Chapter 4

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At Zayd's

He took a taxi to the hotel room where Madinah resides.

"Assalamualaikum." He knocked as he greeted at the doorstep.

"Wa'alaikum Sallam." She answered from within and opened the door. She seemed surprised to see Zayd again.

"Hope all is well You're looking so disturbed"

"No, nothing is wrong. I'm fine."

"Really? Sit down." She nicely offered.

The hotel room was nice wand wide enough. It was more like a self-contain.

"How's everyone at home?"

"They're all fine. What are you doing in your room?" he followed.

"I was busy arranging my clothes into this wardrobe." She blushed nervously as how he was free with her. "You should just stay in the living room, I'll join you in a while."

"Are you sending me out of your room now Remember we used to share one room then."

"You too, hear yourself. You said, then."

"We used too but not anymore, Zayd. I'm now a big girl, I can take care of myself." She pushed him back to the living room. "Stay here, okay?"

"Hmmmm... So you're now a big girl. It's good to hear that from you. He blushed."

"So what's the name of your boyfriend?" He had no memory at all of ever asking her.

She went silent for a while.

"Dynah?! I'm talking to you?!"

"And who told you I have a boyfriend?"

"Well, I just knew. My heart told me."

"Then it deceived you, Zayd. I have no boyfriend." She answered jokingly.

Are you saying this just to hide yourself or what?

Just then, her phone rang. It was in front of Zayd so he pick it up for her without even looking at it. He wanted to give Madinah when his finger mistakingly swiped the screen and the caller answered. Zayd gave her the phone in her room and went back to the living room.

It was Jazid.

"Who picked this call, Madinah!" He started

"Errmm... I just picked it up. I mean... No one picked it up." He voice shivered from the way he started.

Talk to me, darling, I don't even get you! Are you with a guy in there?!"

"No! Definitely, I'm not!"

"Why are you lying to me again, Madinah! Which family friend are you with?!"

Her heart started beating fast, not bowing what to tell him. Nothing would convince him that she was alone.
"I'm with no family friend, Jazid. Why are you speaking to me in this tone?"

"You're lying again. How long would you cheat on me, lier! Is the guy sleeping with you in the hotel room?!"

"No, Jazid, He's just a friend."

A friend... So, I'm now Jazid, not you love any more. You know what, get the fuck out of the phone for me! Your mum would hear about this!"

He hangs up.

Madinah slashed the phone against the wall and it scattered immediately.

Zayd rushed to where she was, noticing the anger fuming in her.

"What's wrong? Is anything alright? Talk to me please?"

"Jazid hates me!" Tears streamed down her eyes." Jazid called me a liar!!"

"What? Who's Jazid?" Zayd asked in concern.

"What the heck do you want from me Zayd! Why must you interfer in my life?!"

"Are you okay?" He asked again. Not sure if what he just heard.

"Get out! I said out of my room!" She ordered and let a sharp scream at the top of her voice.

"What's going on, Dynah?" He looked more confused still following her around. She stormed into the kitchen and brought out a very sharp knife.

"Get out else I'll kill you!"

The thought of Madinah being dead flashed through his mind.

"No! I won't let you do that!" He muttered, walking closer to her instead of moving away.

"Don't take another step else!" She earned, following him with the knife.

"You wouldn't dare such thing, Dynah! Drop that knife now!" He demanded.

"If you need to stop me. Stop me if you can!" Madinah cried.

He grabbed her hand but she pushed him away and slit him on the shoulder.
He fell unconsciously on the floor as blood started gushed out of him.

She dropped the knife that was inked with his blood and grabbed him immediately.

"Zayd! Zayd!! Get up Zayd!!! Open your eyes!" She cried on his weak body.

"No, you can't go like this..." She shivered at the thought of loosing him and ran outside, screaming for help.

The hotel attendants and the hotel manager quickly called for an ambulance. They rushed him to hospital as Madinah kept on crying, saying she don't know what happened.

She looked so worried and confused. Then she called her mum.

"Hello mummy! It has happened again!"

"What? How come I thought doctor McBride said you're alright"

"Yes mum! I thought so too until"


"What?! Talk to me, my princess! Are you alright?!"

"No mum! I stabbed Zayd."


"He's in hospital now I'm scared he'll dye soon, mum!"

"Don't worry my dear, and keep calm.
Breath in, and out three times, can you do that for me?"

"Yes mum...." She answered with a little bit difficulty.

(breath in...)

(breath out...)

"Good girl, now listen to me. You have to stop crying now, Zayd won't die. Where's his phone."

"I forgot that in my hotel room..."

"Good, you'll go back to the hotel room and get his phone. Call his sister and tell her there was an accident. Don't give her all the details, okay?"

"Okay mum. Thanks.

"Good girl, never forget to keep breathing. I'll inform Doctor McBride about this." she cuts the call and immediately rushed to the hotel room.


I raised my head up from sujood (prostration) and I felt a chilly wind blowing within me. It's quiet strange, I hardly feel this way.

'Hope nothing is wrong with Zayd?' a voice in my head questioned as I decided to give him a call.

I called but no one pick. I dialed his number over and over again but no one answered.

'What's wrong? Hope this boy hasn't put himself into trouble again?'

Just then, someone picked. Finally, he picked my call. What's wrong with Zayd?....

"So you never wanted to pick my call right?" I fired.

"I'm sorry, something happened." A female's calm voice replied mine.

"Who's this!" I mumbled.

"It's Madinah. Zayd got into an accident, he's in the hospital as we speak." She trembled over the phone.

"What?! I'll be there right away!!"

Auzubillahi mina shaythoni Rajim!

(Oh God Save me from Devil, the Cursed!)

I cried and ran out of the compound. I took a taxi to the hospital and met Madinah crying beside him on the bed.

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