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Venti looks at the unexpected fancy building, "This is the place right.." He mumble out peeking to the entrance. "It seems fancy! and expensive." He looks doubtful, but shrugs it off.

He walks inside to the front desk, and was welcomed warmthly by a beautiful woman. "Welcome, may I ask your booking name?" He glanced at the table seeing her name.

Venti nodded, "It's Venti."

The woman, Ganyu, Venti noted, gave a smile. "Okay, please come in, I'll lead you to the room."

'It's almost like a hotel,' Venti inwardly thought, nodding to Ganyu. "Thank you."

Following after her, they find themselves to room 6. "This person will be at your service for today's booking." Ganyu told as she points to the male who was preparing some papers on the desk inside the room. "I'll leave now, enjoy."

Venti nodded stiffly, unsure on what to do as it is his first time on a salon, spa, massage place.

He glanced at the male who is shuffling papers, "Uh-" He voiced out to show his confusion and met with golden eyes.

A blush covers his face, but Venti quickly shook his head and thoughts. "Please take a seat," Venti blinks but nodded and went to the available seat. "I am Xiao and I will be the one to take care of you today. Beforehand, there are some procedures needed."

Venti nods listening to his soft voice explaining, falling deep, "We need consent as shown in the form, and also we need to know if you have any health conditions. It is all explained in this paper, and also this is a paper where you need to fill...." Venti receives the document and reads it briefly.

As he fills the form and signs it, the therapist continues, "Please feel free to let me know if you feel uncomfortable with me or anything." Venti nods as he finishes all needed documents.

"That's all for the forms, you may put your things and place your clothes over there." Xiao points to the side and starts preparing himself.

Venti shyly glances at Xiao to find him washing his hands and just decided to take a breath and go with it. Removing his clothes he folds it neatly to the available chair and once again prepares his heart.

"Please lay down here." Xiao informs, pointing to the massage table. Xiao then took a towel out.

Venti nods as he lays down on the a little cold table and tries to relax himself. He felt his lower side drapped with towel and he was given a pillow. "Please relax yourself."

And Venti tried.

He took a peak on Xiao again, who was taking out another towel and moves back to his side. "I'll now compress this warm towel to your back, try not to be startled." As he said that, Venti could feel warmth on his back.

Not long the warmth disappears and he heard some caps opened and closed. Venti sees Xiao rubbing his hand together, "Excuse me." and starts to rub his back.

Venti automatically became relaxed, feeling the gliding strokes following his body's contour.

A content purr escape his mouth as he felt himself really relaxed, and somewhat sleepy from just the start.

As he realise he purred, or rather lets out a strange noise, he blushes and burries his face into the pillow. "P-Please ignore that."

Xiao just chuckles from the reaction, "I assure you, conversation and anything that happens here are confidential as written in the document earlier." He briefly explains while letting his hand do all the works.

Venti heaves a relieved sigh, "Right."

Then the two went back to the comfortable silent, with the slow music on the background to help Venti back to relaxation and sleepiness.

Slowly unable to resist the said sleepiness, Venti eventually slept.


Waking up feeling refreshed much, Venti blinks a few time until he realise he fell asleep. "Oh, I was about to wake you up." The soft voice from his massager made his face blew red.

"I-I fell asleep,," Venti mumble out embarassed.

Finding the reaction endearing, Xiao gave a chuckle. "For customers to sleep during a massage session is an honorable thing for us to receive. Do not worry much." Xiao explains briefly. "Ah, rest assure I did not snap a picture or anything."

Venti slowly steps down from the massage table as he notices Xiao is on the sink, washing his hand. Probably meaning the session is done.

"Were you thinking of snapping a picture of me!?"

"It might be able to be sold since you're an uprising artist."

Venti gasps, "You knew?"

"I'm a fan." Xiao admitted. "But work is work, and as a fan I won't do anything."

Venti blinks a few time, "Oh." He didn't expect that. A small smile forms, "Thank you.."

Xiao was taken aback from the genuine gratitude and stumbles on his own words. He blushes but quickly recovers himself with a cough. "I look forward to your next work, and patronage here."

Venti giggles, "I'll come back again here, it was a very relaxing session."

"I'll see you next time, Xiao."


15 June 2021

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