Chapter ~12~

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Dorian's P.O.V

"Tobias." I say as I grab his biceps. The bell has rung signaling the end of the day. I haven't seen Tobias all day which is why I'm here now wanting to talk to him.

He looks down at me those red eyes looking deeper and darker. He raises his eyebrow signaling me to talk.

"Have you been avoiding me?" I ask for once not breaking eye contact. His eyes widen.

"I'm sorry." He says before dragging a hand down his face.

"Why?" I ask. Why would he want to avoid me? Have I done something that he doesn't like?

"A lots going on right now. Selfish of me to avoid you but I just needed to clear my mind." He says, he looks more tired more troubled.

It makes my eye twitch I don't like it. I can feel to many emotions sprouting out of him.

"It's okay we all need time to are selfs."

He looks at me and smiles before hugging me. I laugh before hugging him my eyes closing at his warmth.

"May I ask you something?" I ask into his chest.

"Of course." He says his deep voice creating rumbles in my chest.

"Will you come over today? Benny's coming back."

His arms loosen from around me before he stares at me in shock. "Really?" He asks.

I nod a happy smile on my face. I still have a doubt that he won't come back after all these years slowly losing hope that we'll ever get him back but its sinking in that he will come home.

"Want me to come over now?" He asks. I shake my head yes before following him knowing he'll be giving me a ride.

"Oh shit, I have to give Drew a ride home." Tobias says slapping his forehead.

"That's fine." It's his car anyway. I keep walking down the hall my head down and my fingers tapping against my thigh from all the people walking and all of their shoes scrapping and squeaking against the floors.

We make it out to the parking lot and walk to Tobias's car. I see Drew standing their on the phone looking very mad.

"I'll be there soon pack some clothes okay." I hear Drew say. I look up at Tobias to see a look of confusion on his face it seems like he doesn't know what he's saying. Seems like my hearing picked it up before his.

We walk closer to the car Drew looking up finally seeing us. He looks bad. I shift my eyes to the ground out of nervousness and so I wouldn't stare.

"Hey man." I hear Tobias say to Drew. Drew mumbles a hey back before he asks Tobias to unlock the door. I hear the jingle of his keys as he pulls them out of his pocket. And the slight click when he presses the unlock button.

We all get into the car Drew and Tobias in the front. While I sit in the back. Tobias starts the car and reverses out then onto the street.

"Everything alright?" Tobias asks Drew. Keeping his eyes on the road.

"No." Drew says. I'm sitting behind Drew's set so in the little space where the seatbelt is I can see Drew's hand curl around his thigh. I tap my thigh releasing a breath.

"What going on?" Tobias asks worry in his deep voice.

"Chris got home before me and came home to my parents arguing, before he could sprint upstairs my mother saw him. She brought him into the arguement telling the gruesome and bad beatings my dad used to do to her." Drew says anger and pain lacing his voice.

My breathing stops and my heart starts to beat faster the only sound in my ears. Gruesome beatings. He had said.

"Who shall it be today." He asks his lifeless eyes looking between Benny and IT.

I hold my shaking body between my arms not allowed to move or help them.

"IT has been put to use to much over the past few days. How about you Benny." He says looking at me with a smirk before telling Benny to come on over.

"No closing your eyes this time. Dorian I want you to feel the blows with your eyes." He says laughing a cold bitter laugh laced with evil amusement.

IT looks around with light blue eyes holding fear that's been placed there for years.

He flicks his hand saying IT may sit beside me. IT crawls over to me sitting beside me and copying my position.

And soon screams are heard. I just stare unable to move. Until a thought comes to mind.

"What's your real name?" I whisper my eyes still locked on the beating that's taking place.

"Napra." He whispers back. As tears drips from both of our eyes.

I shake my head at the memory and the panic squeezing at me. Benny's home he's safe and Napra will be too.

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