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Occupation:Samurai, Traitor of the Tanken Hebi Clan

nicknames: traitor (tanken hebi clan),Traitor,Coward (Master Sashi),My lovely tanuki,Pride and joy,Love (dancer),brother (topaz),Rakū (Holly)

type: speed

Allies:Tanken Hebi Clan(Traitor) Dr.Starline, Zavok, Mimic, Rough, Tumble, Surge, Kitsunami, Drake, Zcythe,Zazz,Zomom,Master zik,Holly,Zeena,Zor (All Betrayed),Dancer the rattlesnake (girlfriend),Topaz (younger sister)

height: 110 cm (3'7)

weight: 40 kg (88 ib)

Enemies:Team Sonic, Team Chaotix, Dr.Eggman, Team Dark, Those who he betrayed, Tanken Hebi Clan,Amber the Anaconda,Team Rose

Hobbies:Painting, training his Ninja and Samurai Abilities, releasing Prisoners or enslaved people

Goals:Betray the Tanken Hebi Clan and steal the Emerald Cobra (Failed) Kill Dr.Starline and take his core(Failed to kill him but got the core) Betray the other villains and leave them to be arrested (Succeeded) Defeat team Chaotix and Dark (Succeeded) Use the chaos emeralds and kill Eggman (Failed)

Concept/creation: Rakūinu was originally meant to be a baker like villian like gormond from wild kratts set to make his debut in the bad guys miniseries by the name of "Kiji" wich means dough in japanese wich was his main weapon but he enver did appear in the miniseries. When working on reunion of the baddies Ian Flynn had the bright idea of improving kiji and gave him a new name,that being Rakūinu, and made the tanken hebi clan to imrpove his backstory and development as a traitor of the clan.

Backstory: Rakūinu,originally named Kiji by his parents lived a happy life with his younger sister topaz. his world came crashing down around him when a purple and black armored zeti with a purple and upside down fleur-de-lis shaped gemstone on the sword attacked their villiage,when he tried to talk to them,he got his foot sliced off as the zeti walked off.He vowed vengance on the zeti as he was found by a younger dancer and taken in.when he was older,he left the clan to become a samurai and come back with evil inent..and he wasnt gonna let dancer find out about his plan but overtime he got closer to dancer as the two fell in love. Master Sashi changed his name to Rakūinu as to both keep him safe from the zeti who destroyed his home and for him to seem more like a samurai.

apperance:Appearance:Rakūinu has messy, spiky hair, the hair on his head is mostly Autumn orange with BlackTips, while the fur under his neck to his abdomen is a dark autumn brown, while his arms and legs are a bit lighter of the same brown, but his foot and hands are black, it appears his left leg was sliced off to the knee. He has some scars on his face after encounters.he has a black nose with a light orange muzzle and swamp green eyes.

He wears a Hakama, the shirt being a dead forest green, and the pants are white, on the back of it, is a orb, in it is a white snake with black eyes with while it hisses, blossom trees petals falling above it. He wields a long katana, with the sheath being a pure black with painted snakes on it, the blade it self is pure silver white. Finally the handle is a bright orange with red markings.The sleeves of the hakama are gone because it got in the way of holding a katana.after dancer died,he put on her goggles to always keep her memory alive.

personality: Rakūinu, while hiding his true personality, he is rather generous and puts others first, as he doesn't allow his teammates to get hurt.He is ready to risk himself to protect those who aren't worth being attacked, even if they don't need it

However, Rakūinu never bluffs; if he makes a threat, he has every intention of carrying it out.

however, his true intentions are rather darker...Rakūinu true personality is calm and yet Sadistic and cruel, using others to get what he needs, only to leave them after what happens.

As the most cunning and merciless character in the series at times, Rakūinu's ruthlessness and Sadistic leads to enemies never treating him lightly. Alongside his dark and heartless demeanor, Rakūinu can be smug. He usually treats others in a very callous manner, throwing in his opinion no matter how cold-hearted it is and not caring for whatever the response is. Rakūinu is also shown to have a sharp wit. After being considered a disgrace by Sonic and the clan, he replied that the latter was not worth being a Honorable Samurai. However,he is shown to be genuily loving to dancer. he always appreciates the extravegent gifts she always gets him. he always gets her a boquet and puts a flower in her hair as he qoutes it makes her even more beautiful,he likes to show his affection through actions rather then words. he prefers being the big spoon whenever they cuddle because he loves to hold her and he says its to protect her from anything that could harm her when shes sleeping.

fav song: in the dark of the night  with lyric changes


In the dark of the night I was tossing and turning
And the nightmare I had was as bad as can be
It scared me out of my wits
A corpse falling to bits!
Then I opened my eyes
And the nightmare was, me! I was once the most Honorable samurai in the clan
When the Master betrayed me he mad a mistake
My Betrayl made each of them pay
But one little snake got away
Little Amber, beware
Rakūinu's awakeIn the dark of the night evil will find her
In the dark of the night just before dawn!Revenge will be sweet
When the Plan is complete
In the dark of the night! She'll be gone
I can feel that the cores power flowing into my veins
Tie my sash and a dash of Prefume for that smell
As the Pieces fall into place
I'll see her crawl into place
Do Svidaniya, Amber, Your Grace
FarewellIn the dark of the night terror will strike her!
Terror's the least I can do!
In the dark of the night evil will brew.Soon she will feel that her nightmares are real.
In the dark of the night
She'll be through!In the dark of the night
Evil will find her
Find her!
In the dark of the night terror comes true.
Doom her!My dear, here's a sign
It's the end of the lineIn the dark of the night
In the dark of the night
In the dark of the night!!Come my minions
Rise for your master
Let your evil shine
Find her now
Yes, fly ever faster In the dark of the night
In the dark of the night
In the dark of the night
She'll be mine!

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