Chapter I

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~Vermillion City~

Red exited the Vermillion City Gym with the Thunder Badge in hand.  Sandy, who had now evolved into a Sandslash, walked behind him.  Red smiled a bit as he remembered how easy she had made that battle.

"You did good girl."

Sandy smiled a bit.  Suddenly, Red's communicator buzzed.  He pulled it out.


"We have a mission for you."


"We need you to board the S.S. Anne, steal as many Pokémon as possible, and get off.  You can even take a couple for yourself if you grab enough Pokémon."

"What is the benchmark?"


"Charizard flies at noon."

"Roger that."


Red slipped through the hallways onboard the large vessel.  He had already met his requirements with many Pokémon, two Machop, four Shellder, three Growlithe, one Jigglypuff, five Tentacool, three foreign Wingull, four Horsea, two Staryu, two Pikachu, four Nidoran, one Voltorb, one Magnemite, and a Ponyta.  He was going to have to leave soon though, because it would not be long before someone woke up and alerted the crew.

The Rocket grunt saw a crew member and a Machop working on the front deck.  The small humanoid Pokémon was handling cargo much more efficiently than others of his species.  The Machop was also lifting much heavier things.  The blue Pokemon also showed some scars that looked like they came from a Tauroswhip.

Red frowned, he might not be friends with Pokémon, but he was still against beating them into submission.  He decided that he would take the Machop for his own, let it no longer fear the whip.

The young Team Rocket member motioned for Sandy to knock out the sailor.  Which she did flawlessly, already an efficient, fighting machine.  The Machop turned and looked for a moment before walking over.  It looked over the situation.

"Hello Machop.  You are going to come with me to a better life."

With that, Red snagged the Machop's Pokeball and returned him.

"Red, what are you doing?"

"Blue, just turn around and walk away."

"No, you can't just steal Pokemon."

"I've had something far greater stolen from me."

"That still doesn't give you a right to."

"Shut it, Blue."

"You know I'm right."

"I said to shut it."

Red turned to leave.

"I'm not about to let you leave with all those stolen Pokemon."

"Then I will remove that option."

Red turned once again to face Blue, who had already released his Pidgeotto.

"Dragon Rage, followed by Metal Claw," Red coolly commanded.

Before Blue could even speak Charlie had taken action.  The Charmeleon ran forward and blasted his opponent with a blue blaze.  The Pidgeotto slipped in the air for a moment, recovering just in time to take a Metal Claw down its side.  Blue's Pokemon fell unconscious.

"Kadabra, use Confusion."

"Charlie, just like we practiced."

Charlie locked eyes with the Kadabra, who started tinkering with the Charmeleon's mind.  The Psychic type then tried to make Charlie punch himself.  It almost worked, but the Charmeleon's instincts took over and caused him to slash at his opponent until the it fainted.

"Raticate, let's go.  Hyper Fang."

"Sandy, your turn.  Use Crush Claw."

Sandy rushed forward, ducked under the Raticates's attack, and sliced upwards with her claws, however, her attack did more than wound.  Blue's Raticate lay on the ground, bleeding out, organs misplaced onto the deck.  Red noted that at first Sandy was revolted, but then accepted it as a part of defending her trainer.  He too was not happy that it had come to this, but he decided to forget it.  Blue had forced his hand.

Blue ran forward and hugged his dying Raticate.

"It's okay buddy, you're fine, just fine."  Blue then cried in anguish, "You'll pay for this!"

Red heard running as security guards came onto the deck.  The young Team Rocket member returned his two Pokemon and jumped into the water.  He stayed below the surface as much as possible and swam to the extraction point.

When he breached the surface, Red nearly went straight back in, Lt. Surge was waiting for him.

"Don't be alarmed.  I'm here to pick up the Pokemon you stole."

"You are a member of Team Rocket?"

"Yes, where are they?"

Red handed over the bag full of Pokeballs.

"Nice haul, very impressive.  You can take one for yourself since you reached the desired mark."

"Right here, a Machop that was abused by its former trainer.  I'll give it a better, if less than legal, life."

"You care about Pokemon?"

"I think beating or starving them into submission is just a wasted effort.  All you are doing is weakening the Pokemon, strong Pokemon in good health win battles.  I do not think of my Pokemon as friends, but I think if it as being their understanding yet strict boss."

"Not a bad philosophy, I don't think so anyway.  Then again, I am not one for philosophy."

"Also, a former friend of mine, Blue Oak, tried to stop me.  His Raticate died because of my escape.  He will likely report me."

"We'll cover for you.  After all, you are positioned for employee of the month."

"Well, I hope to get it.  In the mean time, I will be traveling towards Celadon City the long way around since travel into Saffron City is prohibited right now."

"It is actually under the control of Team Rocket currently.  I will get you through, besides, then you can personally deliver these Pokemon to the base in Celadon City.  I can't tell you any more details for now, but someone will guide you to the hideout once you arrive."

Red nodded and left to pick up his supplies from the Pokemon Center.  Surge provided him with a larger backpack that had a false bottom to hide the stolen Pokemon in, as well as provide the secret codes to get in and out of Saffron City.  Red then left town and headed for Saffron.

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