🦋Chapter 8 | Going Inside Of The Secret Door Part 2🦋

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*As Cole,Violetta and Mizuki went inside of the door,heading to a different world,the door is still open while the inside is still glowing.Blossom and the others just arrived at the same place that Cole,Mizuki and Violetta went.*

*Blossom and the others were looking at the door.*

The gang: *Saws the secret door that was still opened* !!!!

Kai: Uh....The footsteps leads to a door?

Nya: Not just any door...A Secret door.

Lloyd: Huh...I wonder why did they went to this secret door?

Mario: Wait....What kind of secret door are we talking about?

Lloyd: *Facepalms and looks at Mario* The one that is a secret?

Mario: Oh.

Rex: But......Who would let Mizuki,Cole and Violetta go to this secret door? Did something or someone made them follow him\her to his door?

Scott: I don't know.....But remember that Cole promise something for Violetta? I heard their conversation when we were at the world of The Lego Movie.

Blossom: *Looking at Scott*  You mean the celebration with The Voltron Gang  weeks after The Merge Happened?

Scott: Yep.

Arin: So...I'm guessing that we should go inside of this door.

Sora: I think we should.I mean...It's possible that Violetta,Mizuki and Cole went inside of the door.

Riyu: *Running and runs to the door and goes in* 

Arin: AH!!! RIYU WAIT!!! *Follows Riyu and goes in the secret door* 

Blossom: Arin wait!! 

Kai: Forget this!! I'm going in!!!!

Jayden: ME TOO!!! 

Wyldfyre: YEAH!!!!

Kai,Jayden and Wyldfyre: *Goes in the Secret Door*

Ginger: KAI WAIT!!!

Yoko: Let's go!!

Zane: I'm right behind you, Yoko!!!

Ginger,Zane and Yoko: *Goes in to The Secret Door* 

Blossom: WAIT GUYS!! We don't know what kind of world are we heading-

Shade: I'M COMING MIZUKI!!! *Runs to secret door and goes in* 

Scott: *Facepalms and looks at Blossom and the others* Should we follow them?

Mario: We should.Who knows what kind of world are we heading.

Luigi: Then what the heck are  we waiting for? LET'S GO!!!

Maila: Yeah! Let's go!!!

The others: *Runs to the Secret Door and goes in* 

Eleanor: I hope I my cousins will be ok....

Rex: Don't worry...We will find them....

Rex and Eleanor: *Goes inside of the Secret Door* 

Lloyd and Mizuko: *Goes inside of the Secret Door*

Maila: *Goes inside of the Secret Door* 

Bonnie: *Slowly grabs Scott's hand* 

Scott: *Holds her hand as he did a smile* 

Scott and Bonnie: *Goes in the Secret Door* 

Blossom and Mario: *Gets closer to the Secret Door and looks at each other* 

Mario: Ladies first. ^^

Blossom: Aww...You don't have too.

Mario: ^^.

Blossom: *Smiles and goes in the Secret Door*

Mario: *Realized what he did and his face turns red* 0\\\\\\0.

Mario: (Mind: Why do I always get flustered when I near with Blossom...AND I SWEAR I AM NOT A SIMP.)

Mario: *Goes in the Secret Door while he face is a bit red*  -_-'.

The Secret Door: *Closes the door after Mario went inside* ......

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