The Sacrifices are Painful yet Never Forgotten, Part Eight: The Final Challenge!

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Victory Road wasn't all that hard. While the trainers weren't as tough as they thought they would be, it took time to get used to their levels. Once they did, it was smooth sailing for the beginning part. 

Eliza didn't let her guard down, though, because, at the end of the rows of trainers, they would begin the fight against the Elite Four and the Champion herself. 

They reached the waiting room before the first Elite Four battle room earlier than expected, and so it was time to recharge before the battle. 

Eliza inhaled and mentally prepared herself for what was bound to be the toughest battle of her life. She had her potions ready, her team was healed and ready too.

But all the previous battles had reminded her that no matter how prepared someone could be for a battle, the tables could turn with a single attack. When one's speed was outmatched by the other, or when someone who had a type advantage... it could all happen and she would be powerless to stop it. 

No, I can't give up now, she gripped her fists. She wasn't about to lose this. Not when there was so much... 

Zap, Crystal, Eclipse, Volt, and Chomps...

Their sacrifices had come down to this. She wasn't about to go down and let their deaths be in vain. 

She closed her eyes, and opened them before she stepped closer to the door. It was time to start the final battle... to finally reach the end of the road, the boss battle. 

Aaron and Bertha were defeated quickly, since Eliza didn't want to waste anything. Then it was the Fire-type Trainer Flint. Marylin the Floatzel was a Water-type, though, and so she could overtake the Fire-types easily, giving them the win and bringing them closer to the Champion. 

The final Elite Four member, Lucian, who specialised in Psychic-types, had been the hardest of them all, but with Kuro's newly taught Steel Wing as a counter to Mr. Mime, Espeon, Bronzong, Alakazam and Gallade, they took him down. He took the loss with grace, warning her of the final fight ahead. 

Not that Eliza didn't know that, of course. 

"Well, well, so you must be the Eliza I've heard so much about," Cynthia said as Eliza stepped into the room, her entire team right beside her. "And that's your team, I presume." 

"Yeah," she answered, standing in the podium as she spoke. "It's an honour to finally battle against you, Champion Cynthia." 

"Likewise, but let's see how far you can go," Cynthia took out a Pokeball as Eliza readied herself. "Prepare yourself, Challenger!" 

She had probably meant physically and mentally, because Cynthia was downright cruel. The battle against Fantine seemed so small compared to... this massacre. 

The first one to fall was of course the first she chose, Viva. 

"Spiritomb, use Destiny Bond!" 


"VIVA! NO!" 

"W-Weavile..." Viva weakly smiled at Eliza, tears streaking down her face as she held out a thumbs up before she closed her eyes, and her hands went limp. 

She had been trying to comfort her...

Trying to stay undeterred, she sent out Mercury the Rhyperior, the latest addition, and he took out the Spiritomb with a few hits. 

"Huh... You took down my Spiritomb," Cynthia remarked quietly. "That's only one of six, though. Come on out, Roserade!" 

Eliza couldn't switch Mercury out, because when she tried to counter, the Roserade was faster and took him down. 

He stumbled down, and fell to one knee, but looked back and smiled gently at her, "R-Rhy..." 

"No no no, Mercury no!" she screamed. 

"Rior...." he waved before he collapsed, leaving Blair and Marylin to carry his body back. 

Eliza's tears were beginning to flow again, yet she refused to give in. Ignoring the look Cynthia was giving her, she called out, "We're not giving up! We can't give up! Not now, not when we've gotten this far! We have to keep going guys! We can't let everyone's deaths be in vain! WE'RE GOING TO FIGHT TO THE END!" 

Everyone could feel the determination wafting off her, and it was strengthening them as the fire was kindled in all their hearts, burning powerfully within. 

"Let's do this, Eugene!" 

"TOXICROAK!" He roared in reply, and the battle resumed. Eugene didn't hesitate to take down the second Pokemon sent out by the Sinnoh champion. 

"Roserade!" Cynthia yelled as she saw the Grass-type collapse, but growled and got another ball out, "Come on out, Garchomp!" 

Her ace was finally out, Eliza thought, but she couldn't pull Eugene out because Cynthia had ordered a Sandstorm.

She could see her friend struggling in there, but he never gave up and kept on fighting the Garchomp even in the sandstorm, even when he was at a disadvantage. 

His faith in her was unwavering, and it warmed her heart.

Once it cleared up, though...


She was barely aware of the Garchomp collapsing and speaking to a distraught Cynthia, who was definitely feeling the pain now. All she could focus on was her friend, her family, who was now so hurt his HP was nonexistent. 

"T-Toxicroak..." Eugene gave her a weak grin, stumbling back to her, slowly returning, until he collapsed on her shoulder. "Toxi... croak..." 

He stopped breathing after that, and Eliza's tears fell down once more. 

Eugene... was gone. 

However, she gently set Eugene's body down, knowing that she had to keep going, and yelled, "Kuro, let's go!" 

"Gastrodon, we're going to avenge their deaths!" Cynthia ordered. 



The battle was long, but the Gastrodon was taken down with an Energy Ball, and Eliza cheered as she pulled Kuro back. There were only two left, and neither seemed like a good opponent for Kuro since he had taken some damage during the fight with the Gastrodon. 

Cynthia was looking more pained now, yet she got another Pokeball out the same time Eliza did, "Let's do this." 

"Yeah," Eliza nodded. 

With that, they called out their next Pokemon to the battle, "Lucario/Blair, let's go!" 



Cynthia gritted her teeth. This was not looking good for her! Lucario was weak to Fighting and Fire-type moves, and this Pokemon had both of those moves.

If she lost her entire team... 

She would hate herself for years to come. 

She couldn't risk that, no matter what. She had come this far. She wasn't about to lose to this unfair world. 

"Lucario, use Aura Sphere!" 

"Blair, dodge and use Mach Punch!" 

The Pokemon complied, and Blair dealt damage onto the other even though she did get hit by the Aura Sphere. 

However, it proved to be enough as Lucario stumbled back... before he collapsed on the ground. 

"LUCARIO!" Cynthia screamed. 

"Luca..." was all he could say, a smile on his face, as he took a shaky breath... and held it, no longer breathing. 

Eliza quickly took Blair out, knowing the final Pokemon was a Water-type. Blair was a Fire-type, which put her at a disadvantage, and so was the damaged Mothim. 

That left... another Water-type. 

Cynthia was down to her final Pokemon, and she was desperate.

But so was Eliza. She had lost too much to lose now. 

They yelled in near unison, "Milotic/Marylin, let's end this!" 

The two Pokemon stepped into the battle, eyes narrowed, battle-focused. 

It was the endgame for Cynthia. It was now or never.

Would Cynthia lose her title? Or would all the losses for which Eliza had endured sleepless nights be for nothing? 

The battle was on, and neither side was ready to back down. 

"Milotic, use Dragon Pulse!" 

"Marylin, use Crunch!" 

Both attacks landed, and they took damage. However, their own determinations, their willpower, the desire to see the battle to the end kept them going, and their trainers knew it. 

"Milotic, use Iron Tail!" 

"Marylin, use Double Team!" 

Milotic gained damage from the attack, and Cynthia gritted her teeth. No, this couldn't be the end!

"Milotic, dodge and use Wrap, then use Twister!" 

Eliza's eyes widened, but they soon narrowed as a risky plan formed. One that was probably going to get Marylin killed...

But her head turned around, and their eyes met.

The Floatzel's eyes conveyed determination and utter trust in her, conveying a message.

Let my death be the last. 

Change the world, Eliza. 

Make it so no one will die as I did. 

Her eyes widened, but then she nodded. She understood what this meant. 

Thank you Marylin...

Her heart was heavy, but she still persisted and commanded, "Marylin, use Brick Break! Then finish the Milotic off with Focus Punch!" 

Cynthia could only gape as she watched the Floatzel take on her Milotic, even though she was in a Wrap. She USED it to land a point-blank Brick Break AND Focus Punch, taking her Milotic out and winning the match.  

"F-Floatzel..." Marylin swayed, and fell down, lying on the floor and staring at the sky as she smiled. It was... all over... now... She could... finally rest... 

Eliza rushed over with Blair and Kuro, cradling her in her hands as she teared up again, "W-We did it, Marylin... Y-You took out Cynthia's Milotic... You... you brought us to victory... T-Thank you... Marylin." 

"Float... zel..." Marylin smiled at her weakly, and touched her cheek quietly before looking at Blair and Kuro, "Float float float zel..." 

The two nodded solemnly, happy tears streaming down their eyes too. They were glad that she made it...

Marylin grinned, finally relieved, and proceeded to close her eyes, resting as the battle ended in Eliza's win. 

This was it. She had won the battle. 

She had survived the gruesome reality of a Pokemon Trainer...

But did it have to be this way? Did a Trainer really have to suffer through all that?...

No, she eventually decided as she reached the Hall of Fame. She wasn't about to let it happen. 

Now that she was the Champion of Sinnoh, it was time to change the world. No more dying, no more using Pokemon as tools. 

She was going to change the rules, make the world a better place. 

For the sakes of all those who died, she would do it. 

And so, as she rode her bike back to Twinleaf, Marylin, Blair and Kuro by her side, she watched the sunset, and gave a soft yet determined smile. 

This... was the dawn of a new dream. The start of a new journey. 

Years later...

"Hey guys," a blue-haired adult female smiled as she stood in front of a row of old Pokeballs resting on a counter, all shiny and new as if they hadn't been left there for years due to her Pokemon's diligent cleaning. "How's it been, everyone?" 

"Zap, Crystal, Lily the Cherubi, Eclipse, Volt, Chomps, Viva, Mercury, Eugene... It's been a while since the Pokemon Kindness Act was established. Now... not many Pokemon die... And those that do... are given proper burials unlike yours." 

"Of course, I've been good. I... I've finally changed the world, guys. Everyone I've met in my journeys has helped me get the Act published, and I'm so glad." 

"But..." she wiped some tears away, "You guys are the real reason it could happen. You gave me the strength to fight, even as the people around me began to die. So... thank you, everyone. I promise I will stay strong." 

"Therapy ended a few months back for me and Cynthia, and she's become the Ambassador for the act, so she's been busy. Actually, so have I. Today's a big day, you see. I'm about to face a new challenger from Kanto. His name is Ash Ketchum, and he's quite the character," she chuckled. "I've heard about him from the other Elite Four, and they told me that he's really determined... It reminds me of myself before, but in better circumstances, I hope." 

"But that's enough sentimentality from me," she said as she adjusted the gloves on her hands. "It's time for me to go battle this kid. Wish me, luck guys!" 

"Infer," a new voice made the Champion of Sinnoh turn to see an Infernape and a Mothim waiting for her. Nearby, a Floatzel, Gastrodon and Lumineon were watching her as well. 

"Alright, alright," the girl laughed, turning around and walking out of the room. "Time to show him what we're made of huh?" 

The other five nodded, and her hand landed on the last two Pokeballs as she stepped out into the battle arena where her opponent was waiting, "Hey there! I'm Eliza, Champion of Sinnoh! Are you ready for a battle!?" 

The capped teen grinned as he adjusted it, "Of course! Let's battle, Champion!" 

The blue-haired female, newly known as Eliza, burst out laughing, "Alright then! Be prepared, Ash Ketchum, cause I'm not going easy on you!" 

"I wouldn't want it any other way!" 

Despite the trauma, I will keep on fighting. I promised to stand strong, and I'm not going back on that promise, she thought, and grabbed a Pokeball the same time Ash did. Time for another battle, guys!

Her team grinned, and prepared themselves for the upcoming battle.

"Pikachu, I choose you!" 

"Mothim, show this challenger what you're made of!" 

venusaura And it's done! I chose to add a bit of continuity, since you did ask for it to be anime-style. *winks* 

But woah, this was quite fun to write! Honestly speaking, I did slack off a bit, but it was worth it because I got to finish this story strong and I'm mighty proud of it! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did when writing it! Also, my apologies if Cynthia is OOC, but I tried to make it more realistic and more suited to the darker reality. 

Once again, thank you for requesting this story! I hope you enjoyed everything! Do comment below on the story writing as a whole and give me any critiques you may have! 

Also, I couldn't have gotten through this part without the help of the two videos I've added. One in the external links part, and the other above. Do check them out!

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