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Tsuna hisses lightly as his head starts pounding and he had a very bad feeling. 'What's going to happen..?' Looking outside the window, he found himself staring. "...."

"What's wrong, Tsunayoshi?"

The brunet blinks as he returns back to his senses. Turning his face to the infant, he then give a smile. "Ah, good morning, Reborn." He turns back to face the kitchen, where he was still in the middle of making breakfast.

"Good morning to you too."

Grabbing a mug, Tsuna placed it below the coffee maker where he already brewed espresso for the baby. "Here you go." He placed the mug infront of Reborn before he went back to complete his dish.

Staring at the mug, Reborn voiced out. "Who are you really, Tsunayoshi?" He notice the brunet paused on his cooking, before promptly resuming again.

"I am Tsunayoshi. You can call me Tsuna since Tsunayoshi is too mouthful though." He responded. "If you're going to ask about my past, sadly I can't tell you either." He turns around, placing some plates to the table.

Reborn looks up at Tsuna. "Why?"

Tsuna gave a sad smile, "Because I don't remember either." Finishing up the plating, he grab his own mug and sips on it. "I do not remember anything. The earliest memory I have is when I was nine, when I found myself waking up over the Namimori park." He voiced out, eyes glistening.


"Honestly, I don't know. Mom, Nana who came across me took me in and in that moment I was adopted. She's a very kind-hearted mom." He smiles at the fond memory.

"I see."

Tsuna glanced at the clock, "It's time to wake Ie-kun up." He announces as he stood up.

Reborn then stops him, "I'll wake him up from now on." He exclaims.

"Really? I'll leave him in your care then!" Tsuna happily responded back and decided to pack lunches.




"The heir is at Japan?"

"It's Sawada's child."


"The Young Lion eh?"

"Speaking of that, in the end did anyone found the Young Lion's body?"

"Funny thing is no."

"Heh, wonder who managed to kill him."

"Who cares? We get the upper hand anyway."

"How's that guy tho?"

"He'll drop dead soon. We almost finished getting all of his flames."

"Who would've thought that his flames are so strong."

"With Vongola's heir's too, our plan might become success."

"Let's get the NIE project proceeds."




"Oh?" Tsuna hums as his eyes moved to the backyard, from where his seat he can see clearly. He can see his brother with Reborn and also a silverette. 'Hm? He looks.. familiar too..-'

A fit of coughs interrupts his trails of thought. Hiding his mouth with his palm, he hurried away from the window and ran to the bathroom, thankfully it's recess, and spat out blood.

'...why?' Wiping his mouth and trails of blood as he glares over the flowing water. 'It's getting worse.' He swallowed the rest of the copper taste and sighs.

Making sure there's no more blood trails, he turned off the water and sighs. 'Usually I wouldn't have an attack at school.. Is something wrong happening?' He looks at the mirror where he saw himself before turning around and went to the door.

'Reborn's appearance starts to cause disturbance-' He halted, eyes widening a bit. 'Disturbance? What disturbance?' Confused on his own words, he stayed still.


"Ow!" Tsuna fell on his butt as his face was hitted by the door.

"Woah!" The student who opened the door shouted out as he's also startled. "You extremely good?"

Rubbing his face, Tsuna groans lightly before waving his hand, "I'm good. It's not broken, I think." He told, pinching on his nose.

"That's extremely good! But just incase, go to the infirmary alright!!" Tsuna nodded, pulled to stand up by the white haired student. "Extremely sorry for hitting you!"

"It's okay it's okay." Tsuna continued to tell, "It's my own fault anyway." He sheepishly laughed. "I'll go to the infirmary then, see you, Onii-san."


As Tsuna walks away from the bathroom, to the infirmary as told, he just realise what he said. 'Wait, why did I call Sasagawa 'Onii-san'-?'

Looking upfront to the way, he chew on his lips, 'What's happening..?'




"Huh?" Tsuna's eyes flashed to a certain ravenette. "Take-kun?" He called out.

The ravenette, Takeshi blinks, "O-Oh! Tsuna-nii!" He stammered out, forcing a smile, "Hello!!"

"Is something wrong, Take-kun?" Tsuna asks, noticing how the usual cheerful ravenette to be down. "Are you alright?"

"I-It's nothing serious," Takeshi replies sheepishly.

The brunet frowns lightly, "To make you act like this, it's pretty serious for me." He voice out. "If you want, you can talk to me."

Takeshi looks down, "It's just.." He hessitated, unsure.

Tsuna placed a hand on his shoulder, "Take it easy, I'll wait." He softly told.

Takeshi nodded, "I.. Tsuna-nii knows I'm in the baseball team right?" The brunet nodded, "Well, lately, my exam scores.. It's going down because I've been too focused to baseball, I think?" He stammered out, "But even so, at the baseball too.. I'm getting rusty? I.. I don't know. I can't do anything well anymore..-"

"Ah." Tsuna hums, patting Takeshi's shoulder, "It's alright. If I'm not wrong, a match is near right? Have you been resting well?"

"B-But, a match is close! I can't afford to-"

"A rest is also essential. If you overwork yourself, your body can't keep up and it'll end up the opposite." Tsuna voice out. "As for exams and educations, it's probably because you missed the previous lectures so it'll be better if you start studying from the previous subjects."

Takeshi nodded uncertain.

"If you need help in studying, I can help and maybe Ie-kun too. Oh do you know? Ie-kun have a tutor now, what if we ask him to teach you too?" Tsuna clasped his hand happily.

"Wha- Is that okay?"

"Who knows? But better to ask right?" Tsuna gave a smile as he drags Takeshi to his house. "You can have dinner too with us, I'll tell Tsuyoshi-san!"

Takeshi cracked a smile, "Alright. Thanks, Tsuna-nii."

"No problem, Take-kun."


22 November 2021

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