Longest Day

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We drove away from the woods as quickly as we could, welcoming the security of the heavily armored vehicle, and it was only when we were a relatively safe distance away from the walker-infested maze that gunshots were fired in our direction. 

One pinged harmlessly off the back of the vehicle, but the rest either thumped into the grassland around us or whizzed harmlessly into the sky. 

We were safe, temporarily at least, and the Saviors' bulky 4x4 prevented any fear toward walkers or any other dangers that could be found in today's world - there was plenty of them.

I glanced over at Riley who sat beside me, resting his head against the window and gazing out at the passing scenery. He was still trembling slightly, having been clearly affected by our killing of a fellow human, regardless of his intent to kill us too. 

Sometimes I saw him like this - vulnerable and afraid - and I longed things to be back to how they were. I wished that I could wrap a comforting arm around him and tell him everything would be okay. But I couldn't, because now the painful truth was that we hated each other.

It's probably best this way anyway. In this world, love was and always would be just one thing: a weakness.

"Get some rest while you can, you two," Carol instructed to Riley and I, her eyes locked intently on the well-trodden road that began the long journey awaiting us, "we have a long drive ahead..."

I obliged happily, welcoming the chance for a brief respite after the long day I had endured. So many things had changed so suddenly, and so many would await us at our journey's end.

I had reunited, rather reluctantly, with someone I had assumed - perhaps even hoped - to be dead. I had encountered the most terrifying, ruthless and unpredictable villain I had ever faced; Simon and his cousins may have been dangerous, but Negan had an army under his sleeve which he commanded with military precision. Not to mention the fact that I had been attacked in and ultimately lost the closest thing I'd considered to a home.

A lot had happened today, and I had a sickening feeling that this was just the beginning...


(6 hours later)

The golden reassurance of the sun had eventually sunk solemnly behind a distant haze of foreboding grey cloud, drenching the sky in darkness and  exposing the dusting of stars.

Riley was sleeping softly, his head slumped forward humorously, occasionally muttering an inaudible word or two during the course of his slumber. I stared out of the windscreen, watching the blanket of the night sky slip slowly by - I had always had a strange fascination toward stars; I was envious of their freedom, now more than ever, and how they were everywhere and anywhere all at once.

Carol's eyes had been glued to the road for the past half a day, and whilst her concentration was admirable she was clearly beginning to suffer from sleep deprivation, occasionally stalling the car or jerking the wheel accidentally. 

 "Do you wanna rest?" I asked her, as she yawned silently, visually battling to maintain her focus. She shook her head defiantly as we turned left at a junction - I found it quite amusing that we had no laws or traffic control to restrict us, and yet we still always used the roads.

"No," she voiced her response, "we don't know how long Michonne has left; wasting time is the last thing we want to be doing right now."

"Michonne's gonna be fine," I reassured her uncertainly, "she's the toughest survivor I've ever met... other than you, obviously."

We both smirked at the remark, before Carol's smile faded back into one of concern and worry. She was clearly loyal to the most mysterious, not to mention fearsome member of our group, and she was determined to bring her back.

After all, they were the only two adults the group had left. 

"She might not be fine," Carol replied grimly, "I mean we've all seen what Negan and his group were like - about 10 hours we let them just walk into our camp, and then he killed Douglas and captured you and Riley."

I felt somewhat betrayed by the fact she was portraying our group as weak, but in this case, she was undeniably true. We should have increased our security - maybe took their weapons, or made Negan's bodyguards wait outside the camp - we should have done something more.

"She might not be fine," Carol repeated for emphasis, "and this might all be for nothing. But sitting on our asses for too long has gotten too many people killed, so we're doing this now."

I admired her courage and determination as Riley stirred in the seat to my left. 

"What time is it?" he inquired as he sat up, feeling stupid as he noticed the 12-hour clock written in light on the dashboard. 


One of the longest, most unexpected days of my life had almost ended, but I had a feeling that tomorrow would be longer...


Sorry this took so long to do. 

School work is getting pretty annoying, but it's almost the Easter break so I'll hopefully spam you with chapters then ;)

Hope you enjoyed this one, and lots of action (and more)  will come very soon...

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