her chest. Yurika suddenly felt tickling from her chest and laughing.

"It tickles!" Yurika laughing in pleasure and he moves in her abdomen then her laugh replaces moan.

Until he stops when he looks at her wet panties. And he turns his eyes to her beloved girlfriend.

"Sorry if I wet your panty when we humped

"Can I?" Akai asked.

"Hm." Yurika hummed in approval with blush and turned away.

Akai didn't await this opportunity to taste the nectar of a woman, he pulls down her panty and spread her legs revealing her moist and wet vagina.

"What a beautiful view!" He teased.

"Is that so." Yurika blushed deeply with a smile, "Akai, give them a li-lick if you like to."

Then Akai slowly flicks her tongue to her vagina, Yurika suddenly arched her back with a cry loudly in pleasure. Then he continues licking on her spot and he uses the mouth to eat her sacred flower, sending her on the edge.

"YES! That's it! More! More! More Akai-kun! More!" She moaned out loud.

He sucks her essence and her clitoris, sending shivers to her spine as she arched her back, once again. Yurika clenching the bedsheets as incoming satisfaction feeling received in her body and also inserts her singer inside her and thrust it up and down. Five minutes later, her body felt something coming out.

"Akai-kun! Your fingers are amazing! Please thrust me more! Oh my God! I'm cumming!"

Then Akai inserts his second finger then Yurika arches his back hard as she reaches her climax, her love juice squirts to his finger and her mouth.
A few minutes later, Yurika was recovering from her orgasm. Akai then kissed her and savor her juice and in their tongue and a few seconds later they broke the kiss.

"That was sweet," Akai commented.

"Yeah, for now, I want you inside me," Yurika said.

"Are you sure?" Akai asked.

"Yes. I want to suck your thing but not now. I want to feel you inside me." Yurika said.

Akai lined up his member to her womanhood and Yurika pull his face closer to hers.

"It's okay my virginity was taken by Yusuke-kun, Now it's time I will take yours. Also, I'm on the pill so it's okay to cum inside me." Yurika said and she pushes her lips against his.

Then he inserts his thing inside of her vagina and Yurika moans softly as he inserts it and his thing reaches into the cervix.

"Ah~!It's so big! And it reaches my womb! I never felt this before, Akai-kun pounds me as hard as you can." Yurika moaned and she cupped his left cheek with his hand.

And he starts thrusting harder up and down, receiving the pleasures of their own body.

"Wow! This is what we feel about having sex!" He moaned.

"Ah~! Ah~! Yes, that's it. This is what I have felt since my first time with Yusuke-kun...ah!...and now it's time to received you some pleasure! Faster! Faster! For Yusuke-kun!" She mewled and wrapped her arms around his back. But their sexual activity will about to end.

And Akai speeding up in a roughly was Yurika yelled in satisfaction. And they are now sweating, and their bodies created a sound of slapping bodies of lovemaking inside of this room, and thanks to the silent mode no one will hear from outside. Akai felt her walls are tightened.

"Yurika, something is coming out!" Akai warned.

"Me too! Spread it out! Spread it out! Let's cum together." Yurika said.

Yurika also wraps her legs around his waist in about leg lock. And Akai was speeding up than before.

"Yusuke-kun, if you are here, I know you wouldn't experience but this is for you. Watch your beloved best friend cum inside me." Yurika cried for his departed first boyfriend.

"Yurika...Here it comes!" He grunted.

"AKAI-KUN I LOVE YOU!" Yurika yelled in pleasure as she climaxed violently and her eyes rolled up back in her skull and her tongue sticking out and she starts to drool and her tears coming out from her tongue like ahegao face. In his one last, strong and deep thrust shoot his seed deep inside her womb violently.

"So...much...sperm!" Yurika muttered.

-Lemon End-

In thirty seconds, the two found themselves lay down sideways facing each other, kiss in a passionate and gentle and their tongues wrestle, Akai's thing was still clinging inside of her womanhood to prevent leaking. And her body covered in a quilt. And they broke the kiss.

"It was amazing. Thank you, Yurika. I hope that Yusuke will be happy about this." Akai smiled.

"Yeah, I'm sure of it." Yurika smiled back, "You are so rough, but I enjoy it."

"Yurika let's sleep for a while. Alfred, alarm me when at the time of my vigilante duty, okay."

[A.L.F.R.E.D.: As you wish, Akai-sama.]

Then the two embraced as they sleep for an hour because Akai-kun will patrol around Japan. As for now, they enjoy a time of bliss.

"I love you, Yurika."

"I love you too, Akai-kun."

And then Ichijou Yurika became one of Ishikawa Akai's lovers, however, a journey of making a harem is just begun.

-To be continued-

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