Moving Forward

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Ochako POV:

After the end of the raid, all of us who were injured during the incident were taken to a hospital. Midoriya was taken in for questioning thanks to him using his quirk on Overhaul. Considering what the situation from people were and the casualties done by him at the time, this was more just a simple briefing to make certain they have all their ends covered from what we were told I was also brought in for questioning just to confirm the situation demanded it. "And that's all I have on the matter from what I can tell."

"Interesting." The cop had written down the last of what I said with him looking at it all. "Considering your turn of events coincides with everything said as well as Midoriya's, there isn't much that we need to press for this. All I do want to ask is this, do you think Izuku Midoriya's decision to take the villain Kai Chisaki's quirks was the best decision possible?"

"From personal experience with what he says the drawbacks of having one or more extra quirks inside you, I am within rights to believe that his decision was both the safest for the people around us and the person this had happened to. Midoriya has explained in strict detail that someone having more than one quirk inside someone can be life threatening and to avoid long term damage, the second quirk had to be pulled. His reasoning to pull Overhaul's original quirk was also a way to safely detain and hold him."

The cop let out a sigh before speaking. "I'm gonna be honest. The kid creeps me out with how he can do this stuff. If you're trying to cover for him with any fear he might do that to you, it's fine to admit it."

'...The cop's fishing to make sure I'm not defending him.' "I will admit, Midoriya's quirk is scary if used in the wrong hands, but he overall does not enjoy using his quirk and will go to lengths to avoid it as best as he can. If he decided to use this quirk, he saw that the quirks in Overhaul's disposal were too dangerous to be left and drastic action needed to be taken to make certain he did not harm anyone else."

"So you're admitting his quirk is dangerous."

"Yes, but half the people out on the streets has a dangerous one if used wrong. All I am saying is his actions in this situation I believe are safely done and does not need as thorough of a questioning."

The cop nodded before finishing what he was writing. "Very well. You can go now." I got up and bowed at the cop before walking out. "Oh and, if you're trying to defend your boyfriend, can you make it as obvious-"

"WE'RE NOT A COUPLE!" I shouted at him unintentionally before going pale and bowing quickly. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I'll go now!" I quickly walked out and went down the hall. 'I'm not in a relationship with Midoriya. No matter what someone says, I'm not in a relationship. I...' I immediately saw an image of me, Midoriya and Eri enjoying a pleasant life, being in a chapel getting married and having a.... "DWAAAAAHHHH!" I immediately went to a wall and started banging my head on the wall making a dent. 'Dumbass! DUMBASS! DUMBASS! DUMBASS!'

"Uhh, what are you doing?" I glanced over to see Midoriya looking at me confused.

"M-MIDORIYA! What are you doing here!?"

"I was asked to do an interrogation in the other room for the situation. They let me go since there wasn't any reason to keep me further." I tried to recompose myself before speaking again.

"T-then how about we head back together."

He nodded as we both left the station. Heading out and walking down towards the station, Midoriya started asking me a question. "So what did they ask you about the situation?"

"N-nothing out of the ordinary. Just about the actions taken and stuff. What about you?"

Midoriya paused for a minute before answering. "They asked me if I stole Overhaul's quirk because I wanted it." I was irritated with what they asked me, but I didn't realize maybe Midoriya's line of questioning was harder. "They wanted to know if I stole the quirk because my father made it for me and thought I deserved it more. After this, they asked if I enjoyed doing what I did."

He seemed to look scared to make me wanna ask about it. "But you didn't, right?"

"That's the thing. In the moment, I didn't wanna have to resort to it. But now looking back, it felt good doing it. I...I can't put it in words but the satisfaction I got from doing it to Overhaul specifically gave me a disturbing form of satisfaction. I...I didn't say this to the officer because I didn't want him to think differently of the situation, but I'm just scared I'll turn into my father because of this form of joy I had from doing this."

"Midoriya. I want you to look at me right now." He looked at me with eyes that showed he was scared out of his mind of what he felt. "Did you at any moment in your life actually feel any satisfactory taking a quirk from anyone you did?"

"No! I would never enjoy taking something from somebody else!"

"Have you ever went right for the decision to take someone's quirk when you know there could be another option?"

"No. I never want to put someone through that mental torture. How could I?"

"Then that's your answer to this. You weren't happy you did what you did to Overhaul because you were able to take his quirk. You were happy because that sick demented and twisted psychopath finally got what he had coming to him. Even if you didn't take his quirk, I don't think this satisfaction would've never existed. This is you finally realizing you are no longer bound by anyone. You can live your life now free and without guilt or regret. It's....long overdue if I'm honest."

This seemed to hit the right mark for Midoriya for him to take deep breathes and smile through some tears. "The cop....the one who interrogated me. He said at the end if he was in my shoes, he'd have done the same thing."

"It's good to feel as if you did a good job, right?"

"*sigh* Yeah. I it really does." We kept walking as we were at the station with the train not showing yet for Midoriya to ask one last question. "So....what should I do now? You know, now that I have...*ahem* this freedom."

"What do you want to do? That's the joy of being at peace and free of this."

"...Sounds like a pain in the neck a bit."

"Sometimes, free will isn't the greatest thing." Midoriya started to chuckle at this. "What's so funny?"

"It's not you. It's just, Nezu said something similar. He said sometimes, humanity's most dangerous weapon can be free will."

"What does he mean by that?"

"In a sense, humanity as a whole benefits from having a purpose or reason to their existence whether that's working a job as much as they do or having a goal they set out for. But for those that aren't as committed as others, this free will is overbearing and they end up unable to do things because of it. As such, these are the ones that speak up the loudest or do the most ridiculous things around us. Because they want themselves to have some kind of place in this world whether good or bad."

"So he will was bad?"

"Inherently, no. But there are people that benefit from having their lives laid out for them and those that don't. Depending on how I feel in the next few days would determine which I am." The train came into the station to open for us with Midoriya going in first and me following behind him.

"So are you going to do something today when we get home?"

"I'm going to make a nice cup of tea, put on some baggy comfy clothes and just enjoy watching TV with Eri and Pork Rinds. Sounds cliche, I'm well aware of it."

I shook my head and looked at him in the reflection on the window. "If we're honest, I think you deserve that after the day you had."

Later that day

We arrived back at the dorms to see Eri in the kitchen on a chair next to Shigaraki who was pulling out a thing of cookies from the oven. "Mommy and daddy are back." She slowly got down from the chair and pushed it back to the table before running towards us and hugging us. "Did you finish the final cure you needed to get rid of?"

"Yes, Eri. We've got the final 'cur' needed gone. Also, Overhaul is finally in jail. His quirk is also gone." Midoriya knelt down to Eri's level and smiled at her before patting her head. "He's never gonna get out and hurt anyone ever ever again." Eri started to tear up and have some snot coming down her nose before hugging Midoriya and unintentionally wiping her nose on him. I could tell this sorta grossed him out with the same thing happening with me. But if we're honest, I don't think he cared as much.

"Ew, the brat's leaking." We all looked at Bakugou who looked like she had something before a kick came from Miruko to send him into a wall. "THAT FUCKING HURT!"

"Your fault for not keeping your mouth shut. Besides, the kid's emotionally happy. You're gonna make her feel like crap just cause she's crying to the state of having snot come out of her for having some form of joy?"

"Alright. I think it's time we start cleaning up." Midoriya pulled Eri into his arms and brought her to the bathroom. Before he did, he glanced at me and passed a key. "You mind grabbing me a new set of clothes?" I noticed Eri was crying and putting tears and buggers on both his shirt and pants to understand and follow what he wanted.

I went up towards Midoriya's room to go into his clothes and notice some long sleeves and sweat pants. 'If I remember correctly, he said he wanted to be comfy.' Pork Rinds pushed into his dorm room and sat on his personal bed and watched me. I grabbed the clothes and looked at the pig for him to come towards me. "Give this to Midoriya, ok?" With an oink as a form of agreement, Pork Rinds did as I asked with me myself now alone in the room again. I looked at the area to understand the feel of the room a little more compared to before when I've seen . "I actually have to admit, the room does fit Midoriya a lot. really simple and calming."

I left the room with some happiness before bumping into Iida. "Uraraka? What are you doing in Midoriya's room?"

"He asked me to get some stuff for him to change into, I gave it to Pork Rinds to get it to him a little faster."

"I see. His pig truly is a marvel. Would you believe I had seen him turn on the water and bathe himself. He even knew which was an animal grade cleaner. I have never seen a pig use a scrubbing brush as a way he had."

The mental image of Pork Rinds using a brush and rubbing himself with it went into my head to have a simple thought come into mine. 'That is one smart pig.' "Are we sure he isn't a human trapped in a pig's body or something?"

"At least the animal understands proper sanitation. It makes any fear of him being unhygienic more of a trivial matter." I debated if this was as important before going downstairs with Iida to see Midoriya walk out with the sweats I gave Pork Rinds and Eri blowing her nose.

"Thanks for the clothes."

"Not a problem. So what now?" Midoriya walked over to the kitchen, heated some water and brought out a thing of snacks along with some tea. 'Oh, so he was serious about that bit of being in comfy clothes.' He grabbed Eri and put her next to him and began watching something that she could watch with Pork Rinds hopping up and laying on his lap.

"Join us, mommy!" I didn't really se a problem with this to shrug and walk over. I sat by Eri and we began watching a cartoon movie.

'This is...very nice.'

Meanwhile with Tenko, 3rd person POV:

"So it's over now? As in, really?" Tenko was somewhat in shock that everything was settled with Nezu agreeing.

"Yes. Hard to believe that not even a year ago, we were still in fear of going back. Now that it is no longer a looming threat, it almost feels surreal."

Miruko sat on the chair listening to this as she felt the tension between the two. "Look, you two gotta chill. Accept that you're not some kind of lab raaaaahhh, you get the reference." Nezu thanked her for her refusal to use the term. "But anyway, you're both free. Take this as something. Go out. Meet someone. Get married. Knock someone up! WHO FRIGGIN CARES! Live your life."

Tenko and Nezu heard this and nodded. "Though your method of saying it isn't grand, it's a good method you were asking." Nezu stood from his chair and looked out the window. "The tides are changing in a good way. Perhaps starting now, peace can finally be given to us."

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku is now in a state where he has complete safety. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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