Roger Davis- Flu (c)

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Without health insurance, there was no chance of getting any form of medical assistance without ending up in a lifetime of debt. You tried your best to stay healthy but when you were struggling to afford heat for your apartment or any form of a balanced diet, you had to just hope and pray that things wouldn't go completely down the toilet. No matter how hard you tried, flu season seemed to always get you. You started off with some aches and pains but soon you were bedridden and barely able to handle the flu you had come down with.

You tried to tell your boyfriend Roger to keep away from you, not wanting to pass anything onto him but he refused to go anywhere, instead wanting to take care of you and offer you any help he could. Being doted on wasn't something you were used to or wanted, so Roger got the worst side of you as you tried to fight everything, he tried to do for you.

Even though it would have been for the best to stay in bed and rest, you didn't want your boyfriend to have to run around after you.

"Please just lie down," Roger pleaded, having spent near to an hour, arguing with you over why it was for the best for you to rest through your illness instead of trying to act like you weren't sick.

"I'm fine," you croaked, your voice hoarse.

He shook his head, slipping into the bed by your side, wrapping his arms around you. It didn't take a lot of effort from him to hug you and stop you from trying to flee due to the pain and aches controlling your body.

"You aren't fine, and you need to rest," he said softly. "Will it be better if I lay with you?"

You scrunched up your face, not wanting to give in but you were far too tired and in pain to attempt to fight against him.

"Maybe," you huffed.

Roger let out a gentle chuckle as he helped you lie down in his arms and get comfortable in his embrace. You tried to not get tired or try and fall asleep, but he was very comforting and once he begun to sing softly to you, it was impossible to fight off how heavy your eyelids were becoming. Roger continued to sing to you until you fell asleep in his arms.


Written by Charlotte.

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