Chapter ~3~

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Dorian's POV.

Why is it so dark?

"Dorian," someone whispers. They also slightly shake my shoulder.

I try to open my eyes to see who's talking to me, but my eyes seem to be glued shut.

"Dorian, please wake up..." the voice says slightly louder now.

I pry my eyes open, and start looking around. I see I'm in my room, looking around some more I spot papa on the side of my bed. His hair sticking up splayed everywhere.

"Dorian, do you remember anything from yesterday?" Papa asks. Looking at me.

What. And that's when I remember it. Shawn asking me questions, me not answering them, him touching me.

"Did I have a panic attack papa? Please tell me I didn't." I say pathetically.

"Yes you did baby boy, that fucker Shawn touched you, Eli's going to kill him," Papa says with so much anger in his tone I almost feel bad for Shawn. Almost.

"Papa, no cursing." I scold.

"Sorry, baby boy but you need to get ready for school . I'm going to drop you off, and Eli's going to bring you home after school. Stay with Drew or Eli today got it." Papa asks more like demands.

Rolling my eyes I reply "Yes, papa."


I'm in third period right now. Next periods lunch, and I think that's when Eli said he's going to beat up Shawn.

I told him no but No, nobody listens to Dorian.

"Eli, you don't need to hurt him I'm fine, see." I say while waving my hands around my body.

"Love, I'm sorry to say, but I'm gonna fucking kill him." Eli says his brown eyes looking at me with anger. That's directed to shawn.

So that was that. Ring. I grab my ipod and headphones and click on my classical music. I grab my backpack and start walking to the cafeteria. I can feel the smoothness of the floor underneath my feet. The way my shoes silently walk across it.

Like walking across water.

Walking into the cafeteria I see all the groups of people. Nothing cliche about it there's a couple cheerleaders hanging out with emo kids. The only cliche thing is in the middle of the cafeteria sits the populars.

I walk to the cafeteria line grabbing my food I pay for it and walk to a table. I see Drew sitting there reading his book. Only Drew.

Sitting down I make my presence noticed by clearing my throat.

"Hey." Drew says. His eyes not leaving his book.

"Hey, have you seen Eli he said he'll be here before me but he's obviously not here yet?" I ask.

Drew starts looking around the cafeteria when he suddenly freezes. I follow his line of sight and I suddenly frezze.

I see Eli and Shawn in what looks like a very heated argument. Why can't he ever listen to me I said don't worry about it.

I sigh and start walking over there. But halfway there I see Eli throw a punch at Shawn.

No. No. No. Please stop.

I'm desperate to say that out loud but I'm rooted to place. Stop Please.

"You like that don't you being all innocent, you aren't that deceiving." He sneers in my face.

I whimper and try to hold back my tears. Knowing it'll only make it worse.

" about we bring out the fun." He says." Let's bring in the torture," he teases.

He brings it in. And starts to beat it.






I get pulled away from my memory's when I hear a crack. No. In need to leave. I rush out of the cafeteria.


Walking down the halls I look around and see no one. I feel my eyes moving back and forth the pressure and the force. Grabbing my earphones and my ipod, I plug my earphones in and play my classical music.

All of a sudden I bump into a hard chest. What the shiz.

"What the hell man watch where your going," a deep voice says.

Looking up I meet a pair of red eyes, they look like red wine. There deep red now, the look of frustration in his eyes because of my lack of speaking.

"Sorry," I whisper softly, while looking down.

"Look at someone when your talking to them." He says while lifting my chin.

Once agian my steel gray eyes meet his dark red ones. Looking down to his lips I see his teeth sink into them. But I feel his rough finger under my chin. They feel as if he has been doing labor most his life. Rough.

"Are you done staring, I have places to be." He says in a smug tone.

Blushing bright red, I gather all the confidence I have and say "Well your theone standing there hotshot with your finger under my chin, so it looks like you don't have places to be."

I see a flash of shock go through his eyes but he covers it up quickly. I remove his finger from under my chin. Before turning around and walking off.

By the time I get outside of the school I'm shaking. Why did I let him touch me? Even if it was only the tip of his finger. Why in the world did I respond to him, he's not my boss I shouldn't have talked. Jezz my life. Then you have Eli beating up Shawn.

That brought back some memories. I think while chuckling hummorlessly.

Well it looks like I'm walking home. Fluff school.

I start walking out of the school courtyard, but I hear someone calling my name.

The gravel crunches under my feet loudly. Probably sounding harmless to others.

"Hey, do you need a ride?" The guy from the hallway asks. I should probably learn his name. He has beautiful eyes.

"No." I shout as loudly as I can.

He starts jogging up to me and says, "It's going to rain soon, you should let me give you a ride." He states in a more demanding tone.

"It's okay I love the rain. The way the droplets define gravity by being solid in mid air. They way it lands on the ground the way an asteroid would. The way the rain lands on your skin, how it flows down like a tiny river. How it washes away all the pain. How it revives the Earth." I finish.

I didn't relize I talked so much or compared my pain to the rain. Until, I look into his red eyes and see an undetectable emotion.

"Um..... what's your name?" I ask quietly. He gives me a strange look. But replies.

"Tobias. Yours?"


Hope you liked it. I guess.

Anywhore, vote all that
stuff you know the drill.

I ordered some new books
you all ready know I'm




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