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In 2041, vampires finally took over the world. They had finally had enough. They were tired of living in the shadows, living in secret, living a life of the unknown. They were tired of the lies being told about them along with all the dumb movies being made about them. Seriously, do people really believe that vampires sparkle in the sunlight like some sequined stripper? That's ridiculous to say the least.

In the war between humans and vampires, there had been significant losses on both sides, but ultimately the vampires emerged victorious. They had chosen seven of their strongest to rule the new realm. These were the most vicious beings to have ever walked the earth and their bloodlust was unmatched by any other. They inhabited a manor in the middle part of the world, surrounded by trees that seemed to touch the sky, crystals waterfalls and the most beautiful foliage to be seen.

To prevent another war and to show the humans who were really in charge, the seven vampires would hold an annual reaping. Each year every human between the ages of 21-29 would be entered into the annual reaping and each year seven would be chosen to join the vampires in the manor. The seven would be taken to the manor for one year. If they survived the year, they would be taken care of for the remainder of their lives. If they didn't survive, well that's just life or the end of life. Whichever.

No one really knew what happened in the manor because the few that came back over the last hundred years refused to speak about it. All they would say is that it's over. That's it. It's over. Never any other information given so what did people do? They did what anyone else would do. They created their own stories.

Some people believed that the seven humans became personal blood banks. Some believed they became sex slaves while others believed they were there to be tortured for the vampires' personal enjoyment. There was no way of knowing what exactly happened since the ones that returned would refuse to give any information. You would at least think they would give the rest an idea about what would happen once they were chosen. But no. They chose to keep quiet, keep everything a big damn secret. Who knows why they stay quiet?

It is now 2141 and the time of the 100th annual reaping. A hundred years seems like a long time but it probably doesn't seem like that long when you're a vampire. A hundred years must seem like a single drop in the ocean of forever.

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