Chapter 7 The Pack and My New mate

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Chapter 7

The Pack and My New Mate

"Well you're going to be the Alpha" My father said and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Are you sure Keith could be Alpha he was beta of our pack" I suggested.

"No you're an Alpha's mate and you're the Seer it makes sense" Avery's Mate commented.

"Fine now I need a beta and third in command" I mumbled. Everyone stood quietly and I looked at them thinking. "Alright Keith you can be beta because you were beta at the old pack and Scott you can be third in command" I decided.

Everyone nodded and a little girl raised her hand. "Yes?" I asked.

"Um.... Are we going to pledge to the pack and pick a name?" she mumbled timidly.

"Yes" I nodded.

"Do I have to be the Omega because I'm the youngest and smallest?" she frowned.

"No my pack will have no Omega everyone is to be treated fairly" I declared.

Everyone nodded again and the little smiled perkily "Ok".

"Keith, Scott I need you two to come with me while I mark the territory, The rest of you go to the nearby town and Buy us some cars and I'll find us a house later" I commanded

Everyone nodded "Yes Alpha".

"Just call me Leslie" I smiled turning around looking at Scott "And wake her up so we can go". He nodded murmuring things in her ear. She giggled opening her eyes. I grinned at them the pain of my rejection dulling.

"They ceremony will be tonight" I said and began walking. I knew Avery, Keith and Scott were behind me flanking my sides.

  We walked in silence till Avery broke it "What are we doing?".

"Marking the land you miss a lot when you fall asleep" I commented giggling.

"Omg who's Alpha" she gasped.

"That would be me" I smiled nervously.

"Twiny" she laughed attacking me in a hug. I laughed hugging her back.

"Keith is Beta and Scott is third in command" I added.

"Aw baby congratulations" she cooed giving him a peck and then gave Keith a hug. We laughed continuing our walk.

"Ok this is it I'll mark here then go to the other the other sides" I commented. The guys nodded in agreement.

"Lets start"


"Finally" I sighed leaning on a tree. The pack were waiting for me with 4 cars. I took the keys handing One to Scott and another to Keith. "This one is going to go to the best fighter" I said shaking the keys.

Everyone nodded. "Good Keith will test you guy's while I go find us a house" I explained going to my car. "Come on Avery" I waved when she didn't move. She walked over and I tossed Keith the car keys.

Jumping in I buckled up putting the key in the ignition. If you're wondering how I can drive. I took private lessons secretly when I was younger. Stepping on the gas I drove to the nearest town. When we arrived I stopped at a fast food place buying 12 bags of burgers and fries.

Then I bought 11 drinks. Leaving I drove to a housing agency. "Hello how may we help you?" the lady at the front desk asked politely.

"Hello I was wondering are there any houses for sale preferably one that can fit 15 or more people?" I asked kindly.

"Actually yes it fits about over 60 people or so... it's just up the hill" she smiled.

"How much?' I questioned.

"500,000" I looked over to Avery and smiled "We'll take it".

"Are you sure it's really pricy and you look very young" I shook my head her "It's fine".

She finally sighed nodding. Getting out the credit card I got from dad when I was younger I gave it to her. She swiped the card and handed me the card back. "Thank you" Avery chirped. We looped our hands together and skipped out.

Getting back into my car we drove to the wood where the gang was. "Did you chose?" I raised a questioning eyebrow to the guys.

"Yes we have given Dexter the role" Scott replied formally.

I nodded "Congratulations Dexter".

"Thank you Alpha" he bowed.

"Alright we should eat then I'll get you all marked in the pack and we can go to our new house" everyone nodded and I took the food out giving some to each member.  We all sat on the forest floor and began eating.

"Alpha how will we get more members?" Dexter asked.

"First it's just Leslie and we will ask Rouges who stumble onto our land not all of them always become Rouge by choice" Dexter nodded continuing his food.

I finished my burger standing up stretching. "Alright all of you get into a line and I will mark you as art of the pack" I sighed. They nodded getting up. "Line up by rank" some switched places and I headed over to Keith.

"Alright lets start" I cracked my knuckles finding a pointy rock. I carved an A on my hand then drew a moon around it. Taking Keith's hand I carved a B then put a moon around it. I wrapped my hand around his and began "Do you Keith moon swear to be loyal to this pack and not harm anyone and keep us safe and fight together?" I asked.

"I do" he smiled.

 "I Alpha moon accept you into the Moon Saviors Pack"


I continued this till I got through to every member. "Ok now lets get home" I grinned walking to my car. Everyone was picking up there stuff putting then into trunks and getting ready to go. "Oww" I hissed looking at my hand.

It was twisted in a different direction making me sick. I felt my leg twist and fell to the ground. "Oww!" I groaned grabbing onto my leg with my good hand. "Leslie" I heard a voice say but it sounded far away.

"It hurts" I whimpered. My nails suddenly began to painfully extend.

"She's shifting" I heard Avery mumble.

"Ahh!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed as I held onto the ground my spine cracking.

"We have to do something" I heard my mom's voice distantly.

"Only her mate can help" my father grumbled. Hissing as my teeth grew I turned on my back.  I sighed in slight relief feeling the cool air on my back.

"Ahhh!!!!" I yelled as my bones broke mending into different directions.

I heard a growl and then a guy jumped on top of me.  "Mate" I whimpered as my bones moved around.

"Shush sweetie it'll be ok you'll get through this" he kissed my forehead making sparks explode.

I snuggled to him whimpering less. He held me tightly making me sigh in relief. I felt my bones still changing but it was painless since the sparks were erupting everywhere throughout my body. Much to my relief.


(Ethan's p.o.v.)

My friends and I were running searching for a pack we could join. Our pack was recently attacked and we were the only survivors. My sister whimpered from beside me. We had saw our parents die trying to save us.

I promised I'd find anyone alive so we could run and try to find salvation. I heard someone screaming and my wolf suddenly became alert. He turned toward the direction of the scream and we ran. I pushed myself faster hearing the scream get closer.

When I reached the area I saw a girl whimpering on the floor. A group of people surrounded her looking worried. Shifting back into human form I went over to her growling. I picked her up and sparks exploded.

The people were in protective stances coming towards me till she murmured "Mate". They froze looking at me.

"Shush sweetie it'll be ok you'll get through this" I whispered kissing her forehead. Sparks exploded and she snuggled into me.

I held her tighter hearing the whimper that escaped her lips. She sighed in relief clinging to me. I smiled watching her shift whimpering on occasion. Her breathing was labored and I whispered for her to rest.

She nodded clinging to me closing her eyes. Once I heard silent snores I smiled. She was so adorable. Her body shifted and everyone gasped. I just grinned kissing her forehead making her wolf purr. She was a white wolf with grey tints on the tops of her ear, black tints on her legs and a blue triangle with three neon green circles on each point.

She was beautiful. My little mate.


Yes another chapter

do ya love me

The next chap will be up today or sometime this week

She has another mate epp

Bye all (girly wave)





Love you all

p.s. I really want you all to comment

Remember though I said nothing


 Her mate (Ethan) on the side

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