𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝕛𝕠𝕓 (𝕡𝕥 𝟝)

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Blake Manson's apartment was under the name Julianna Mahoney. It was a loft apartment with enough room for her to keep her stolen basketball merchandise and walls of hacking equipment. She had a pool table in the living room that she normally set up her computer on but this night she had cleared it off to allow Aaron and Kath to play pool.

"Yo, Aaron. I got all his financials off his hard drive and all his passwords," Blake said, handing him a glass of lemonade.

Aaron nodded, "Okay, I'll take a look at them later tonight." He then lined up his cue with a ball and sunk it with barely a tap. "Let's see you do that."

Kath rolled his eyes but kept watching as Aaron missed the next ball. "Hey, so, Aaron?" Kath asked, quietly.

"Your turn," Aaron said softly before sighing. "What did you want to ask, Creeze."

"I can't work with someone I don't understand." Kath lined up their shot, one eye closed, as they said, "What is your thing with hospitals?"

His eyes shot open and his head throbbed. Two cops stood over him, "You need to tell us exactly what she did."

Aaron shook the memory out of his head. "Are we going to be working together long enough for that to matter?" His tone was sharp and pointed.

"Nah," Kath said before sinking his ball into the corner. "You're right, man. Oh, incoming." He pointed at Eden walking over, his hands on her hips. Kath left to go poke around Blake's fridge.

Eden was wearing a T-shirt and jeans, her hand holding a small box that held Blake's earpieces. "Hey is there a special way to put these in?"

Aaron nodded, "Yeah, there's a little twisty-" he paused. "Here, I'll do it."

He nodded, pulling his hair away from his ear and tilting his head to allow Aaron access. "So, Aaron, you look... tired."

"I've been busy since we last worked together," Aaron said, placing the earbud in his ear and twisting it softly. "You know, museum cons, general CEO treatments, stuff like that."

"You don't need to be busy all the time," Eden said. "That's fucked. Take a nap or something."

"Yo, Symona, keep your grubby hands off that, it's signed," Blake yelled in the background.

"Yeah," Aaron sighed. "As if I'm going to get a good nap around here."


"Okay Eden, Dubenish is on-site," Aaron said, sitting with Blake at a cafe across the street from a tall office building.

"Oh fuck me, I'm not in position," Eden said through the comms from an office in the building.

Down in the lobby, Dubenich entered the lobby and looked around, taking stock of the elevators and zeroing in on the digital directory.

"Wha- Eden, if you don't meet him right now in the lobby he's going to go to the building directory and look for the office number." Aaron stood up, looking over at Dubenich's car. "Guys we are not in the building directory."

In the stairwell Kath, along with a large duffle bag slung over one shoulder and a sign in his other hand, said "And why aren't we in the directory?"

"I don't know, maybe because they're fake offices," Blake said, condescendingly.

Up by the office, Eden was smashing the button for the elevator but it was taking a ridiculous amount of time. "Guys, I can't get a goddamn elevator."

Aaron nodded from the street as he walked past Dubenich's car, "Okay, Symona, get Eden down to the lobby, I'll distract Dubenich."

In the office building, Eden looked around for Symona before hearing a whistle to her left as Symona peeked her head out of the door to the stairwell just as Kath pushed past her.

"Eden, put this on," Symona said, tossing Eden a harness. "Feet in the loops and buckle across the waist," She instructed.

"Wait," Eden said. "What's this for?"


Outside of the building, Aaron pulled a police issue retractable baton out of his coat pocket and flicked it open. "This is going to feel good," He whispered as he smacked in the driver-side window of Dubenich's sedan. The alarm went off. Aaron continued, breaking the windshield, and each of the other glass sections of the car.

Inside, Dubenich walked over to the glass doors to see what was going on, following the crowd of people.

In the stairwell, Symona clipped a rope onto Eden's harness and attached it to hers. "Okay, it's a long way down so hang on," Symona said, keeping her eyes straight forward, making sure not to look down.

Outside the stairwell, Kath began to put a sign up over the existing sign at the offices, it read 'African Commercial Transport and Trade Initiative'. Which is exactly what they needed Dubenich to believe it was.

Symona exhaled before grabbing Eden and jumping down the stairwell.

"Fuuuuuuuuuck," Eden screamed as they plummeted almost 10 stories. Symona pulled the strap to slow them down and they stopped just before Symona's feet touched the bottom. She lowered Eden, who was slightly shorter, down to the floor and unhooked them.

Eden smoothed down her hair and exited, walking over to Dubenich who was trying to type in the name of their offices into the electronic directory.

"Oh, ah, our offices are on the tenth floor," Eden said, as she tapped towards him in her Loubiatans. Her eyes were a little frazzled.

Dubenich followed Eden to the elevator which she called and it arrived quickly, Eden rolled her eyes at the audacity of the stupid building. "Oh. You're uh, you have a glow," He said obnoxiously as they entered the elevator.

Eden grits her teeth, "I'm just... excited. Now, one thing. The gentleman bringing you this opportunity to work with their government, they'll, um, expect some, um, compensation. Not a bribe of course."

"A finder's fee," Dubenich said as Eden clicked the button for the tenth floor.

Eden nodded, "Exactly."

Dubenich raised an eyebrow. "I thought your job was to eliminate graft and stealing."

"No," Eden chuckled softly. "My job is to keep it manageable."

The elevator dinged and the door opened, Eden led Dubenich out and towards the office with the 'African Commercial Transport and Trade Initiative' sign out front.

Inside the office was a group of Nigerians, the man sitting at the head of the table stood up and spoke, "Good afternoon. Mr Dubenich, we are honoured by your presence."

"No, no, the honour is entirely all mine, getting in on the ground floor of something like this is a wonderful opportunity," Dubenich said, sitting down at the other end of the table.

Outside, Aaron and Blake nodded at Symona as she skipped over to the cafe and sat down. "Nice job on the zip line," Aaron said to Symona.

"Totally thought she was going to break a leg. Not bad for his first time." Symona grabbed Blake's coffee and took a sip before wrinkling her nose, "This is gross, wheres the sugar?"

"Symona?" Blake grumbled as Aaron passed her the sugar with a smile on his face.

Over the comm, they could hear Dubenich beginning to make the deal.

"Eden's closing it up," Aaron said. "She's gonna bring it home right here, right now."

"About the... the other matter," Eden said, up in the office.

"Of course," the Nigerian man said, pulling out an envelope and handing it to Eden who carried it to Dubenich.

Dubenich opened it and his eyebrows raised at the number, $1,000,000.

"Is this agreeable," the man said.

Dubenich nodded, "Yeah, I'm sure we could work something out."

Eden nodded, "Excellent."


Aaron, from across the street laughed as he watched Dubenich freak out at the state of his car.

Behind him, Symona giggled as Eden drove past and stopped to pick them up, with Kath in the back.

"We got him?" Aaron asked Eden from the front seat.

Eden nodded, "We own him."

"Okay, lets go, we have a busy day tomorrow," Aaron said.

"Aaron," Eden whispered. "This is going to work, right?"

Aaron nodded, "I guarantee it."


Dubenich entered his office with his chief engineer at his side. His eyes were darting back and forth, looking around the room for something.

"This is insane. We are risking everything," the engineer said, his voice harried.

Dubenich shushed him vigorously. Before ducking under his desk and then popping back up, dragging the engineer down with him, and pointing at the blinking light of the wireless transmitter Symona had stuck to the underside of the desk.

He then stood up and dragged the stricken engineer out to the secretary area. "What is that!" The engineer cried in horror.

"A wireless transmitter, they're listening to everything I've been saying," Dubenich said, his eyes wild and his arms gesturing.

"Who are 'they'?"

Dubenich reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone with a photograph of Aaron and Eden speaking in the car. "Who do you think? Also, I've checked, and there's no office for the African Commercial Trade Initiative anywhere in the city. They've been hustling me and I know exactly what they're doing. Tomorrow, it stops. Get the FBI on the phone."

The engineer nodded, "Yes, sir. But, I mean, are you sure you know what you're doing?"

"Yeah, they're pissed, I get that. They want to make me pay. I mean, an opportunity like this, the same week as the Shareholder's Meeting. The bug, the fake offices, cash bribes, Nigerians for god's sake! Nigerians!" Dubenich threw his hands up aggressively as he paced. "I mean, it's like those email scams with Nigerian bank fraud letters. Who the hell do they think I am? Some dog they can lead around? They're going to find out exactly how wrong they are."


In Blake's loft, the group began placing packages into duffle bags and, as a group, they head to the door.


Inside Bering Aerospace, Dubenich presented the stolen aeroplane project to the Shareholders. They seemed impressed with what Dubenich had 'developed'.


The Nigerians in a rental car drive towards Bering Aerospace to have their final meeting with Dubenich. They seem calm and collected, prepared for a business meeting.


Eden meets them and shakes hands with each of them, leading them to the patio on the side of the Bering Aerospace building where Dubenich seemed to be having a party to celebrate 'his' new aeroplane.

Dubenich, in the middle of the crowd, shook the hand of a shareholder as they said, "All I know is, a good day for you."

"It's a good day for all of us. Stock's gone up 15 points since the announcement," Dubenich said, chuckling slightly.

The shareholder seemed amazed, "Really?"

"You didn't know?" Dubenich said, a little bit condescending but still gloating his win.

"No," the shareholder said. "I'll pass it around." He turned away and walked off into the crowd.

"Well, aren't you the cat that ate the canary?" Eden said as she approached Dubenich, snagging a flute of champagne and holding it lightly in one hand.

"Does it show?" Dubenich asked, jokingly.

She laughed lightly and falsely, "Darling, you have a horrible poker face."

"Guilty." Dubenich spots the Nigerians across the patio. "Why don't we go and get this done?"

"Now?" Eden asked, seeming a bit surprised but masking it with ease. "You have the whole payment?"

Dubenich nodded, "Absolutely, I think we should make the deal. I want to make the announcement and get even bigger headlines. I'll take them into a conference room away from all this. Go, go, go, let's do it." He rushed Eden towards the Nigerians and led them into the building.

Eden followed quickly almost trotting behind them in her heels, which weren't made for the speed Dubenich was walking at.

He sets them up in a small conference room, the Nigerians sitting around the table as Eden stands at the entrance of the room.

"I assume we all understand the terms of this agreement," The Nigerian said, his voice calm and levelled.

Dubenich grinned, his eyes manic and almost glowing. "Well I'll tell you, the exact terms of the agreement, are these." He leaned forward and pressed a button on the small data centre.

At his command, several FBI agents entered the room via the door on the opposite side of the room from Dubenich. "FBI, don't move," An agent said before turning to the Nigerian making the deal, "Are you alright?"

"Oh, I'm just fine," Dubenich said from across the room, the self-centred little prick.

The FBI agents eye him as two of them crossed the room to him and grabbed his arms, pulling them behind his back, "What? What are you ...? Wait a minute, wait a minute, let go of me, please." He pulled his arms away from the agents. "What are you looking at me for, the criminals are sitting right over there, look at them. Listen, I spoke to Special Agent Higgins if you call him on the phone."

A tall white man with white hair cocked his head and pulled his badge out of his shirt pocket and held it up, "I'm Special Agent Higgins. Victor Dubenich you are under arrest for soliciting a bribe from these Nigerian Government officials."

"I'm not-I'm not soliciting-" Dubenich pointed towards the men on the other end of the room, his eyes just as wild but a satisfied grin on his face. "-these aren't even Nigerians."

Each of the Nigerians pulled out their passport, authentically Nigerian. "Of course we are, your woman knew that when she contacted us last week," The lead Nigerian said, confused.

"My... woman? Anna? Anna?" Dubenich looked around, for Eden but she isn't in the doorway where he last saw her, in fact, she seemed to be gone. "Anna!" He throws his hands up in anger. "Um, Special Agent Higgins, Anna Gunschtot works for them."

"Ridiculous. She contacted us on your behalf," The lead Nigerian said.

The Nigerian standing to his left said, "She told us she worked directly under you."

"No, no, no, no, she took me. She took me to their office," Dubenich cried, his hands waving and pointing aggressively.

"No, we do not have an office in this city," The Nigerian said. "We met her at your other office."



Kath screwed on a sign in the office building that read, 'Bering Consulting. Victor Dubenich.'

As he walked away, Eden entered and shook hands with the government officials from Nigeria. "Anna Gunschtot, from Bering Aerospace."



"The shareholders! The shareholders!" Dubenich cried and elbowed his way out of the room and downstairs to the patio where police cars with lights and sirens flashing pull up to the building. Enough FBI agents to scare a large elephant run in towards the patio, mingling with the guests at the party.

"What in god's name," A female shareholder yelled as the FBI pushed past her, causing her to spill her drink.

The shareholders watched in horror as the FBI agents rush the patio and surround them, making sure no one leaves. Dubenich moved to the middle of the patio, waving his hands above his head, "No, no, no. Uh, everybody, could I have your attention? It's just, it's just a permit problem."

The shareholders were yelling, upset and yelling at Victor Dubenich for this situation.

"Woah," Special Agent Higgins called out, standing right next to Dubenich. "Anybody else here involved in the bribe?"

"Bribe?" A shareholder yelled. "What bribe?"

"There's no bribe," Dubenich said, sweating, trying his best to keep up the charade. "There's no bribe!"

The lead Nigerian that Dubenich had been conducting the deal with pushed his way through the crowd. "I handed this man an envelope containing a cashier's check for $200,000."

Dubenich shook his head aggressively, "No. No, no. Nobody--I wasn't handed any...Nobody handed me any..."



In his rental car, the lead Nigerian placed a check in an envelope and puts the envelope in his pocket.

Later, in the office building, Eden walks to the end of the table and takes an envelope from the Nigerian. He quickly switches the contents of the envelope before handing it to Dubenich.



"This will look a lot better for you if you did not deposit that check. Do you still have it?" The FBI Agent asked.

Dubenich shook his head, "I didn't get any check!"

Another FBI agent approached Agent Higgins, "Sir, we got people searching the lab, seizing the files and computers,"

"Good job." Higgins turned and walked away towards the building.

A shareholder grabbed Dubenich's shoulder, "Victor, news crews. If they find out."

Dubenich sighs in frustration and exasperation and probably panic, before he ran after the agent, "Higgins! Higgins, you can't do that! You can't take my computer."

"This company has government defence contracts," Higgins said, shaking his head. "There are severe rules regarding contact with foreign nationals. The Patriot Act applies here my friend. Sir, I can take your underpants."

"Okay, it's getting a little aggressive." Dubenich turned around and spoke to the shareholders, "I'll be back and explain everything."

"Where are you going?" The investors and shareholders cried. "Victor! Victor!"

But Dubenich was gone.

Inside the building, several men desperately shred documents as the engineer enters.

"Guys, we gotta get rid of this stuff. Keep shredding, keep shredding." The engineer began tossing the shredded documents out the window. "Help me!"

Outside the building small pieces of paper float down as FBI agents move in and out of the building. Four FBI agents walked out, Eden, Symona, Kath and Blake, carrying boxes of Dubenich's documents.

In an unfinished office building across the street, Aaron stood staring at the papers falling out of the sky.

Behind him entered an older man in a suit, "I came alone."

"Yes, I know, thank you, Mr Pierson." Aaron turned and walked towards the older man. "Now I understand your research was completely wiped out. I have complete copies right on these hard drives along with absolute proof that they were on Bering Aerospace computers, that should be good for a couple of lawsuits, right?"

"I drop the investigation of all parties involved with the original theft."

Aaron nodded, "That seems fair. You get your property back."

"Agreed. No charges. Nothing on you, or your people," Pierson said.

Aaron handed him the hard drives and walked away.

"Wait, don't you want money?" Pierson asked.

"This particular project has a slightly different revenue stream."

Almost two hours later Dubenich sat in his office defeated as FBI agents carried boxes and boxes of paper out of the office building.

On the television, a reporter spoke, "In a massive sell-off sparked by multiple federal investigations of Bering Aerospace the stock plummeted 33 per cent before trading was halted."

Dubenich's phone rang on the table in front of him and he stared at it long and hard before he answered. "Yeah?"

In a park miles away Aaron sat on a bench, a cell phone to his ear, "Yeah, you should have just paid us."

"What? But I found the transmitter."

"Oh, you found the transmitter with the blinking light, yeah, we wanted you to figure some of it out. Then we just gave you what you were expecting," Aaron Linhart said, standing up and beginning to walk deeper and deeper into the park.

"I am Victor Dubenich, I am going to beat this."

"Buddy, aren't you forgetting about the bribe?" Aaron asked.

"Who cares?" Dubenich said over the phone, his tone gleeful. "You can't prove anything, I didn't get any money." Behind Dubenich an FBI Agent opened a safe taking out handfuls of cash. Dubenich choked on his own spit at the revelation.

"No, it doesn't account for all of it. Eden's kept a little to buy a truly impressive number of expensive cars."

"What is it with you and expensive cars?" Symona asked Eden, walking up behind Aaron.

Eden rolled his eyes, "There's something wrong with you."

Kath nodded, his voice fond as he said, "That's what I said."

Aaron turned his attention back to the phone, "See if a company's stock price falls ten, fifteen per cent in one day and you see it coming, you sell short, you make a lot of money. If it's going to fall thirty per cent you can make earth-shattering amounts of money.

"We didn't need the FBI to show up and take you to jail, we just needed them to show up and take boxes out of your office, all day long in front of TV cameras, scaring your investors. You going to jail is just a bonus." Aaron said with a grin. "I wouldn't say anything about us to the Feds. Next time we won't be so nice."

Back in Dubenich's office, an FBI agent with long brown hair approached Dubenich, "Who was that?"

Dubenich sighed in utter defeat, "Nobody."

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