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"You're to train hard each and everyday to convince us and humanity that we will strive and defeat all the titans! Humanity will no longer be feared by these demonic creatures. We'll continue to protect and serve everyone until out last breath!"

I saluted like the rest of the upcoming soldiers and held my head up high with a stern face. All around me are young men and women who want joined the military to kill titans and protect us humans from them.

Up ahead of me is Mikasa standing there still with the red scarf she wore as a kid. Eren with a determined mindset on elimination all titans and Armin who's always had his back. The whole point of joining this is to also advance the deaths of the ones we loved, Eren and I agreed on it since day one.

Commander Pixis was giving out a speech to us all making sure to walk around and look at us so we'd pay attention to his words.

He walked over to a tall man with short light brown hair, he sorta reminds me of a horse. I scoffed trying to fight off a laugh when commander Pixis hits the guy making him fall to the ground in pain.

Blankly I stared at him unimpressed with the answer he gave to Pixis on why he joined the military. His eyes then rested on mine so I quickly looked away not planning on having a conversation or anything to do with him.

We all did a bit of training, actually they didn't go easy on us, we were tired and having a small break. We all had to do our activities quick because the adults here take things very seriously. I don't blame them, they're forced to be loud, demanding and harsh on us, if not we'll be getting nowhere.

I was lost in my own thoughts and was caught off guard when I felt someine grab my hands and plqcing them over my own.The man who stood before me grabbing my hands was the same who was eyeing Mikasa by his eyes seemed to shine a lot brighter now.

"Hey there, my name is Jean Kirstein. The man who'll become your future husband." He said with a confident smirk on his face. What the hell? Is he serious?

I felt a blush creeping up to my face since I'm not used to people getting this close to my face or saying such bold words without knowing me, I bluntly said, "No. I dont think so."

Behind me I heard someone choke on their drink wheeze at my response. "You spilled your drink over me Sasha!" Connie said looking at the girl who was nearly choking from the potato and bread she was eating.

The man known as Jean seemed to have stayed frozen in place. A chuckle was heard next to me and another tall but broad man patted Jean's back.

"I do hope this guy isn't troubling you, I'm Reiner." He smirked as well. Now I'm caught between two flirts just what I needed.

"Ha! You've been denied horseface." Eren said from the other side of the table, this apparently made Jean snap out of his weird state.

"Who you calling horseface you bastard!"

I wipe my hand against my new jacket and sigh walking over to where my friends are. I silently munch on my food while listening to Eren and that Jean guy. I have a feeling these two will continue this kind of relationship for a while.

The front door slams against the door and we all stop eating and see Pixis standing there, "What is going on in here cadets?!" Eren and Jean quickly salute and stand up straight saying their apologies.

I notice Reiner holding a laughter and see him standing between another tall guy with dark hair and a blonde girl with a serious expression, reminds me of Mikasa.

"Eat up you pigs! tomorrow you'll all be doing laps because of these two!" Pixis commands and roughly hits both of the guys heads.

Everyone begins to groan and start blaming it on Eren and Jean, which is fairly true. I look back and notice Sasha quickly eating potatoes after potatoes with a big slice of meat. Pixis leaves without another warning and we're all quick to eat up and head to out respective cabins.

I stop when I heard bushes rustling behind me, I look back and quickly the person dodges, I squint my eyes and hum to myself, Jean. He's probably after Mikasa.


After a long and agonizing morning of running because of two idiots, we we're finally in the training field with our odm gear, trying to balance ourselves on the wires. Sasha next to me expertly does so like the rest of us.

Eren and Jean continue their bickering and I laugh when Jean leans up front and hits his head, karma instantly hit me because of how much I was laughing to myself, i started to panic when I leaned back and quickly I shielded my head from the rough fall, Eren wasn't so lucky when it happened to him.

I dumbfoundedly stared back at a couple of trees where I saw Sasha hiding with a piece of bacon. Sasha..has become my favorite so far from the rest of the weird guy here. I walked over to her and stopped when she hissed like an animal and looked up at me holding something, a few buns i snuck out. "Here." Sasha's eyes lit up and she slowly took it from me.

"Thank you! You have no idea how hungry I am." I noticed her cheeks turn slightly pink. "My name is Sasha but I'm sure you heard that a lot from Pixis." The young girl smiled and wipes her mouth.

I smile and nod my head, "He does like to call names, I'm Ryo." I decided to take a small break and sat down next to her.

"I hope I'm not interrupting you two. I overheard you sneaked food out." blonde girl with a gentle smile and the brightest blue eyes I've seen says while standing next to us. Is she an angel?

We look up and we her with an apple in hand. "I have some more if you'd like. I-I' m Christa." I look up at her in awe and feel my cheeks flush.

Sasha is about to snatch the apple when now a tall stoic woman grabs it and stands between us and Christa glaring at us both and gritting her teeth.

"Did they do something to you? What did you say to her?!" I flinch at her being so loud and already cold to us.

Sasha grips my shoulder and hides behind me. I force a smile to not show that I am nervous, "N-Nothing we were just getting to know each other and Christa was being kind and offering an apple to my friend Sasha."

I raise my hand up in surrender and see Sasha nodding her head. "We weren't doing anything just eating!"

"This right Christa?"

The kind blonde girl places her hand on the tall woman and smiles kindly at her. "These are my new friends Ryo and Sasha. I just thought it'd be nice to meet our other female to be soldiers, sorry I left the cafeteria without telling you."

The tall womans eyes soften and gives Christa a sincere smile. "Just don't do it again okay? I worry if someone might harm you."

It seems like this girl genuinely cares a lot for Christa. It's nice to know that someone is entirely devoted to taking care of someone they've met. Speaking of devoted, I wonder where Mikasa and Eren are.

"If anything would've happened I'm sure Sasha and I could've handled it if someone were to harm her." I speak again and see the tall girl now looking at us, curious now. "What's your name?"

The girl crosses her arms and opens her mouth until someone intervenes.

"I'm Jean Kirshstein. Future husband to Mrs Ryo over there, though Christa here is a cutie." Not this again.The tall girl irritated by this shoves the apple into Jean's mouth.

I try to suppress a laughter but fail a bit and look away so they won't see me. "Hey! I was just making some conservation-" Jean tries to defend himself when he gets the apple out of his mouth.

"And being a flirt to my Christa. Back off!" The girl glared at Jean and protectively wraps her arms around Christa.

Jeans frowns and huffs. "Fine whatever I'll make myself useful somewhere else." I watch him leave and Christs assures the girl that she is fine once again.

I smile at them being so cute so the girl looks at Sasha and I and sighs but smirks a little. "I'm Ymir."


When it comes to hand to hand combat I am one of the best. I'm not number one in the rankings but I'm close to it, our training for the day wasn't easy at all. Each of us had to run many laps, learn to use the odm gear once again to finally be ready when it comes to killing titans, also hand to hand combat.

Reiner and I had to fight together with his friend Bertholt cheering him on, but Reiner being the flirt he is got distracted so I flipped him on his back. It even surprised me since he is way taller and stronger than I am.

Sasha was against Marco. Connie against Jean. Mikasa against Armin. Eren against Annie and last it was me and Annie after she bad hit Eren.

I had gotten in position to block her attacks and strike when she could get off guard. Nothing went as planned, Annie easily defeated me in battle...I have to train more. We're doing all of this to survive and protect everyone, I cannot let myself down.

The sky was already dark and everyone was either outside talking by the fire, going to their respective cabins, or eating the last meal of the day. Everyone was already inside except for me, I decided to have a warm bath before dinner and was already making my way ahead when I noticed the one person I didn't want to see by the entrance.

I just hope there's some food left. I overheard that Eren was about to have a fight with Jean while telling everyone inside when he first saw the colossal titan.

Jean was staring at Mikasa and her long black hair. His cheeks were now red. He's so dumb and always flirting with many girls, and here I thought that his full attention was on me.

I'm glad it not cause I dont have time to be dealing with stupid people who just came here to have a good time. I came here to get stronger and fight, I don't need anyone slowing me down.

Many people here have lost relatives, loved ones to those disgusting titans. I'm sure people like Jean haven't lost anything in their lives, it's always people like him who get it easy.

I'm afraid I'm getting to comfortable and talkative with people now. First, Sasha, Christa. Ymir. Reiner and the rest.

We're just soldiers waiting to be killed off in battle. I don't have to grow attached to anyone or this'll all just be too hard. It's the one mistake everyone has already done here, they all seem happy but later on, their faces will be filled with tears, anger and trauma.

I noticed Eren up ahead and Mikasa rushing after him. Jean was about to do the same but noticed them both together. "So stupid." I muttered and put on my regular tough face when I got closer.

Jean seemed taken back when he saw me suddenly show up. "R-Ryo. I didn't expect to see you here after Mikasa..I you know if she likes-"

"Get out of the way." I whisper ready to punch him if he continues with his stupid feelings.

"Do you really think this is the time to be in love? Millions are dying andhere you are fanning over my friend and flirting with every girl you meet. Are you after Mikasa or any other girl? Make up your damn mind. I'll be surprised if you manage to find yourself a wife in the future with that behavior." I glared at him hard.

Jean for the first time stayed silent so I noticed him frown. I push him out of the way and walk right past him.

"Ryo! Come sit I saved you some but I did eat the bread." Sasha says waving her hands and pointing at the plate next to hers.

I wave at her and give a small smile. I notice Reiner glancing at me and back at Annie and Bertholt. Those two are always together, maybe they're childhood friends.

I walked over and sat next to Sasha. She excitedly began telling me how she stole a dessert from Pixis but was soon caught right after and was forced to do laps. No wonder I didn't see her with our training gear earlier.

From the outside I could hear Connie freaking out over something but I didn't pay much mind to that and continue listening to Sasha, but the boy outside wouldn't quiet down.

"Ahh what the hell?! What did you wipe on me?"

"My faith in humanity."

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