I hate you, I love you

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Rose POV

I can't believe Astoria got me here I never ask to be here but she drag me here anyway just so I can be her third wheeler knowing damn well who is here.

I don't want to see him with that stupid ass sleeping beauty.

Felt like just yesterday when he cheat on me.

*flashback to 2 days ago*

Travis and I was walking to the portal I woke up super early because hawk told me to meet at the garden so I didn't want to be late so I got up took a shower even though I took one last night (do anyone take a shower in morning and at night or is it just me doing it) and ate breakfast and pick up Travis

When we got the portal I said the word a little too fast but we through the portal safe and sound.

Travis saw Lingling who is finally going out with her and walk toward her and that was my cue to leave and go to hawk.

Hawk and I been dating 2 months now.

Snowhite didn't like it at first but after a while she finally grew over it.

And yesterday granny announced that there going to be a ball in 2 day. I thought maybe that why hawk wanted to talk to me in garden.

As I reached the garden a voice and it wasn't hawk voice it almost sounded like ambrosia.

I walk up behind a bush and look over the bush and saw something so upsetting

Hawk is kissing a-a-ambrosia

I couldn't hold my anger all I did is stand up and run out of the bushes

When I got up hawk must have saw me because my name but all i could do run

As I ran away from what I saw I dumped into someone

"Rose is everything ok" a familiar voice said it was Jame Frost

Ambrosia, Adonis, and him transfer to regal academy two months ago when me and hawk started dating

"Yeah I-I" I try tell him the situation but all I could do at that point is cry

"Hey whatever happens I want you to know it not your fault and your a great person and whoever hurt you doesn't deserve you" Jame say and hug me

I start to hug back but I hear hawk voice he was calling my name I start to freak because I didn't want to see him so jame to me to hide behind the bushes and he deal with hawk.

As I hid behind the bushes I hear hawk calling out my name and saw him go up to jame.

"Jame have you seen I need to talk her about something and it important" he said concerns

"Nope haven't seen her but did however her that you maybe cheating on her" jame said while smirking at hawk

I forgot that him and hawk don't get along for some reason but I never question it

"I don't have time for your mind game jame just tell me where rose is now" hawk said start to get anger at Jame

"Like I said before I. Don't. Know" jame said and with that hawk just walk away "you can come now he gone"

"Thank jame But you didn't need to make him more angry then he is" I said

"Ahh don't worry don't him and I have a question for you are you going to the ball" he said

I can't believe he just ask me that knowing damn well I'm upset

"No im not going" I said annoy "Thank for your help Jame"

After that I left early I didn't want to stay at school with hawk nor Jame

When I got to Cinderella castle I went to my room and just crying and just punched a pillow for a hour until I hear granny and mom call me.

I know won't escape them so I went down stairs.

When got to her granny office I saw Astoria, Joy, and Lingling standing there.

"Oh hey guy what wrong" I said try not to sound upset

"Rose Jame told us everything are you ok" joy said in a concern voice

"Yeah you must be heartbroken" Lingling said

"I swear if I see hawk I'm going to kill him" Astoria said in a not so happy tone

"Girls please don't make this worst" my granny said and walk up to me "Are you ok dear"

"Yeah why wouldn't I be ok" I said trying my best to hold on to my tear but after 5 minutes later of everyone asking is I'm really ok I just broke down "I'm soooo stupid"

"Oh rose your not stupid he the stupid one" Astoria assures me But all I did is cry on my knees

"How about we leave Astoria with Rose, joy and Lingling you two can go home for the day" my granny said and after that joy and Lingling left and my granny and mom went to talk.

Astoria and I with to my room and just talk

"Rose I know you in a bad mood but please tell me your going to the ball" Astoria said

I know Astoria doesn't mean harm but I can't believe she asked that

"Sorry Astoria I thi" I start say but she cut me off

"Please rose it just that someone asked me to go and I said yes and I need someone there for me if I mess up"

I think that person that she talking about is Shawn, all I could sigh and said yes.

*end flashback*

So now I'm here standing next to Astoria and Shawn who hear what happen and try his best not talk about hawk.

Then on cue hawk show every princesses ran up to him asking if he still single all I could do is just gab.

"Rose if you want to leave, you can" Astoria said

I did want to leave but I don't want to leave my best friend with her crush who is a date and she was doing great and yeah few slip I don't want to leave her by herself and mess up

"It ok Astoria I'll stay here beside it not like he going to come here" I said

But if on cue hawk walk up toward me

"Hey Astoria, hey Shawn you mind if I talk to rose alone please it kind of important" he said

What do he want to talk about their nothing to talk about

"I think rose won't like that idea and if you want to talk to her you can talk to all us" Astoria said angrily

Astoria look so mad at hawk that Shawn have to hold to her hand meanwhile hawk look desperate that I have no choice besides he made never leave if I don't say yes

"Fine hawk but please make it quick" I said and start to inside Cinderella castle

Inside of Cinderella castle hawk POV

I seriously talk to rose about what happen with ambrosia and I it was all ambrosia fault this happen


I was waiting for rose to come the garden like I told her yesterday.

I was going to ask if she wanted to go to the ball tomorrow night

My thoughts was interrupted because of a noise it must be rose

When I turn around it not rose it was ambrosia

"Oh hawk I didn't know you be here I came to just hangout until school starts" ambrosia said with a smirk on her face

"Oh well I'm just waiting for rose" I said

"Well you don't mind if I ask if your going to ask her to the ball right" she said

I don't why she will ask that question I mean of course I was going to ask rose if she want to go to the ball with me

"Well umm yeah" I said but ambrosia start laugh

"Really your going to ask the most clumsiest girl in the whole school" ambrosia said meanly

"Hey that my girlfriend your talking about" I said try to not turn ambrosia into a icicle

"Oh come on hawk you have to be sick of her already I mean don't you want a princess like me to be your date" she said as she got close to lips

"First of all I never get sick of rose the only person I get sick is you and second of all get off me" I said now mad but then out of nowhere ambrosia kiss me

I try pull back but she was hold my shirt collar then I hear crying and someone behind a bush

"ROSE" I said but she was already gone

I push ambrosia off me and saw rose run while crying, I think she saw the kiss

"Oh look like your girl don't want to be with you anymore that mean your availability" ambrosia said smirk

All I could at that point is run to find rose and ignore ambrosia

*end of flashback*

After run looking for rose I ran into jame who wasn't a great help

And hear that he told almost everyone in the school including rose mom and her granny that I was cheating on rose with ambrosia

Now I look like a complete fool in front the whole school and now I have to fix it

"Ok hawk what do you want to talk" Rose said

I can tell she still upset at me

"Look rose ambrosia" I started but rose Cut me off

"Omg hawk I don't care about you and ambrosia look it that what you wanted to talk about then this conversation is over" Rose said angry as she being to walk Away

No I can't let her walk I didn't get to tell her the truth damn why do Rose have to be so stubborn

"Rose please listen to me" I said as I grab her but was pulling it back

"NO HAWK DON'T YOU GET I HATE YOU" Rose yell at this point I loss my patience not because she was being stubborn because that sentence she I hate you I couldn't help but to grab her wrist and yank toward me

"YOU HATE ME YOU FUCKING HATE ME, ROSE I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO YOU IT AMBROSIA NOT ME" I felt a tear going down my eye, my heart sinking to the end of my stomach, I felt this sudden eager to hit my head, I felt this sudden eager to punch a wall, felt the eager to scream


Rose look at me like I was crazy but she could see the sadness begging forgiveness

"Hawk I just..." Rose started but I cut her

"I know you don't believe me but please give me one more chance I do anything for your forgiveness" I beg on my kneels

I look into Rose blue sparkling hoping to see trust once more but as I look into her eye she pull me off my kneel back onto my feet and pull me closer as I saw her hand got close to my face

"I knew this will happen" I said in my head ready to face my punishment of a slap in the face

But as close my eye waiting for that stinging on my face that will make my face go red as a apple I felt something different it felt like something was on lips something soft something that smells like..... pumpkin spice?

I open my eye to see Rose lip on mine! I don't what to do either to kiss back or don't, of course I couldn't help but to kiss her back, take her hair out of that bun, and to start French kiss her which ended up with me kiss and sucking her neck leaving a hickory. I let go of Rose so she can catch her breath. As she sat down on her bed finally catch her breath she start to giggle.

"What so funny" I ask while smiling

"Oh nothing" she lied

"You want me to give you another hickory on the other side of your neck"

"NO, I tell you ok" she said still giggle "it just that we this place where we have our first makeout"

She right. we're in her room and this is where we did have our first make out

"Wow your right it is" I said sit right next too "you kissing and your granny walk she was so shocked that my granny have to slap her back to life"

"Yeah" Rose laugh

Her laugh was so good to listen to. After rose stop laughing and sat up

"I think we should get going before Astoria come upstairs and kick down my door"

She start to walk away until grab her hand soft

"Do this mean you.... forgive me" I said looking down at the floor. Rose just smile and pull me in for a kiss

"Do that answer your question" she smirk

"Yes princess" I said as I got up and pull her face back to mine "yes it does" and kiss under the moonlight.

The end.

Well expect ambrosia hear that Rose and Hawk got back together and try to pick a fight with but end up losing.

Jame try to kill Hawk but also fail and get banished to get earth

They all graduated

Rose and Hawk get married and have a daughter name hazel

And then they live happily ever

Now the end.


Hey guy thank you for reading I hoping to update on time (which we all know I'm not doing a good at) and hope for no distraction (like for example freaking high school)

Anyway thank for reading and I see you next

Star out bye 💫💫💫

P.s.- this is the longest book I ever wrote in a while

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