Chapter 2

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Clover POV

I ran with Leo on my tail down the hall and up the stairs, the ship tilting to the right, then the left. Both Leo and I slammed into the walls multiple times. My stomach churned and growled in protest with all the unpredicted tips and slides. Just thinking about that, I felt horrible for Hazel.

Leo scrambled past me and onto the deck. I climbed after him and heard someone scream,


Yup. That was Coach Hedge.

Leo and I reached the top and saw chaos. Not the god, just… chaos. The others were running around, trying to fight a monster in a horrible storm. Lightning lit up the sky, thunder boomed like a drum, and rain pattered the deck, as if it were playing music.

"Frank! Pull that line!" Jason pointed to a rope that was hanging near the edge. Frank quickly ran over to it, but it slipped out of reach before he could grip it. Leo ran to the controls and picked up the Wii remote. He started messing with the controls, making random things pop up. Such as, a rubber duck, a few cupcakes, a book about dragons, and Leo's favorite wrench. Why that wasn't in his tool belt, I had no idea.

"Give me the controls!" I shouted, gripping the railing. Leo shook his head,

"No! I've got it!" I rolled my eyes,

"No you don't! You're pushing the wrong button on the Wii controler! You're hitting B not A!" Leo switched his fingers and began to push the A button instead. Piper, Jason, Frank, and Coach Hedge were facing a green-scaled sea monster, with poisonous fangs and claws.

"Go help them!" Leo shouted. I turned to him,

"Leo, you can't steer this ship by yourself in a storm! I know you!" He glared at me, and I tapped my wrist, having wisdom spring to life in my hand, "I don't care if I have to fight, I just want you alive!" I shouted. Then, before Leo could say more, I ran at the monster.

Lets just say, fighting a monster after a nap is hard. With the rain on my arms and legs, dried tears on my cheeks, and a guilty heart, I fought the hardest in my life. With Jason, Frank and Piper at my side, we fought like fighting machines. Jason slashed, I stabbed, Frank changed form, and Piper charm speaked it to do the funky chicken. All of that while Leo was trying to keep the ship afloat.

Sounds like a pretty good fighting team to me.

With my right leg, I kicked the monster in it’s eye and jumped. I caught one of it’s scales sticking out of it’s back and hung on tight.

“Clover!” Leo yelled, ducking a spray of poison, “What are you doing?!” I ignored him and continued my fight. I swung my leg over the monster’s back and held on as best I could. With of my right hand, I stabbed wisdom into the monster. It roared and bucked, but I held on. Frank morphed into a bird and soared around the monster’s head, pecking it’s eyes and nose.

A little disgusting? Yeah…

The monster thrashed and spit poison at Frank, but he was to fast. I removed my blade and slashed it again. I continued to slash and stab the monster, but it just looked like it was angering the beast.

“You’re numb!” Piper shouted at the beast, the two words dripping with charmspeak. My limbs all of a sudden felt lifeless and numb. My sword dropped out of my hands and fell toward the deck. My grip on the beast was lost and I started to fall toward the sea. Frank, who was no longer in bird form, fell with me. We both dropped like stones. The wind whistled in my ears and I saw the water come hurtling toward me, like the time I fell off a high ledge when I was thirteen.


Frank and I hit the water in one big splash and began to sink. The feeling in my arms and legs returned, the numbness tingling away. I looked around me rapidly, looking for Frank. He was a few feet away from me, unconscious and sinking.

I swam deeper and reached out my hand. I gripped his shirt and pulled as hard as I could, trying to get Frank to the surface. He began to float upwards and I swam after him.

My lungs were screaming at me for fresh air. My legs and arms sent thousands of pain messages to my brain. I tried so hard to push harder, swim faster and fight for my life.

A few more seconds… I pleaded. Just a few more…

My eyesight was becoming blurry and black. I saw Frank above me, reaching the surface, but he was becoming a fuzzy dot. I couldn’t see where I was going, nor could I tell if I was closer to the surface. With my last bit of strength, I gave one last big surge of energy through my muscles. My body shot through the water, faster than before, and my head broke the surface.

Air filled my chest, and I coughed out the water. Frank had awoken and was swimming toward the Argo II, which was slowly slipping away.

“Clover!” I heard someone shout.

“Frank!” Someone else called. I continued to cough and trying to stay above the water.

“Frank, help!” I called to him. He turned and saw me trying to keep up, my head going under every few strokes. He morphed into a dolphin and came swimming toward me. I reached out and gripped his dorsal fin. I coughed up some more water, taking in deep breaths.

“Thank you,” I said, using him to keep me afloat, “Come on, we need to catch up.” Frank the dolphin nodded and we sped toward the ship.

Jason was kicking monster dust over the edge, powdering us with it.

“Frank!” Hazel called, leaning over the edge, tears streaming down her face. I waved and Frank the dolphin waved his fin. Hazel smiled with so much relief, a few tears fell.

“Clover!” Leo called, running over to the railing as well. I smiled and waved to him too. Leo looked as relieved as Hazel. Frank nudged me, as if to say, ‘You can let go now.’ I let go of his dorsal fin and Frank the dolphin dived. In a few seconds, he came shooting to the surface. In mid air, he morphed into an eagle and looked down at me. He gripped my arms and hoisted me out of the water. We flew up the edge of the ship and onto the deck. Frank dropped me and I rolled across the slick wood planks.

“Clover, that was some wicked fighting!” Leo said, rushing over to me and giving me a hug. I hugged him back, smiling,

“Not bad yourself.” I replied. Hazel gave Frank a big hug, after, of course, he turned back to human. Piper and Jason came over and gave Frank high fives. I walked with Leo to the helm, where Fetus’s head sat, turned off for the moment. I touched the metal figure head,

“Why is he turned off?” I asked. Leo sighed,

“His fire ran out. I need to find some sort of thing that will burn, but not make too much smoke. I debated feeding me to him.” I laughed and stroked Fetus’s metal horn.

“Smart,” I said with sarcasm, “That sounds like a great plan.” Leo smiled and stood next to me. I put my head on his shoulder. Leo’s hair was damp, and little drops of water dripped off the ends of his curly hair. It was nice to see him wet instead of on fire.

We gazed out over the sea. On the horizon, the storm clouds were beginning to part, revealing a beautiful sunset. Leo put an arm around me and I snuggled against him.

“We’ll find them Leo,” I said, “Percy and Annabeth aren’t getting away from us that easily.”

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