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'PLEASE DON'T. I'M sorry!' Taehyung chuckled as he tried to run further away from the monster he just released. It was unexpectedly snowing, the ground covered in layers of white sheet.

So Taehyung being Taehyung, decided to throw a massive snowball at the back of his ebony-haired best friend. And thats what started their snowball fight.

Hana lighlty smiled when she saw the scene of Jungkook running at full speed to catch up to Taehyung. Once he did, he didn't show any mercy as he bombarded him with countless snowballs.

It had been a while now since the three had known each other, and nearly anyone could see how Hana wasn't so quiet as she was before. After so long, the wall she built had started to crumble, allowing her to now see the beautiful scenery.

She knew she couldn't open up fully to anyone just yet, but she did know that the the time was coming. That, maybe, she could start to become identical to the child-version of herself. She could maybe be happy, she could maybe forgive herself.

A harsh thud snapped her out of her daze. Hana turned around to see a sheepish looking Jungkook. The back of her jacket was now drenched with water as the snowball he had thrown started to melt and absorbed into it.

Realizing what he just did, she gathered enough snow and began to run after him. After forming a big enough ball, she targeted his back as she threw the ball at full speed.

The snowball landed on his pants, making it look like he peed himself. Laughter erupted from herself. The image looked hilarious and after a few moments, Jungkook laughed along.

After a while, the three decided to end their snowball fight, and go get warmed up with a cup of hot chocolate and one of them old disney movies.

Whilst walking back, the rain began and pelted them with hailstone. They ran, but kept in pace with each other. Not looking where she was going, Hana slipped on the black ice, resulting a rip in the kneecap area of her jeans. White hot pain rushed through her as she realised she had just jabbed a peice of glass in her knee.

The hole soon was filled with a pool of blood, resulting hissing sounds to fly from her mouth.

'Oh my god! Are you ok?' Jungkook said as soon as he reached her. He knelt down in front of her, hand placed on her calf. His eyes locked with her teary ones as she started hissing from the pain.

Taehyung followed after, inspecting the cut.

'Hana, you should be more careful.' He said worridly as he looked at her, his eyes showing sincerity.

Jungkook stood up and looked at Taehyung.

'Taehyung-ah. Put her on my back, I'll take her plus it doesn't look like she can go on her own, the cuts too deep.'

'I-im fine, really.'

But the pair just ignored her as they continued their way. Taehyung's soft hands found her waist as he lifted her up and put her on Jungkook's back.

Hana felt a little flustered at all the touching, especially since now Jungkook had his arms wrapped tightly around her legs as he took her back to the bakery.

Once they were at the bakery, Jungkook placed her on her bed and rushed for the first-aid kit. He came back with bandages and tweesers in one arm and a pair of scissors and tape in the other. The kit around his neck.

He knelt down in front of her as he ushed her to pull her pants up so he could clean her wound and try to take the peice of glass out.

Hana stayed still for a second, tears now burning her skin as they rolled down her cheek. Jungkook had realised what he had said.

'I promise i'm not going to hurt you, i just need to take the peice of glass out quickly so i can bandage your leg, your losing alot of blood.'

Hana just nodded slowly as she pulled up her jeans. Insecurity was all she felt right at that moment. The reason being was the marks that painted her legs.

Jungkook didn't show any emotion as one of his hands was placed firmly on her leg so he could get a better angle of the cut. He grabbed the tweasers and swiftly took the peice of glass out. Hana gave out a little cry as the pain become unbearable for her to take.

Jungkook grabbed the bandages and wrapped it tightly around her knee-cap. He grabbed the tape and stuck it together. After doing so, he looked up at her.

'Shush, it's ok. Its over.' He said as he tried to get her mind off the cut. But deep down he knew that she wasn't really crying for the cut, but for the already present marks that were scarred on her skin.

She was crying out of self-pity as she was embarrased that he had seen them. She thought that maybe he wouldn't want to talk to her ever again, that he wouldn't want to acknowledge her excistence. Because of course, who would want a suicidal friend.

Before her thoughts could get the better of her, Jungkook, without thinking, enveloped her with his arms. He gently pushed her body closer to his as he began to tap her back.

He didn't know why he did it, but he wanted to show her that them scars mean nothing. He wanted to show her that he cared for her, and wasn't going to leave her.

It was like they said actions speak louder then words. Because he knew that whatever he would have said would not show her how sincere he was trying to be.

Soon after her arms wrapped around his waist as her sobs became louder. She buried her face in the crook of his neck, scared he would see how ugly she looked when she cried.

They stayed in that position for god knows how long, until her crying had slowly calmed down. Jungkook noticed her shivering as he grabbed the blanket from behind her and wrapped her in it. He was about to release her, but the grip on his waist tightened.

So he stayed, until the pair had fallen asleep, wrapped in each others embrace.

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