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The brunet took out a laptop, inserting a USB inside. "Lupo family, they're crazy alright. A totally dick back then and even now." Yamamoto and Ie who heard Tsuna said something they never thought would say choke on air. "Reborn, can you tell me this world's Lupo?"

Reborn rose his eyebrow, "In truth, no one knows of Lupo. The general thing people know is that Lupo hates Vongola." Tsuna hums. "But the other day Mukuro told us of how they actually are."

The brunet now look at Chrome, "Really? What did he say?"

"How he's a scapegoat of Lupo's dirty works. Such as the destruction of Vendetta and Namico famiglias, of stealing their experiment results plus Estraneo's and also of mass murder for civilians who are connected with the three families."

"..." Everyone looks at Tsuna and can see he's furious, "I see." His face showed annoyance, "So I guess, Mukuro is at Vendicare now?"


"Okay." He clicked some things in the laptop before turning it to show it to the others. "The Lupo is doing an experiment in where they want to collect the trinisette and control the world. They call this project as NIE project, meaning the sacrifice project." He informed, "This project was the cause of our world's.. almost destruction." He bitterly told.

He shook his head taking another deep breath to calm himself down. "That's why, we three made a wish. For the world to not be destructed, and so here we are, with the time restarting, so that we can prevent the world's destruction, this time."

"That's why, now, we need to devise a plan to conpletely stop the NIE project before they get to the trinisette." Tsuna continued. "If they get to the trinisette first, everything will be destroyed again and there was no point in us trying to prevent the world's destruction."

"You do know that it all actually doesn't make sense right?"

Tsuna halted.

"The Lupo has always been Vongola's enemy. You, had been abducted by Lupo. Mukuro had told us that they can mind control, what are the chances you are also under mind control now?"

The brunet's breath hitched, eyes widening. He unconsciously bit his lip as he stare at the looks everyone gave to him.

"Mammon is the Mist Arcobaleno. Even if Kawahira, CheckerFace's mist flames are stronger, should be able to verify if I'm under control or no." Tsuna mumble out, moving his gaze to Mammon. "Chrome too, although not as strong as Mukuro, should be able to know." He then moved to Chrome.

"As for lying or not, Ie-kun, Ieyoshi's hyper intuition. He is still the descendant of the Vongola bloodline, he should have it even if it's not strong yet." He then locked his gaze to Ieyoshi's.

"Do you still not believe in me?"

"...I believe in you." Ieyoshi voiced out. "It all, surely sound unbelieveable. But, I know, Tsu-nii won't lie espescially in these kind of things."


"He isn't under mind control as well." Chrome then added on, "and Mukuro-sama too.. have heard of the NIE project. Everything he said, is true."

"Nevermind that, what do you mean by Checker Face's mist flames?"

"How do you know of him?"

Tsuna paused, "Checker Face, or Kawahira, he's the one who placed the arcobaleno curse," He earned some nod from the infants, "He is the administrator of the trinisette. He's a true earthling, where he had lived way before human arrives at Earth. However, he isn't immortal and his time was near, so he's weaken up." Tsuna trails off, "Lupo who caught on on him, kidnaps him and well, extracted his mist flames. With his flames extracted, he who's already weaken eventually.. died."

"So you meant, the Lupo has been using their mist flames to cover up their works?"

Tsuna nodded, "Including as.." He look at the laptop, "her fuel."

"Wait, Tsuna. If they've been doing human experiments, what did they do to you?"

Everyone halted, looking at Tsuna who gave a sad smile, "They, also extracted my flames." He told. "Actually, I'm not sure all the things they did to me, but.. I remember being in.. pain.-" He then starts coughing again, hiding his mouth beneath his palm. He looks away, so no one can see him.

"Are you okay?"

"Say, Tsuna. Are you sick?" Reborn questioned out. Slowly calming down, Tsuna return to face the others. "Or are you, dying?"

Tsuna twitched, a dry laugh escaping his mouth. "As expected of Reborn," He mumble out, halfly ignoring the horror look from the others. "Say, do you want to know something amusing?"

As everyone stares at him, he started, "When the time rewinded, a void was created since the three of us was returned to the wrong time." He stares at Ieyoshi in a fond look, "If the void was to stay as a void, the world would be distrupted. That's why, a new life was created to fill in the void."

Tsuna gave a small smile, "That replacement of the void created by me is you, Ieyoshi."

Ieyoshi gaped, unable to reply anything.

"And well, I.. we weren't supposed to be together, as we're.. each other's alternate self. That's why, I am currently receiving a.. you can state it as a punishment I guess, from defying that rule." He stiffled another coughing fit, where everyone now can see the blood on his palm.


8 December 2021

In case you do not understand the explanation of the voids. (This is one of the part of where I've taken an idea from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, of Watanuki and Syaoran's existence)

Explanation attempt #1

Tsuna etc wished for the world to not be destroyed, and answering their wishes, the trinisette rewinded the time.

The three were also transported back, to whenever the trinisette managed to rewind to and appearantly Tsuna came back to when he's supposed to be born and is supposed to be already 7 years old (since Ieyoshi at the time Tsuna first woke up is 7).

Tsuna, who's supposed to be there already but not there created a void or else the existence of Tsunayoshi Sawada would cease to exist, thus Ieyoshi Sawada was created.

Explanation attempt #2

So like, ex. Original Tsuna starts at age 0 and the time he wished and get the time rewinded he's at 21 years old.

That 21 years old Tsuna was returned when he's supposed to be 7 years old, but his age became one of a 9 years old's.

When that happens, it means at age 0 until 7, he didn't exist right? So there's a void. If there's a void, the world would be distrupted. To prevent the world to be distrupted, the world created another existence of Tsuna, an alternate existence or alternate self of Tsuna.

That alternate existence/self is Ieyoshi.

I hope you understands this explanation!! If you still don't get it uh, I'll try to explain again so lmk in the comments hskdbekf

As for the punishment, aka Tsuna's dying, in the first place, two same self aren't suppose to meet each other. You know, like doppelganger rumor, in where if you meet your doppelganger, you'll die thing.

That's all.

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