Mimi Marquez- Fidget (c)

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You were never one to do much with your hair. It took too much time and you had never been good at it, even struggling to form a remotely decent ponytail. Your girlfriend on the other hand did tend to have her hair down a lot but was rather talented in doing peoples hair. She had to do her own for different performances, and just picked up skills at hair styling but you had never let her near your hair before.

One afternoon she casually asked if she could do your hair. It was a warm day and little else to do, so you agreed. You didn't brief her on anything, nor did she ask what you wanted, only telling you that she would do something. She grabbed some of the throw cushions from the sofa, piling them up for you to sit on whilst she sat on the sofa with you between her legs.

The rest of the sofa was covered in various clips and hair bands and brushes and combs. You didn't know why she needed so much but seen as she was making it up as she was going, she needed everything just in case.

You had been sat there for too long. You weren't fond at sitting still for long periods of time, and even though you'd been there barely fifteen minutes, your bum was going numb.

Fidgeting on your pile of cushions, you felt Mimi pull at your hair, not certain if it was intentional or not.

"Sit still," she berated.

You did your best to sit in the same spot, only moving your head when she dictated, but you couldn't help but move your head when she pulled on a piece of hair or put the brush through it.

"Please stay still," she stated holding your cheeks in her hands forcing you to look ahead.

She let go of your face and continued to do your hair. You didn't mean to fidget, you wanted her to enjoy doing your hair and hopefully not leave you bald, but you couldn't help being restless. You could feel yourself twitching to move but you did your best to sit still.

"Are you done yet?" You questioned wanting to move desperately.

"I am..." she paused doing something to your hair before dropping the brush onto the sofa. "I'm done now."

You happily wiggled in your seat, glad to have the freedom to move without annoying your girlfriend or having your hair tugged at.

She handed you a mirror. You looked in it to see your hair in an elaborate style, well at least elaborate compared to your normal style. It was beautiful, something you would have never have done yourself.

"It's beautiful," you smiled, turning around to press a kiss to Mimi's lips.


Written by Charlotte.

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