Rescued [24]

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Days turn into a week, and a week into two weeks. Two weeks of constant prayer and fasting. No one has been allowed to Daniel, aside of his family and me. As word spreads around town, cards and flowers start to fill up empty space in my garage and the Hardens' living room. Prayer requests for Daniel's recovery start to rise in church. Everyone is praying for him to open his eyes.

Every day, before Daniel's family arrives, I show up at the hospital. I sit next to Daniel and read him letters I've written him. Letters that I've started, but never finished. I could never bring myself to finish and send them to Daniel while he was away.

"My birthday is coming up," I whisper after reading a letter. "My mom might come down, but she wants me to go up to see her this time. I want to see her, but if you're still like this, I don't know if I want to leave. I mean, it would be a nice distraction, and Mom's fiancé is very nice . . . But would that be wise right now?"

I look at the machine, waiting for Daniel to respond. The rhythm remains unchanged. It's been a few days since the last time he responded. I reach over and squeeze his hand, accepting that maybe he can't respond right now.

"How're you holding up?" asks the nurse as she comes in to check Daniel's vitals. "Still hanging in there?"

"I guess," I reply half-heartedly, my gaze remaining on Daniel. "I just want him to open his eyes . . ."

"I imagine you would have a heart attack if he did, right?"

My cheeks grow warm as I nod and glance at the nurse.

"My husband was in a similar situation when he proposed," she goes on; a reminiscent smile spreads across her face as she writes something on a clipboard. "Except he was only pretending to be in the ICU. I was afraid to tell him that I loved him and he wanted to test my affections. I was horrified when I heard he was in fatal condition, but I wasn't angry when he revealed that he was fine and why he did what he did."

I smile softly; I know she means to make me feel better, but I want to shed a crazy amount of tears. I've been holding them back for a few days now. I want to be strong for Sarah and Jacob, and their parents. They don't need me making them feel worse, but things have been a little better. The nurse finishes her examination and takes her leave.

It's okay, a gentle voice in my head tells me. A voice that could be Daniel's. Give it to the Lord.

I turn my head, hiding my face in Daniel's chest, letting the sobs out. I clutch his hand to my chest. I wish he would squeeze it back. I don't know what to do.

"God's will, not mine," I whisper, kissing Daniel's shoulder before pull back.

I get up and walk away, hoping to hide my face as Sarah enters the room.

"Heather," I feel a hand on my shoulder. "I think you need a break, away from all of this. Why don't you go visit your mom? You're birthday is coming up, right?"

I turn to look at her. Sarah is smiling, calm and sure.

"He'll be here when you come back," her voice goes soft. "Heather, your presence here is more than appreciated, but even you need to get away now and then. I'm sure Daniel doesn't want you losing your sanity over him."

I nod slowly, but say nothing. I think the thing holding me back is that I won't be here if he wakes up.

"My mom wants me to spend my birthday with her," I finally whisper. "I was thinking about going up there, I just didn't know if it would be a good idea right now."

"Well now you know," Sarah smiles as she retrieves a tissue from her pocket. "I promise that I won't bug Daniel for all the juicy secrets you've been telling him. I am certain I will learn them all eventually. But Heather, you have to promise me that I will be one of your bride's maids at your wedding."

"Girl, you'd be my maid of honor."

I pull Sarah into a hug, smiling at the thought of her in a matron's dress. The thought that I might get married one day is distant. I don't even know if what I feel for Daniel is Godsend. I want to be sure that I am not staying away from the path God has me on.

"Maybe going to my mom's is a good idea," I say as Sarah and I walk to the cafeteria. "I could take that time to think about a few things."

"Yeah, that would be a good idea," she says, nodding. "You'll have a blast and your future step-dad is really nice. You should get to know him. He might give you the attention your dad didn't."

I shrug, pulling out my phone as it vibrates in my jeans.

"Hey Mom," I say in a soft voice.

"Hey sweetie," she says, "How are you doing?"

"I'll be honest," I reply as Sarah turns me back toward Daniel's room. "I've had better days. I'm thinking about coming up there to see you."

"Oh good! Actually, that is why I am calling you. Would you like to come up here a week early? I know things are tough down there, but you need to get away from all that. I mean, honey, Daniel's family is going through a lot."

"I know, Mom. I already said I would come up for a visit, but I don't want to regret not being here. What if Daniel wakes up and I'm not here?"

Sarah tugs me to Daniel's side and I can't resist taking his hand in mine. I close my eyes; his hand feels so lifeless. I rest my head on the bed as I kneel beside it.

Please Lord, I pray silently. Show me what I am to do.


"Yeah Mom, I'm still here."

"Have there been any changes?" Mom asks with caution.

I look up as I am about to reply, when I feel Daniel's hand gently squeezing mine.

"Daniel?" I gasp, "Oh Daniel, if you can hear me, squeeze my hand again."

The tears are flowing again as I feel the light squeeze on my hand.

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