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𝟎𝟎7 ˚୨୧˚ Dewey Riley

TIFFANY HAD BEEN ASLEEP For Two Hours she just snuggled into the hospital bed before she heard screaming that made her jump out of her slumber

The girl had slowly sat up and placed her hand on her face groaning in pain as she then saw the whole hospital was dark she raised her eyebrow

She then saw the crutches that were laid beside her hospital bed and realized her boyfriend had left probably to go party and forget the fact that there's a serial killer on the loose

Tiffany then slowly sat up squeezing her eyes shut as she grabbed the crutches and placed both under her arms as she stood up the girl sighed in pain

She then walked carefully with the crutches as she walked towards the elevator she knew that the killer was in the hospital she then heard sobs and cries for helps

Tiffany then turned around and saw Tara who was trying to wheel herself away from whoever was in the hospital room she was just in

Ghostface then slowly walked after her as he then heard richie's phone ringing Tara had cried as she looked up at her best friend "Tiffany run."

Tiffany just felt her heart drop she was frozen in fear as Ghostface had turned on their voice changer "Hello Samantha..." Tara who had looked at her best friend once again "Tiffany run!" Tiffany just stood there paralyzed in fear

Ghostface who looked at up at Tiffany and tilted his head "Well what do you know Tiffany Hastings is standing right infront of me I think she's in shock after our last in counter I'll leave her alone for now..."

Tara who had sobbed out "Please help us!" she begged anyone who could help her and her friend who was standing there in fear...

The killer then said "I'll give you two choices sam I kill richie or tara..." Tiffany heard those words and swallowed her saliva

Ghostface then said "Say kill Tara." he then threw Tara out of her wheelchair making then Carpenter girl sob out in pain...

Tara then cried out again "Tiffany please do something." Ghostface then kicked one of Tiffany's crutches making her fall in pain

Ghostface then kicked Tiffany in her stomach as she begged "Please - don't hurt me or her!" Ghostface giggled "See tara she's nothing but a weak bitch who couldn't even play my game to save her uncle!" Tiffany flinched at his violent tone

Tara who simply crawled to the elevator as ghostface said "Anyways choose tara and i'll make sure to hit all the organs I didn't last time..." Tara spat "Fuck you!"

Sam who cried into the phone "Please don't hurt either one of them I'm begging!" Ghostface just chuckled "Maybe you too weak for this franchise Samantha..."

Tiffany didn't know what had happen or what Sam had said but then the elevator open and several shots were fired at ghostface as he ran into a room

Sam then ran out of the elevator "Tara!" as she picked her little sister up and helped her to the elevator

Tiffany then felt cold hands wrap around her body and stand her up it was Dewey Riley Tiffany sniffled as Dewey grabbed her crutch and asked "You alright kid? don't worry he won't hurt you anymore."

The curly haired girl nodded and slowly walked towards the elevator in tears as Sam helped her inside and wrapped her arms around both Tiffany and Tara

Dewey who helped Richie get up as the two walked towards the elevator ghostface came out of nowhere and attacked dewey

Richie then fell as he groaned in pain Dewey then threw himself off the killer and pulled out his gun and shot the killer several times making the killer fall into the glass case of hospital things and fall

Dewey then helped richie up as the two walked towards the elevator Dewey paused at the door "You always shoot them in the head."

Samantha rolled her eyes "Dewey who gives a fuck?" Dewey who softly smiled at her "I do." as the elevator doors closed Sam screamed "No!"

Tiffany felt her heart sink she had a gut feeling Dewey wasn't gonna make it out of that hospice alive...

Tiffany was in Tara's hospital room she had a change of clothes Chad had left for her she was whereing a orange floral top and denim green shorts with black boots

Sam then walked in and sat next on the bed with Tara "I'm sorry...both of you." Tiffany had given her a sad smile Tara shrugged "Why? you saved both of us..."

The Older Carpenter sister sighed "For not telling you sooner..." Tara who looked at her sister "It's not your fault...you don't choose where you come from or who you come from." Sam smiled at her younger sister

Tara just frowned "I blame you for leaving me tho." Sam reassured her sister "That's never gonna happen again..." Tara smiled "I know...why didn't you come to me back then I could've helped."

Sam shook her head "I was scared - I was gonna turn out just like him." Tara frowned "You could never be like him sam..." Sam smiled "I love you."

Tara smiled back "I love too too." Sam then sighed "Your so high right now." Tara nodded "I'm so high right mow i'm not even gonna lie."

All three girls chuckled as Tara broke the silence "What do we do now?" Sam said "What most people in this situations don't do...we're gonna get the fuck out of woodsbaro."

Sam then looked at Tiffany "And your coming with us." Tiffany gave her a smile and nodded her head

Richie was helping Tiffany walk as Sam wheeled Tara down the hallway Tiffany groaned in pain as she then heard a voice call out "Samantha?"

Tiffany looked up to see Sydney Prescott looking at everyone Sam looked back at her "It's Sam." Sydney nodded "Your billy's daughter."

Richie then smiled "Me and Tara are gonna go get the car..." Tiffany stayed there and supported Sam

Sam nodded "Yeah i'm sorry if that's weird for you."
Sydney shook her head "Not at all...wanna talk?" Sam sighed "Listen i'm sorry about dewey but i'm taking my sister and tiffany away from all this."

Tiffany nodded as Sam then helped her walk both of the girls walking out of the hospital Sydney following after them...

Sydney sighed "I tried running too." Sam shook her head "All due respect that's your life not mine." Sydney shrugged "I'm not to sure about that."

Tiffany rolled her eyes as both her and Sam turned around "What do you want from me lady?!" Gale then said "Hey! watch your tone new girl you know how they always say it goes back to the original well this is the original."

Sydney looked at Sam and Tiffany "I want your help your wrong this is your life which means whoever this is is gonna keep coming for you." Sam shrugged "So." Sydney answered "So I want you to help us kill him..."

Tiffany raised her eyebrow "You want us to help you guys commit murder?" Both lady's answered "Yes." Sam raised her eyebrow "And i'm what in this sinerio the helpless victim."

Gale shrugged "If the shoe fits." Tiffany then threw daggers at gale as the Weathers woman glared back Sydney shook her head "Your not helpless Sam...he killed your friends and he killed ours and I've got kids at home so I won't sleep until he's in the ground."

Sam shook her head "Look i'm very sorry about all this but this isn't my story." Tiffany nodded "Agreed." as richie then pulled the car towards them and said "Alright let's get the fuck out of town!"

Tiffany had quickly got in the back seat of the car as she put her crutches in the middle of her and Tara she didn't even hear what Sam had said to gale and sydney as they drove out of the hospital...

NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE MAYBE MY FAV !! pls vote and comment !

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