The Fall Of Shinganshina

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"Okay I'm all done!" I happily exclaim and pushed the now empty plate aside. Mama chuckled and Papa patted my head and placed finished the cigarette he held in his other hand. "Good girl even if you don't like eating your vegetables you know they are good they'll-" "Help me grow up big and strong!" I finished his sentence knowing well he always tells me that when Mama decides to cook vegetables. Today was a bright and sunny day it seems like a perfect day to play outside.

"So can I go and play?!" I began jumping up and down.

Mama and Papa exchanged looks and shook their heads to the sides. "Your hair is a mess, Ryo. Let your father braid it for you." I pouted at Mama's words and crossed my arms. "I want you to do it! Papa always ends up tying my hair in knots."

Papa seemed offended and Mama chuckled at my words. "Don't judge your father's work, he's gotten better at it." I pouted unsure at her choice of words. I heard Papa huff as he grabbed my shoulders to stay still and I felt him sit behind me. "Give your old man another chance, Ryo. It's not my fault your mother decided to give birth to a girl."

I huffed and heard Mama give him a slight smack on the back of his head. "I'm just kidding! I wouldn't trade our girl for anything!"

"You better not." Mama smirks and finishes drying up the dishes.

I cross my arms over my chest and waited impatiently for my father to finish braiding my hair. "And there!" He stands up and looks at Mama impressed at his work. Mama gives him a thumbs up and smiles wide.

"You're getting better and better at it my dear."

"I am aren't I?" 

I look at them two and made a disgusted face at them praising each other. "Can I go now?" I shrieked when Papa lifted me up on his shoulders and held onto the top of his head, I heard him hiss at how tight I was holding his light brown hair.

"I don't like you going on your own so I'll be the one to escort you." Mama handed something to my father, a cloth wrapped up with somethinf inside of it. "No more eating those pieces of apple pie. You're friends will now that you nearly ate it all up." Mama warns but smiles at my pout.

The three of us exit our home and I look back and watch Mama waving her hand and smiling at us both. "Be right back my love!" Papa shouted when he began walking further away from her.

Papa begins to hum to a certain song and I join him along and listened to some villagers saying their goodbyes and hello's to Papa as he securedly held me tight in case I would fall off.

"Eren!" I spot the familiar dark haired boy up ahead and wave my hand. 

"Hmm I'm suspecting that my little girl might have a crush on a certain boy." I blush and shake my head to the sides. "No Papa! Boys are gross. I don't want to fall in love because if I do that means i'll have to leave you and Mama."

I feel my father gently placing me down on my feet and he faces me down and touches my head. "Someday you will. You'll find a boy who treats you right and will do anything to protect you, and if you find him. Marry him." Papa tells me seriously but smiles right after. "Or a girl whatever your preference may be! Though I would love to have grandkids." He smiles to himself and I tilt my head.

"Hello Ryo!" Eren says looking at me and greeting my Dad as well. Mikasa and Armin come running to us and Papa hands him the pieces of pie from the cloth he held in his hands. 

"It seems like you kids are getting bigger each day. Wouldn't you agree that my precious Ryo is the beauty of your hometown." Papa says snuggling to me and I try to push him away feeling embarassed.

"I-I guess so." Armin replies and Mikasa only nods her head and glances at Eren who finishes up his pie and she tries to clean his mouth from the crumbs but he pushes her away.

Papa smiles at us and turns to Eren. "Eren my you by any chance know when Grisha will be back?"

"No, sir. But as soon as he comes home i'll tell him to go search for you. Is it for something important?" 

I look up to see my Dad deep in thought. "Nothing at all.." Papa quicky smiles again and leans down to kiss my head. "Be home before it gets dark okay?" I blush and smile at his words. "I will."

"Don't worry sir! If anyone tries to do something i'll beat their ass." Eren proudly says. Mikasa nods her head and Armin sweatdrops. Papa chuckles and waves his hand and leaves us four alone.

We begin to walk further and stare at the many soldiers in awe as they work. Up ahead I notice one of Papa's friends working, Hannes is his name. I wave at them and so does Eren. "So what should we play today? Mikasa how about we play dolls?!" I excitedly ask her.

Mikaa shakes her head, "No thank you."

I whine and pout again. "But it's fun! Mama is always busy to play with me and Papa refuses since he doesn't understand the point of it." I groan and Armin pats my back.

"M-Maybe Mikasa has never played with dolls, surely she might like it if she gives it a chance." Mikasa stares at us both then at Eren who climbed on top of the railing. "Playing with dolls is dumb. How about we play that we are soldiers instead? Or thay we are monsters and that we're protecting the world from being destroyed?"

"That's too violent Eren." Mikasa mutters.

Eren hums and was about to suggest another game until Armin held up a book. "How about we read? Look I found this called an ocean." The three of us get closer and see the image he's showing us.

An ocean? According to Armin it is like a pool but it goes for many miles and it's way deeper and creatures inhabit it. "I don't know what it is but it sounds like fun! Maybe one day we'll see an ocean." I tilt my head and can already imagine how it must be.

"I do hope so as well." Armin agrees smiling at the image and looking at us. "We all will someday."

We hear footsteps getting closer to us and look up at Hannes. "What are you kids up to?" We smile at him and tell him about our day. "You four better stay out of trouble, I don't want any of the others to harm you kids."

"Hannes now that I remembered Papa has invited you for dinner along with Eren's parents. You should join us!" I suddenly remember Mama saying that to Carla Jaeger. Hannes eagerly agreed and suddenly our conversation changed to the walls surrounding us.

According to Armin's book and everyone who believes in this. Centuries ago these walls were built to protect us from creatures known as titans. Hannes is from the Scout Regiments, soldiers who defend these walls and the people. Though many of them only use that job to have some money and get drunk.

Eren has been telling us for a while that he wants to join them and Hannes is never happy to hear him say that. Suddenly the earth began to shake. The whole place seemed quieter. Eren, Mikasa, Armin and I exchanged concerned and confused looks. "What was that?"

The ground began to shake again and we saw people running up ahead when what seemed to be like a lightening bolt appear out of no where. The four of us followed the crowd and I gasped and took a step back when I saw a gigantic flesh colored hand on top of the wall. I-Is that? No way it can't be.

My hands felt shaky along with my legs Mikasa held me up so I wouldn't fall and hurt my knees. "It's impossible that wall is fifty meters high." I hear Armin say. This is certainly a titan, it stands tall and looks at us from its place. 

The titan breaks the wall and eveeyone begins to scream and run for shelter as we see other titans appear, smaller than the first one but still way bigger than us humans. I trip over my legs when I take a few steps back and see Eren slowly walking forward. "Eren!" Armin shouts.

Papa..Mama! Without a word I have the courage to get up and start running to find my parents. "Mama! Papa!" I shout as loud as I can and run through the crowd of people. I arrive to my house now destroyed and see a figure laying on the ground up ahead. "Mama!"

"Ryo!" I hear my father shout my name. He hurriedly races to me and sweeps me me up and covers my eyes and feel him continuing to run away from the house, "Don't look." He warns me and holds me my head to his chest. The sounds of people screaming isn't helping the situation. 

My eyes widen when I see blood on the ground,buildings and houses..parents, children on the streets crying over their loved ones. I begin to shake and cry, "Papa..where's Mama?" I whisper but loud enoufh for him to hear.

My father doesn't respond he just keeps on running over to Eren's house. "Carla! Eren!" My father shouts when we see a titan slowly appear. "Mikasa stay back!" He shouts again.

We look up ahead and see Hannes arrive but he's paralyzed. Why isn't he killing the titan? This is why the Scouts were formed right? Carla looks at us with a tearful face and closes her eyes shut when Eren starts to shout at her. I can feel Papa shaking as he holds me tight in his arms.

"Papa?" I whisper. He looks down at me for a few seconds and looks away from me and up to Hannes. " have to take her!" Take me? Where?!

"I-I have to go back for Mera..." i hear him whisper and he places me down and gets on one knee and places something around my neck. I look into his blue eyes and know what he means by the look he is giving me.

"Kyo are you out of your god damn mind?!" Hannes shouts as he grabs Eren and Mikasa tight. Papa ignores his words and focuses on me as he holds my hands. "I wanted nothing in the world but to watch you grow up into a lovely lady. To spend my days by your side and protectinf you from the world-"

"Papa.." I can't help but begin to cry. Papa reaches to me again and holds me one last time close to his heart. "I'll always be with you my dear." He kisses my head and quickly i'm forced into Hannes arms and I reached out to try and grab my father, save him so he can stay with me.

Papa just smiles up at me and tears continue to fall down to his face. I close my eyes shut when the same titan grabs him and Carla. Hannes with his gear begins to leap from a building to another and we were placed onto a ship.


There were many who didn't make it. Eren began to curse at the world for taking his mother and my parents. We were on a boat heading to the closest and safest place for now, Wall Rose. Eren, Mikasa and Arming were standing next to me. I was on the floor hugging my legs and sniffing as I looked at the item Papa wrapped around my neck, a necklace with a ring on it, his wedding ring along with the matching one from mom.

I safely tucked the necklace back into my dress and covered my ears at the soumd of the destruction around us. I glanced back before we got furrher and spotted two titans, both of them having similar heights.

"I'll kill them all. Every single titan." Eren bitterly said and glared at them. I rested my face back onto my legs and felt Mikasa patting my back and leaning over to me. Now we're expected to live a new life at Wall Rose. All I know is people tjere won't be treating us nicely..Mama...Papa..I already miss you so much.

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