Surprise New Member

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A/N: The dragon thing never happened in this story.

The Grand Magic Games had just ended and Fairy Tail had gotten a brand new guild hall. Lucy was sitting in the guild impatiently bouncing up and down in her seat. Everyone had taken notice of this and was curious as to why the blonde was more bubbly than usual. 

All of a sudden the guild doors burst open to reveal none other than Rogue Cheney. Lucy is the first to react, when the next thing everyone knew Rogue was tackled to the ground by said mage as she screamed, "ROROOOO!!!"

Everyone kind of exchanged questioning glances before they heard a deep chuckle, "Hey Lu. Good to see you again." 

"So you ready to join?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"You'll be fine. If anyone tries anything on you, I'LL LUCY KICK THEM INTO NEXT WEEK!"

Rogue smiled fondly at the girl and shook his head at her antics. The rest of the Fairy Tail guild just stood there, they had never seen the celestial mage so happy before. It was obvious these two had a past and they wanted to know what it was. They put it in their minds to ask later. 

Lucy grabbed Rogue's wrist and started to drag him over to the bar, "Hey Mira, is Master in his office?"

The she-devil smiled brightly at the sight of the blonde being so happy and said, "Yep he should be there now."

"Thanks!" the blonde girl called out as she left up the stairs with the shadow dragon slayer in tow.

They make it up the stairs and made a right before going a little farther until coming to a door on the left. Lucy knocked on said door and when she heard some shuffling and then a muffled "come in" she opened the door and dragged Rogue in behind her. When Master Makarov saw the Shadow dragon he immediately straightened and said, "Ah, Rogue, Lucy what brings you here?"

Rogue is the first to speak when he says in a monotone voice, "I wish to join the guild. I was kicked out of Sabertooth, but truth be told I planned on quitting and joining Fairy Tail before they kicked me out."

Master contemplated this for a minute before he smiled a wrinkly smile at the two mages and said, "I don't see why you can't join. Especially since you saved one of our family members. We are technically indebted to you, this is the least I could do."

Rogue gave a small smile and said, "Thank you Master Makarov."

Master nodded before opening the top drawer of his desk and pulling out a stamp, "Now what color and where?"

Rogue looked and Lucy before he said, "Could I get mine in black with a gold outline on my right bicep?"

Master nodded and pressed the stamp on his arm. Before he could put the stamp away Lucy quickly said, "Master do you think you could change my guild mark to gold with black outline on my left bicep?"

Master looked at Rogue and saw something that he never thought he would see in the shadow dragon slayers eyes, admiration, pride, and something he couldn't quite put his finger on. He nodded before pressing the stamp to Lucy's arm. Lucy looked at the new mark and smiled. Rogue saw her eyes suddenly glaze over when she made a thoughtful facial expression. Before he could ask what was on her mind she asked, "Master is it alright if I take a break from Team Natsu and form a team with Rogue? I want to spend some time with him and catch up on the eight years I was gone."

Master smiled and said, "Of course child. Would you like to tell Team Natsu right now or after the paper work of the team is filled out?"

"Could you bring them in now?"

"Of course my child."

After Master left Rogue turned to Lucy and asked, "Are you sure you want to team up with me?"

Lucy gave him a wide smile and said, "Yes. 100%. I want to fight along side you like old times when we were travelling Fiore." 

Rogue gave her a fond smile and said, "Alright I don't want you to feel like you are forced to make a team with me."

Lucy frowned at this and said, "Rogue I don't feel forced at all I was the one that suggested it so I want it. Don't think you're forcing me to do anything because everything I'm doing is because I want to."

Rogue nodded before the door to Master's office opened and in walked Team Natsu. They all sat down in the remaining chairs and waited for whatever news was about to be delivered. Lucy was the first to break the silence, "So guys, I think I'm going to take a break from Team Natsu for a while." Before anyone can protest Lucy gives her reasoning, "Now I chose this on my own accord, but I am teaming up with Rogue. I wanted to catch up with him for the eight years that we lost together. Also I wanted to fight along side him like old times. You guys can take Lisanna on missions with you. I kind of felt like I was getting in the way of her and Natsu reconnecting so I think you guys should team up with her for a while."

Before Natsu can set Master's office ablaze, Erza says, "Natsu didn't you say you wanted to spend some more time with Lisanna after the games?"

Natsu looked at the red-headed woman and said, "Well yeah but I still don't want Lucy to quit our team."

Lucy sighed and said, "Natsu it's not like I'm quitting the guild. You'll still see me all the time."

Before Natsu can protest Erza says, "I respect your decision Lucy. I'm sure there's a lot you and Rogue need to catch up on." Erza tries to hide her smirk but everyone can see it, and Lucy is slightly frightened by the match-maker look her eyes are currently sparkling with.

Gray finally speaks, "So what's gonna be your team name."

Both mages thought about this before Lucy spoke, "Team Draco."

Everyone looked at her before Rogue asked, "Why Team Draco?"

Lucy smiled proudly before she said, "Draco is the Celestial spirit dragon. I'm a celestial spirit wizard and you're a dragon slayer. Kind of fits doesn't it?"

Rogue mulled it over and said it a few times before he nods and gives a cute smile with a head tilt that makes everyone, even Gray, blush slightly. 

Gray stared at the dragon slayer wide eyed and said, "Dude, be careful, if you smiled like that on a daily basis you would have bodies dropping. You would even have guys coming after you." 

Rogue gave a look of horror before he says, "Yeah that's one of the reasons I became stoic I don't like the attention something as simple as smiling gets me, it's uncomfortable. Anyways I like the name, I think it suits us very well."

Team Natsu left slightly saddened by the loss of their sweet celestial mage until she called to them, "Guys you know we can still take missions together right?"

Their expressions changed to happy ones at that. Even though they couldn't go on missions with her as often as they used to they'd still be able to. Lucy and Rogue stayed behind to fill out the papers for their new team. 


The guild breaks into cheers when someone screams, "PARTY!!" 

Mira started delivering drinks to the members. Gajeel being curious about Rogue's relationship with "Bunny Girl" he asked, "Hey yo Rogue! How did you and Bunny Girl meet!?"

Before Rogue could speak Lucy screamed, "Stop calling me that Gajeel, it was one time!!"

Gajeel just did his "Gihi" laugh before someone in the guild shouted, "Yeah how did you guys know each other?" 

Rogue eyed Lucy for a moment, making a mental note to ask why Gajeel calls her Bunny Girl, before he turned to Lucy who had began to tell the story of how she ran into to Rogue, "Well, two weeks after I had ran away from home, I was walking through the forest when I heard a roar and scream. I ran towards the sounds and found Rogue fighting these three Vulcans. By the way I was fifteen at this time and Rogue was ten. He was doing exceptionally well for a ten year old. But then the last Vulcan caught him off guard and grabbed him from behind, holding him up by his neck. I decided then that I should interfere. I grabbed Cancers key, called him out, and told him to find the Vulcan's pressure point that would make him drop Rogue. He did and he was dropped. I grabbed the Vulcan with my whip and slammed him into the ground where he was knocked out instantly. I ran over to Rogue and scanned his body to see if he looked bad enough that I would have to take him to a hospital or if I could bandage him up at the camp I had a half mile away. He only had minor cuts and bruises so he would be fine. When I picked him up he had already kind of lost consciousness. But after walking for a few minutes I heard him groan and start to wake up, so I stopped and looked at him. I would be lying if I said I didn't blush even a little at what he had said with half-lidded eyes, 'are you an angel?'"

Rogue blushed and said, "Damn it I forgot about that."

The men laughed at Rogue's tomato face and the women all awed. Except Erza, she was wondering if she had to strike Rogue down if he was a potential threat to Lucy's innocence. Before anyone could say anything Lucy continued, "Anyway, I didn't even get to respond before he had passed out again. The next morning he came out of the tent all panicky thinking that he was dead because he still thought that I was a legit angel. Once I cleared up that he was still alive he relaxed. While we were eating we both kind of told each other why we were out in the woods all alone. Of course you all know my back story but you don't know Rogue's. Why don't you tell them yours Ro. Don't worry almost everyone here has a bad back story from childhood." Lucy's voice went down to a whisper as she said, "Also the dragon slayers won't avoid you or hate you as much if they know the real reason."

Rogue stared at her wide eyed before he turned his head to the rest of the guild, all looking at him intently like little kids waiting for the most amazing story of their lives. With a sigh he began, "Well, like the other dragon slayers I was raised by Skiadrum, the shadow dragon. He trained me until I was about seven or eight, when he asked me to kill him because he was very ill."

The guild gasped and the dragon slayers gave off a depressed aura. Rogue continued, ignoring the whispers now circulating through the guild, "I told him that I would never do such a thing because what kind of child would kill their own father? Whether they were blood or not. Eventually he convinced me when he said if you care for me as much as you say then you would hate to see me in so much pain. I will die anyway so why prolong the inevitable? With great reluctance...I killed him. I travelled around Fiore for a while, staying a month in the forests of each town I stayed in until I ran into those Vulcans while I was searching for dinner for the night. You know the rest from Lucy's story. Lucy you can continue the story now."

With a nod and a sympathetic look that got her a small sad smile, she continued, "Yes well, I asked Rogue if I could join him in his travels around Fiore. He agreed saying that it would be nice to have someone to talk to. Most of you think that because of my backstory of running away that Natsu was my first real friend. That isn't entirely correct, Rogue was my very first real friend. We travelled for a year together and the last three weeks we found Frosch and raised her. When we separated we promised that we would see each other again." Lucy looked over at Rogue and said with a smug smirk, "Rogue do you have any idea how many piggy back rides you owe me now that you're technically older than me?"

Rogue looked away with an emotionless expression and said, "I have no idea what you are talking about."

Lucy's smirk widens as she says, "Sure you don't. I expect them paid in full." She looked up at the ceiling and started counting on her fingers as she said, "Now how many do you owe me? Let's see. One, two, three...Ah you owe me about two hundred piggy back rides."

Rogue looked at her in surprise before he retorted, "There's no way I asked for that many piggy back rides. You must be mistaken."

"Ah but remember Rogue my memory is better than yours considering it only feels like just two years ago we went our separate ways."

Rogue tsked and crossed him arms, "Fine. But use them wisely."

Lucy smiled widely and the next thing anyone knew she was off the bar stool and on Rogue's back with her arms around his neck and legs around his waist. Rogue blushed a deep red as he could feel her large breasts press into his shoulder blades. With a sigh he said under his breath, "I'm going to regret this."

The guild all exchanged knowing glances and turned back to the strange pair, as Rogue was still trying to regain his balance on his bar stool, with smirks on their faces, both mages oblivious to this. Rogue finally got his balance when Lucy said, with her finger pointing into the distance dramatically, "Onward, my trusty dragon stead!"

Rogue sighed and said, "Aaaaand, already regretting it."

As the pair ran out of the guild with a laughing Lucy and less-than-ecstatic shadow dragon slayer, the guild all burst out in laughter. They were all thinking the same thing, 'this guild just got a whole lot more lively.'

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